
Huawei AirEngine 8761-X1 is a next-generation Wi-Fi 6 (802.11fejsze) access point with built-in Smart Antennas, delivering a rate of 5.95 Gbit/s.

Huawei AirEngine 8761-X1 Overview

This access point is free of uplink bandwidth bottlenecks. Such strengths make it fit for high-bandwidth services such as HD video streaming, multimedia, and desktop cloud, providing high-quality wireless services for enterprises. Ugyanabban az időben, AirEngine 8761-X1 can meet the growing demand of bandwidth-hungry video, increasing the numbers of Wi-Fi and IoT terminals, and support new use cases that demand multi-gigabit speeds like HD video and AR/VR applications. Built-in smart antennas enable always-on Wi-Fi signals for users, significantly enhancing userswireless experiences. Továbbá, the product supports WEP, WPA/WPA2-PSK, WPA3-SAE, WPA/WPA2-PPSK, WPA/WPA2/WPA3-802.1x, and WAPI authentication/encryption modes to ensure security of the wireless network. The authentication mechanism is used to authenticate user identities so that only authorized users can access network resources. The encryption mechanism is used to encrypt data transmitted over wireless links to ensure that the data can only be received and parsed by expected users.

Huawei AirEngine 8761-X1 Pictures

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Huawei AirEngine 8761-X1 Specifications

Modell AirEngine 8761-X1
Cikkszám 02355JRG
Leírás AirEngine8761-X1 mainframe (11fejsze, beltéri, 2.4G 4×4 + 5G 8×8 kettős zenekarok, intelligens antenna, 10GE+GE, USB, BLE)
Első támogatott verzió V200R022C10
Méretek ( H x Szé x Mé) 57 mm x 220 mm x 220 mm
Tápellátás DC: 43.2 V to 57.6 V
PoE tápegység: in compliance with IEEE 802.3at
Maximális energiafogyasztás 23.5 W (excluding USB)
jegyzet: The actual maximum power consumption depends on local laws and regulations.
A felhasználók maximális száma ≤ 1024
jegyzet: A felhasználók tényleges száma a környezettől függően változik.
Üzemi hőmérséklet –10°C to +50°C
Antenna típusa Beépített intelligens antennák
MIMO:Térbeli patakok 2.4 GHz: 4×4:4; 5 GHz: 8×8:8
Rádióprotokollok 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ac 2. hullám/ax
Maximum Rate 5.95 Gbit/s
Tárolási hőmérséklet [°C(°F)] –40 ° C - +70 ° C (–40 ° F - +158 ° F)
Hosszú távú működési relatív páratartalom [RH] 5% RH to 95% RH
Hosszú távú üzemi magasság [m(ft.)] –60 m +5000 m (–196,85 ft - +16404.20 ft)
Légköri nyomás [KPA] 53KPA – 106KPA ETSI 300 019-2-3
Föld Föld
IOT -nyílás Nem támogatott
Rádiószám 2

Huawei AirEngine 8761-X1 Features

  • Built-in dual-band co-planar Smart Antennas suppress interference automatically, double signal strength, and provide 20% greater coverage distance, realizing high-quality wireless coverage with zero blind spots
  • 1 x 10GE electrical port + 1 x GE electrical port, allowing on-demand uplink 10GE/GE selection and meeting the current and future bandwidth requirements.
  • Support smart application control technology and can implement visualized control on Layer 4 to Layer 7 application
  • Support WIDS/WIPS, and can monitor, identify, defend, counter, and perform refined management on the rogue devices, to provide security guarantees for air interface environment and wireless data transmission.

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Huawei AirEngine 8761-X1 Applications

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