Huawei S5730-68C-PWR-SI-AC Switch

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Huawei S5730-68C-PWR-SI-AC Switch is a Standard Gigabit Ethernet Switch with 48*10/100/1000 Ethernet pò, 4 10GE SFP+ ports PoE+ and One 500 W AC power supply equipped by default

Huawei S5730-68C-PWR-SI-AC Switch Product Overview

it is a next-generation standard gigabit Layer 3 Ethernet switch with forwarding performance: 240 Mpps ak kapasite pou chanje: 680 Gbit/s. It can be used as access or aggregation switches on a campus network or as access switches in a data center. S5730-SI builds on next-generation high performing hardware and the Huawei Versatile Routing Platform (VRP). This model supports simplified operations and maintenance (O&M), intelligent stack (iStack), ak rezo Ethernet fleksib. In addition to traditional STP, RSTP, and MSTP, S5730-68C-PWR-SI-AC supports Huawei-developed Smart Ethernet Protection (SEP) Teknoloji ak dènye Ethernet Ring Pwoteksyon oblije chanje (ERPS) estanda. SEP se yon pwotokòl pwotokòl bag espesifik nan kouch nan lyen Ethernet, epi li aplike nan divès topoloji rezo bag, tankou topoloji bag louvri, topoloji bag fèmen, ak topoloji bag kaskad.

Huawei S5730-68C-PWR-SI-AC Switch Product Pictures

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Huawei S5730-68C-PWR-SI-AC Switch Product Specifications

Modèl S5730-68C-PWR-SI-AC
Chanje Kapasite 680 Gbit/s
Transmisyon pèfòmans 240 Mp
Pò fiks yo 48 x 10/100/1,000 Baz-T, 4 x 10 Gigabit SFP+
Fant pwolonje One extended slot that supports an interface card: 4 x 40 GE QSFP+ interface card
Tablo Adrès MAC 32K
MAC adrès aprantisaj ak aje
Estatik, dinamik, ak blackhole MAC antre adrès
Filtrage pake ki baze sou adrès MAC sous
Karakteristik VLAN 4,094 VLAN yo
Plasman VLAN ki baze sou adrès MAC, pwotokòl, Sou-rezo IP, politik, ak pò
1:1 ak N:1 VLAN kat
IP routage Wout estatik, RIPv1/v2, RIPng, OSPF, OSPFv3, ECMP, IS-IS, IS-ISv6, BGP, BGP4+, VRRP, ak vrrp6
Entèoperabilite VLAN ki baze sou Spanning Tree (VBST) (entèoperasyon ak PVST, PVST+, ak RPVST)
Pwotokòl negosyasyon ki kalite lyen (LNP) (menm jan ak DTP)
Pwotokòl Jesyon Santral VLAN (VCMP) (menm jan ak VTP)

Huawei S5730-68C-PWR-SI-AC Switch Product Features

  • Provide a series of mechanisms to defend against DoS and user-targeted attacks. Atak DoS yo vize sou switch epi yo enkli inondasyon SYN, Tè, Chapron, ak atak inondasyon ICMP. Atak ki vize itilizatè yo gen ladan atak sèvè DHCP fo, IP/MAC adrès spoofing, DHCP demann inondasyon, ak chanjman nan valè a dhcp chaddr.
  • Set up and maintains a DHCP snooping binding table, epi jete pake ki pa koresponn ak tab yo. Ou ka presize pò DHCP snooping ak pò untrusted asire ke itilizatè konekte sèlman nan sèvè a DHCP otorize.
  • Sipòte koule echantiyon an (sFlow) fonksyon. Li itilize yon metòd ki defini nan estanda sFlow pou echantiyon trafik ki pase ladan l epi voye echantiyon trafik bay pèseptè a an tan reyèl.. Statistik trafik kolekte yo itilize pou jenere rapò estatistik, ede antrepriz kenbe rezo yo.
  • Equipped with two removable power supplies that can work in 1+1 mòd backup redondance. Mixed installation of AC and DC power supplies is supported, allowing for flexible configuration of AC and DC power supplies according to service requirements.

Huawei S5730-68C-PWR-SI-AC Switch and More Models


Huawei S5730-68C-PWR-SI-AC Switch Product Applications

Huawei CloudEngine S5731-H48HB4XZ Chanje pri ak karakteristik yo

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