Huawei S1720-10GW-PWR-2P-E Switch

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Huawei S1720-10GW-PWR-2P-E Switch is a next-generation energy-saving Ethernet access switch with Downlink: 8 Ethernet 10/100/1000 portok, Uplink: 2 Gig SFP portok, PoE+ and AC power supply

Huawei S1720-10GW-PWR-2P-E Switch Product Overview

The switch is designed for small- és középvállalkozások, Internet kávézók, szállodák, és iskolák. It is very easy to install and maintain and come with diverse service features, segítve az ügyfeleket a biztonságos építkezésben, megbízható, high performance networks.

Depending on management types, S1700 series switches are classified into unmanaged switches, web-managed switches, and fully-managed switches.

  • Unmanaged switches are plug-and-play and do not require installation of any software. They have no configuration options and do not need subsequent management.
  • Web-managed switches can be managed and maintained through the web browser. They are easy to operate and have user-friendly Graphic User Interfaces (GUIs).
  • Fully-managed switches support various management and maintenance methods, such as web, SNMP, parancssori felület (supported by S1720GW-E, S1720GWR-E, and S1720X-E). They have user-friendly GUIs.

Huawei S1720-10GW-PWR-2P-E Switch Product Pictures

Huawei S1720-10GW-PWR-2P-E SwitchHuawei S1720-10GW-PWR-2P-E

Huawei S1720-10GW-PWR-2PHuawei S1720-10GW-PWR-2P-E

Huawei S1720-10GW-PWR-2P-E Switch Product Specifications

termék modell S1720-10GW-2P-E
Eszköz kezelés SNMP
Webrendszer hálózatkezelés (HTTPS)
DHCP kliens
User password protection
Egykulcsos restaurálás
CLI configuration (S1720GWE, S1720GWR-E, and S1720X-XWR-E series)
Kapcsolási kapacitás 68 Gbit/s S1720-28GWR-P/TP sorozat: 68 Gbit/s
S1720-28GWR-X sorozat: 168 Gbit/s
S1720-52GWR-P series: 336 Gbit/s
S1720-52GWR-X: 336 Gbit/s
680 Gbit/s
Továbbítási teljesítmény 15 Mps S1720-28GWR-P/TP sorozat: 42 Mps
S1720-28GWR-X sorozat: 96 Mps
S1720-52GWR-P series: 78 Mps
S1720-52GWR-X series: 132 Mps
S1720X-16XWR-E: 240 Mps
S1720X-32XWR-E: 252 Mps
Fix portok Lefelé irányuló kapcsolat: 8 x 10/100/1,000 Base-T elektromos csatlakozók
Uplink: 2 x 1,000 Base-X optikai portok
S1720-28GWR-P sorozat
Lefelé irányuló kapcsolat: 24 x 10/100/1,000 Base-T elektromos csatlakozók
Uplink: 4 x 1,000 Base-X optikai portok
S1720-28GWR-TP sorozat
Lefelé irányuló kapcsolat: 24 x 10/100/1,000 Base-T elektromos csatlakozók
Uplink: 4 x 1,000 Base-X optikai portok, 2 amelyek közül vannak 10/100/1,000 Base-T kombinált portok
S1720-28GWR-X sorozat
Lefelé irányuló kapcsolat: 24 x 10/100/1,000 Base-T elektromos csatlakozók
Uplink: 4 x 10G Base-X optikai portok
S1720-52GWR-P series
Lefelé irányuló kapcsolat: 48 x 10/100/1,000 Base-T elektromos csatlakozók
Uplink: 4 x 1,000 Base-X optikai portok
S1720-52GWR-X series
Lefelé irányuló kapcsolat: 48 x 10/100/1,000 Base-T elektromos csatlakozók
Uplink: 4 x 10G Base-X optikai portok
S1720X-32XWR-E: 32 x 10G Base-X optikai portok
jegyzet: These ports can be used for both upstream and downstream transmission.
VLAN funkciók 4K VLANs
Hozzáférési port
Csomagtartó port
Hibrid port
Menedzsment VLAN
IP-útválasztás IPv4 és IPv6 statikus útválasztás
NYUGODJ BÉKÉBEN, RIPng, and OSPF (S1720-E series)
Eszköz Remote Network Monitoring (RMON)
Maintenance Rendszernapló
Ping and traceroute
Virtuális kábelteszt (VCT)
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)

Huawei S1720-10GW-PWR-2P-E Switch Product Features

  • S1700 provides a range of security features, beleértve a 802.1x -et is, RADIUS, Portal and NAC. The S1700 also supports packet filtering based on MAC addresses or ports in ord er to defend against hackers and virus attacks.
  • S1700 provides LACP, STP, RSTP and MSTP functions to implement link aggregation and backup. Fully managed
  • S1720 switches support up to 64 MSTP instances for fl exible networking.
  • S1700/S1720 M AC address table supports up to 8K/16K of MAC addresses, making it easy to expand networks and deploy new services. The S1700 support layer 3 static routing forwarding which include IPv4 and IPv6 protocols.

Huawei S1720-10GW-PWR-2P-E Switch and More Models

Huawei S1720