
GYTC8S ábra 8 Cable is Self-supporting GYTC8S 2-24 core fiber optic complying with Standard YD/T 1155-2001 as well as IEC 60794-1.

GYTC8S ábra 8 Cable Product Overview

It is a typical self supporting outdoor fiber optic cable with features of moisture resistance and crush resistance suitable for aerial application. The structure of the GYTC8S fiber optic cable is a 250μm optical fiber sheathed into a loose tube made of high-modulus material, which is filled with a waterproof compound. The center of the cable core is a metal reinforcement core (which can also be non-metallic, such as FRP, stb.), and the loose tube (and filler rope) is twisted around the center reinforcement core to form a compact round cable core. In the form of longitudinal wrapping, a layer of plastic-coated aluminum strip (APL) is added to the sheath outside the cable core, and finally the polyethylene sheath is extruded with the steel strands to make its cross-section “8” shape.

GYTC8S ábra 8 Cable Product Pictures

GYTC8S ábra 8 Cable Figure 8 Cable ycictGYTC8S ábra 8 Cable price and specs ycict

GYTC8S ábra 8 Cable outdoor optical cable ycictGYTC8S Outdoor Optical Cable ycict

GYTC8S ábra 8 Cable Product Specifications

G.652 G.655 50/125μm 62.5/125μm
Csillapítás (+20℃) @ 850 nm ≤3,0 dB/km ≤3,0 dB/km
@1300nm ≤1,0 dB/km ≤1,0 dB/km
@ 1310 nm ≤0,36 dB/km ≤0,40 dB/km
@ 1550 nm ≤0,22 dB/km ≤0,23 dB/km
Sávszélesség (A osztály) @ 850 nm ≥500 MHz·km ≥200 MHz·km
@1300nm ≥1000 MHz·km ≥600 MHz·km
Numerikus rekesznyílás 0.200±0,015NA 0.275±0,015NA
Kábel levágási hullámhossz ≤1260 nm ≤1480 nm
Cable Count Out sheath
Súly (kg) Minimum allowable Tensile Strength(N) Short term Long term Minimum allowable Crush Load (N/100nm) Short term Long term Minimum Bending Radius(MM) Short term Long term Tárolás
6 3.0*9.8 54 1000 200 1000 200 20D 10D 20
12 3.0*9.8 54 1000 200 1000 200 20D 10D 20
24 7.0*14.5 210 3000 1000 3000 1000 20D 10D 20
36 7.0*14.5 210 3000 1000 3000 1000 20D 10D 20
42 7.0*14.5 210 3000 1000 3000 1000 20D 10D 20
48 7.0*15.5 210 3000 1000 3000 1000 20D 10D 20
72 7.0*15.5 245 3000 1000 3000 1000 20D 10D 20
144 7.0*15.5 285 3000 1000 3000 1000 20D 10D 20

GYTC8S ábra 8 Cable Product Features

  • Steel wire stranded wire has extremely high tensile strength, which is convenient for self-supporting overhead laying and reduces installation costs
  • Jó mechanikai tulajdonságokkal és hőmérsékleti jellemzőkkel rendelkezik
  • The loose tube material itself has good water resistance and high strength
  • A tubus speciális kenőccsel van megtöltve, which provides critical protection for the optical fiber
  • The following measures are adopted to ensure the waterproof performance of the optical cable
  • A laza cső speciális vízálló anyaggal van feltöltve
  • Full section filling of cable core
  • Kétoldalas műanyag bevonatú acélszalag (PSP) nedvességálló réteg

GYTC8S ábra 8 Cable Product and More Cables

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Ábra 8 Kábel (GYXTC8S)

Ábra 8 Kábel ( GYFTC8S)

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Ábra 8 Kábel (GYTC8S)

Minden dielektromos önhordó antennakábel (ADSS)

GYTC8S ábra 8 Cable Product Applications

GYXTC8S Cable specs fiber cable ycict

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