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GJFJV SX Tight Cable is made by evenly applying strands of Aramid yarns as the strength member over ф900μm or ф600μm tight buffer fibers and then is completed with PVC(LSZH) jacket.
GJFJV SX Tight Cable Product Overview
The structure of GJFJV dual-core optical cable is made of ф900μm or ф600μm tight sleeved optical fiber as the basic unit, and the multi-stranded aramid yarn or high-strength glass yarn that plays a strengthening role is evenly applied outside the tight sleeve optical fiber unit, and then extruded polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or low-smoke halogen-free flame retardant polyolefin (LSZH) outer sheath. GJFJV/H is used for the connection of communication devices. 0.9 bungkusnya yang rapat mudah terkelupas, benang aramid sebagai elemen penguat, sehingga kabel optik mempunyai kekuatan tarik yang sangat baik, struktur semua dielektrik non-logam melindunginya dari pengaruh elektromagnetik.
GJFJV SX Tight Cable Product Pictures
GJFJV SX Tight Cable Product Specifications
Diameter Kabel | 2.8±0,2 mm | 2.0±0,2 mm | 1.6±0,2 mm |
Berat Kabel | 6.9kg/km | 5.9kg/km | 4.0kg/km |
Diameter Serat Penyangga Ketat | 900±50μm | 900±50μm | 600±50μm |
ensile Strength | long-term | 80N | 60 | 50 |
jangka pendek | 150N | 120 | 100 | |
Resistensi Hancur | long-term | 100T/100mm | 100T/100mm | 100T/100mm |
jangka pendek | 500T/100mm | 500T/100mm | 500T/100mm | |
Radius Lentur | dinamis | 20XD | 20XD | 20XD |
Statis | 10XD | 10XD | 10XD |
G.652 | G.655 | 50/125m | 62.5/125m | ||
redaman | @850nm | ≤3.0dB/km | ≤3.0dB/km | ||
(+20℃) | @1300nm | ≤1.0dB/km | ≤1.0dB/km | ||
@1310nm | ≤0,36dB/km | — | |||
@1550nm | ≤0,22dB/km | ≤0,23dB/km | |||
lebar pita | @850 | ≥500MHZ·km | ≥500MHZ·km | ||
(Kelas A) | @1300 | ≥1000MHZ·km | ≥600MHZ·km | ||
Numerical aperture | 0.200±0,015NA | 0.275±0,015NA | |||
Panjang gelombang pemutusan kabel | ≤1260 nm | ≤1480nm |
GJFJV SX Tight Cable Product Features
- High-strength aramid yarn enhances the tensile strength of optical cable
- Serat optik berlengan ketat dengan diameter luar yang seragam dan kemampuan mengupas yang baik
- Performa stabil pada suhu tinggi dan rendah
- Ketahanan korosi bahan pelindung luar, tahan air, anti-ultraviolet, tahan api, perlindungan lingkungan dan keuntungan lainnya
GJFJV SX Tight Cable Product Applications
- Data communication
- Pembuatan linker optik
- Metode peletakan: poros dalam ruangan, kabel horisontal
- Simplex fiber optic active connection jumpers or pigtails
GJFJV SX Tight Cable And More Indoor Optical Cables
Tabung furkasi
300μm Buffer ketat
Serat Buffer Longgar
Serat Buffer Ketat
GJFV 2-24 Berwarna
GJFJV 2-24 Ketat
Angka 8 Kabel
GJFJV SX Tight Cable Product Topolgy
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