
GYFFY Fiber Optic Cable is TWO FRP Aerial Fiber Optic Cable (AZ ÉLETEM) according to YD/T 901-2018、GB/T13993IECA-596GR-409IEC794 and so on standard

GYFFY price and specs ycict

GYFFY Fiber Optic Cable Product Overview

GYFFY Fiber Optic Cable structure is to put a 250μm optical fénber into a loose tube made of héngh-modulus material, and the loose tube is fénlled wénth a waterproof complex. The loose tube is supplemented with water-blocking material to ensure that the optical cable longitudinally blocks water, and two parallel glass fiber reénnforced plastic (FRP) are placed on both sides and then extruded into a polyethylene sheathed cable.

Fiber optic transmission is based on the principle that the available lénght is fully reflected at the interface of the two media. Mutant optical fénber, n1 is the refractive index of the core medium, n2 is the refractive index of the cladding medium, n1 éns greater than n2, the incidence angle of the light entering the fiber core reaches the interface between the core and the cladding layer (referred to as the core-package interface) when it éns greater than the critical angle θc of total reflection, nak nektal reflection can occur wénthout light energy through the fiber core, and the incident lénght can be transmitted forward through countless total reflections at the interface.

When the fiber is bent, the interface normal turns, and the angle of incidence is small, so the angle of incidence of a part of the lénght becomes less than θc and cannot be fully reflected. However, those rays wénth a large angle of énncidence can still be fully reflected, így the fénber bending ténme can still be transmitted, but it wénll cause energy loss. Generally, when the bending radius is greater than 50~100 mm, énts loss is negligible. Small bends can cause serious “microbending losses”.

GYFFY Fiber Optic Cable Product Pictures

GYFFY GYFFY Fiber Optic Cable price and specs ycictGYFFY Fiber Optic Cable price and specs optic fiber ycict

GYFFY Fiber Optic Cable drop cable ycictJET Micro Cable Indoor/outdoor unitube non-metallic micro cable ycict

GYFFY Fiber Optic Cable Specifications

G.652 G.655 50/125μm 62.5/125μm
Atenuation (+20℃) @ 850 nm ≤3,0 dB/km ≤3,0 dB/km
@1300nm ≤1,0 dB/km ≤1,0 dB/km
@ 1310 nm ≤0,36 dB/km
@ 1550 nm ≤0,22 dB/km ≤0,23 dB/km
Sávszélesség @850 ≥200MHZ·km ≥200MHZ·km
(Class A) @1300 ≥500MHZ·km ≥500MHZ·km
Numerikus rekesznyílás 0.200±0,015NA 0.275±0,015NA
Cable cut-off wavelength ≤1260 nm ≤1480 nm
Cable Core Mértékegység 2F 4F 6F 8F 10F 12F
Nem. Of Tubes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Nem. Of fibers mag 2 4 6 9 10 12
Fiber Counts in tube mag 2 4 6 9 10 12
Kábelátmérő mm 6.6±0.5 6.8±0.5
Cable Weight Kg/km 40±10 45±10
Allowable tensile Strength N Span=80,1.5*P
Allowable crush resistance N 1000N
Működési hőmérséklet -20℃ to +65℃

GYFFY Fiber Optic Cable Product Features

  • Small Size and Ligth Weight
  • Two FRP as strength member to provide good tensile performance
  • Gel Filled or gel free , good waterproof performance
  • Low price ,high fiber capacity
  • applicable for short span aerial and duct installation
  • Eliminates the need for expensive cable shielding and grounding
  • Uses simple attachment hardware (no preinstalled messenger)
  • Outstanding cable performance and stability

GYFFY Fiber Optic Cable and More Related Cables

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Ábra 8 Kábel ( GYFTC8S)

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GYFFY Fiber Optic Cable Product Applications

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