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Huawei LS6W2PSD0500 Power Module is 500W DC power module for S6700-24-EI、S6700-48-EI Series
Huawei LS6W2PSD0500 Power Module Product Overview
Huawei LS6W2PSD0500 Power Module is 500W DC power module for S6700-24-EI、S6700-48-EI Series
The S6700 series of 10 Gigabit switches are the highest performance box switches in the industry, menyediakan 24/48 full wire speed 10 Antarmuka gigabit, while supporting rich business features, strategi pengendalian keamanan yang lengkap, rich QoS and other features, and can be used in data centers, server Access and campus network core.
The S6700 can provide up to 24/48 full-line speed 10 Antarmuka gigabit, enabling high-density access of 10 Server gigabit dan kepadatan tinggi 10 Gigabit aggregation of campus networks. Pada saat yang sama, S6700 mendukung fitur layanan yang kaya, comprehensive security control strategies, dan fitur QoS yang kaya untuk memenuhi skalabilitas pusat data, keandalan, pengelolaan, dan tantangan keamanan. Huawei S6700 series currently has two models, namely S6700-48-EI and S6700-24-EI, the following table is a detailed description of both.
Huawei LS6W2PSD0500 Power Module Product Pictures
Huawei LS6W2PSD0500 Power Module Product Specifications
Barang | Keterangan |
Merek | Huawei |
Nomor bagian | 02310JWV |
Model | LS6W2PSD0500 |
Ukuran (T x L x D) | 40 mmx 100 mmx 205 mm (1.6 di dalam. X 3.9 di dalam. X 8.1 di dalam.) |
Berat | 1 kg (2.20 pon) |
Rentang tegangan masukan terukur | -48 V DC ke -60 V DC |
Kisaran tegangan masukan maksimum | -38.4 V DC ke -72 V DC |
Masukan arus | 13 A |
Arus keluaran maksimum | 13 A |
Daya keluaran maksimum | 500 W |
Huawei LS6W2PSD0500 Power Module Product Features
- Pertukaran panas
- Perlindungan masukan
Input overcurrent and undervoltage protection is provided.
- Perlindungan keluaran
Output overvoltage and short-circuit protection is provided.
- Alarm function
Various alarms such as the alarm triggered when there is no power input and the alarm triggered when there is no power output are supported.
- Reversed connection protection
Perlindungan suhu berlebih
- Ketika suhu modul daya melebihi ambang batas yang ditentukan (75°C), modul daya berhenti menyuplai daya. Ketika suhu turun ke kisaran normal, modul daya secara otomatis melanjutkan catu daya.
Huawei LS6W2PSD0500 Power Module Product Panel
1. Menangani | 2. Indikator status daya | 3. DC socket | 4. Sekrup penahan |
Huawei LS6W2PSD0500 Power Module Product and More Power Unit
150Modul daya W AC (ES0W2PSA0150)
150Modul daya W DC (ES0W2PSD0150)
170Modul daya W AC (W0PSA1701)
170Modul daya W DC (ES5M0PSD1700)
260Modul catu daya W DC (PDC260S12-DL)
300Modul daya W AC (PAC300S12-CL)
350Modul daya W DC (PDC-350WA-B)
500Modul daya W DC (LS6W2PSD0500)
600Modul daya W AC (PAC-600WA-B)
600Modul daya W AC (PAC600S12-CB)
500Modul daya W AC (W0PSA5000)
580Modul Daya W AC PoE (W2PSA0580)
650Modul daya PoE DC (PDC-650WA-BE)
1000Modul daya W AC PoE (PAC1000D5412)
1000Modul daya W DC (PDC1000S12-DB)
1150Modul daya W AC PoE (W2PSA1150)
870Modul daya W PoE (LS5W2PSA0870, 15Modul penyearah)
Huawei LS6W2PSD0500 Power Module Product Applications
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