
GYTS-110~120Xn Optic Cable is Stranded Loose Tube Light-armored Cable

GYTS-110~120Xn Optic Cable Product Overview

GYTS cable can be used in aerial, duct and direct-buried, while GYTA can be used in aerial cable and duct cable not in direct-buried cable.The S in GYTS refers to steel strip which can sustain large pulling force, the A in GYTA refers to Aluminum strip which has better anti-rust and moisture resistance than steel strip.
The structure of the GYTS fiber optic cable is that a 250μm optical fiber is sleeved into a loose tube made of high-modulus material, and the loose tube is filled with a waterproof compound. In the center of the core is a metal reinforcing core, and for some core cables, a layer of polyethylene (PE) is squeezed out of the metal reinforcing core. The loose tube (and filler rope) are twisted around the central reinforcing core to form a compact and rounded core, és a magon belüli réseket vízzáró töltelékkel töltjük ki. Double-sided plastic-coated steel tape (PSP) is longitudinally wrapped and extruded into a polyethylene sheath to form a cable.

GYTS-110~120Xn Optic Cable Product Pictures

GYTS-110~120Xn Optic Cable GYTS Light-armored cable ycictGYTS-110~120Xn Optic Cable GYTS Light-armored optic cable ycict

GYTS-110~120Xn Optic Cable price and specs ycictGYTS-110~120Xn Optic Cable GYTS fiber cable ycict

GYTS-110~120Xn Optic Cable Product Specifications

Fiber Optic Cable Model (in 2-fiber increments) Number of fibers Number of casings Number of fill ropes Reference cable weight
Tensile force is allowed
Allowable squashing force
Hajlítási sugár
GYTS-2~6Xn 2~6 1 4 96 600/1500 300/1000 10D/20D
GYTS-8~12Xn 8~12 2 3 96
GYTS-14~18Xn 14~18 3 2 96
GYTS-20~24Xn 20~24 4 1 96
GYTS-26~30Xn 26~30 5 0 96
GYTS-32~36Xn 32~36 6 0 105
GYTS-38~48Xn 38~48 4 1 111
GYTS-50~60Xn 50~60 5 0 111
GYTS-62~72Xn 62~72 6 0 138
GYTS-74~84Xn 74~84 7 1 168
GYTS-86~96Xn 86~96 8 0 168
GYTS-98~108Xn 98~108 9 1 195
GYTS-110~120Xn 110~120 10 0 195
GYTS-122~132Xn 122~132 11 1 228
GYTS-134~144Xn 134~144 12 0 228
GYTS-146~216Xn 146~216 13~18 5~0 228
GYTS-288Xn 288 24 0 283
Száltípus attenuation (+20℃) sávszélesség Numerikus rekesznyílás Fiber optic cable cut-off wavelength
@ 850 nm @1300nm @ 1310 nm @ 1550 nm @ 850 nm @1300nm
G.652 ≤0,36 dB/km ≤0,22 dB/km ≤1260 nm
G.655 ≤0.40dB/km ≤0,23 dB/km ≤1450nm
50/125µm ≤3,0 dB/km ≤1,0 dB/km ≥500MHz·km ≥500MHz·km 0.200±0.015 NA
62.5/125µm ≤3.3dB/km ≤1,0 dB/km ≥200MHz·km ≥500MHz·km 0.275±0.015 NA

GYTS-110~120Xn Optic Cable Product Features

  • It has very good mechanical properties and temperature characteristics
  • Maga a laza csőanyag jó hidrolízisállósággal és nagy szilárdsággal rendelkezik
  • The tube is filled with a special ointment to protect the optical fiber
  • The specially designed tight cable structure effectively prevents the casing from retracting
  • Good compression resistance and softness
  • The PE sheath has very good resistance to UV radiation
  • The following measures are taken to ensure the waterproof performance of the fiber optic cable
    • Single wire center reinforcing core
    • The loose tube is filled with a special waterproofing compound
    • Full core filling
    • Double-sided plastic-coated steel tape armor

GYTS-110~120Xn Optic Cable Product And More Optic Cables

  • Könnyű páncélozott kábel (GYXTW)
  • Beltéri/kültéri egységcsöves nem fém mikrokábel (VADÁSZGÉP)
  • Unitube nem páncélozott kábel (GYXY)
  • Unitube nem fém, nem páncélozott kábel (GYFXY)
  • KÉT FRP antennaszálas optikai kábel (AZ ÉLETEM)
  • Sodrott laza cső, nem páncélozott kábel (GYTA)
  • Sodrott laza csöves, könnyű páncélozott kábel (GYTS)
  • Sodrott laza csöves páncélozott kábel (GYTY53)
  • Sodrott, laza csöves páncélozott kábel (GYTA53)
  • Nem fém szilárdságú tag, nem páncélozott kábel (GYFTY)
  • Nem fém szilárdságú tag Nem páncélozott kábel(EGYÜTT)
  • Nem fém erősségű páncélozott kábel (GYFTY53)
  • Nem fém szilárdságú tag páncélozott kábel (GYFTA53)
  • Ábra 8 Kábel (GYXTC8S)
  • Ábra 8 Kábel ( GYFTC8S)
  • Ábra 8 Kábel (GYTC8A)
  • Ábra 8 Kábel (GYTC8S)
  • Minden dielektromos önhordó antennakábel (ADSS)

GYTS-110~120Xn Optic Cable Product Applications

  • Alkalmazás: csővezeték, overhead, direct burial
  • Long-distance communication and Local communication
  • Especially suitable for occasions with high requirements for moisture-proof and rodent-proof

GYTS-110~120Xn Optic Cable Product Structure

GYTS-20~24Xn Optic Cable Structure

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