
Huawei S5701-28X-LI-AC Switch is a simplified Gigabit Ethernet Switch with 24*10 100 1000Base-T Ethernet pò, 4 10G SFP+, AC ekipman pou pouvwa

Huawei S5701-28X-LI-AC Switch Product Overview

Huawei S5701-28X-LI-AC Switch is a simplified Gigabit Ethernet Switch with 24*10 100 1000Base-T Ethernet pò, 4 10G SFP+, AC ekipman pou pouvwa. The Switch is a next-generation energy-saving gigabit Layer 2 Ethernet switch and offers flexible GE access ports and extensive services. Anplis, S5701-28X-LI-AC provides multiple security measures to defend against Denial of Service (Nan la) atak, as well as attacks against networks or users. DoS attack types include SYN Flood attacks, Land attacks, Smurf attacks, and ICMP Flood attacks. Attacks to networks refer to STP BPDU/root attacks. Attacks to users include bogus DHCP server attacks, atak moun nan mitan an, Atak spoofing IP/MAC, ak DHCP mande atak inondasyon. Atak DoS ki chanje jaden CHADDR nan pake DHCP yo tou se atak kont itilizatè yo. Se poutèt sa, Huawei Huawei S5701-28X-LI-AC Switch provides customers with a green, fasil pou jere, fasil-a-agrandi, ak pri-efikas gigabit nan solisyon an Desktop.

Huawei S5701-28X-LI-AC Switch Product Pictures

Huawei S5701-28X-LI-AC SwitchHuawei S5700-10P-LI-AC

Huawei S5700-10P-LI-AC ycictHuawei S5735S-S24T4X-A ycict

Huawei S5701-28X-LI-AC Switch Product Specifications

Atik Deskripsyon
Mak Huawei
Modèl S5701-28X-LI-AC
Nimewo pati 2357675
Port 24*10 100 1000Base-T Ethernet pò 4 10G SFP + AC ekipman pou pouvwa
memwa (RAM) 256 MB
Flash 200 MB
Tan vle di ant echèk (MTBF) 70.32 ane
Tan vle di pou fè reparasyon pou (MTTR) 2 èdtan
Disponibilite > 0.99999
Sèvis pwoteksyon vag pò Mòd komen: ± 6 kV
Pwoteksyon vag ekipman pou pouvwa ± 6 kV nan mòd diferans, ± 6 kV nan mòd komen
Dimansyon (H x W x P) 43.6 mm x 442.0 mm x 220.0 mm (1.72 nan. x 17.4 nan. x 8.7 nan.)
Pwa (ak anbalaj) 3 KG (11.02 lb)
Pile pò Four uplink 10GE SFP+ ports
RTC Sipòte
RPS Sipòte
PoE Pa sipòte
Ranje vòltaj nominal 100 V AC pou 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Ranje vòltaj maksimòm 90 V AC pou 264 V AC, 47 Hz pou 63 Hz
Maksimòm konsomasyon pouvwa (100% debi, vitès plen fanatik yo) 41 W
Tanperati opere 0°C a 50 °C (32°F rive 122 °F) nan yon altitid de 0-1800 m (0-5906 ft.)
Tanperati depo -40°C a +70 °C (-40°F rive +158 °F)
Bri anba tanperati nòmal (27°C, pouvwa son) < 45.8 dB(A)
Imidite relatif 5% pou 95%, san kondansasyon
Operasyon altitid 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.)
Konsomasyon pouvwa tipik (30% nan chaj trafik)
Teste dapre ATIS Creole
Eee pèmèt
Pa gen konsomasyon pouvwa Poe
29.7 W
Sètifikasyon Sètifikasyon EMC
Sètifikasyon sekirite
Sètifikasyon fabrikasyon

Huawei S5701-28X-LI-AC Switch Product Features

  • Providing multiple security measures to defend against Denial of Service (Nan la) atak, as well as attacks against networks or users. DoS attack types include SYN Flood attacks, Land attacks, Smurf attacks, and ICMP Flood attacks. Attacks to networks refer to STP BPDU/root attacks. Attacks to users include bogus DHCP server attacks, atak moun nan mitan an, Atak spoofing IP/MAC, ak DHCP mande atak inondasyon. Atak DoS ki chanje jaden CHADDR nan pake DHCP yo tou se atak kont itilizatè yo.
  • Supporting DHCP snooping, which discards invalid packets that do not match any binding entries, tankou pake spoofing ARP ak pake spoofing IP. This prevents hackers from using ARP packets to initiate man-in-the-middle attacks on campus networks. The interface connected to a DHCP server can be configured as a trusted interface to protect the system against bogus DHCP server attacks.
  • Sipòte aprantisaj ARP strik, ki anpeche atak ARP spoofing ki echape antre ARP. Li bay tou chèk sous IP pou anpeche atak DoS ki te koze pa spoofing adrès MAC, Falon adrès IP, ak spoofing MAC/IP.
  • Sipòte otantifikasyon adrès MAC santralize, 802.1x otantifikasyon, ak NAC. Li otantifye itilizatè yo ki baze sou enfòmasyon itilizatè statik oswa dinamik, tankou non itilizatè a, adrès IP, adrès MAC, ID VLAN, koòdone aksè, ak drapo ki endike si lojisyèl antivirus enstale. VLAN yo, Règleman QoS, ak ACL yo ka dinamik aplike nan itilizatè yo.

Huawei S5701-28X-LI-AC Switch and More Models

S5700-10P-LI-AC: 8*10/100/1000Pò baz-T, 2 1000Pò baz-X SFP

S5700-10P-PWR-LI-AC: 8*10/100/1000Pò baz-T, 2 1000Base-X SFP pò PoE+

S5700-28P-LI-AC: 24*10/100/1000Pò baz-T ak 4 1000Baz-• X SFP pò

S5700-28P-LI-DC: 24*10/100/1000Pò baz-T ak 4 1000Baz-• X SFP pò

S5700-28P-PWR-LI-AC: 24* 10/100/1000 Pò Base-T ak 4 * 1000Base-X pò PoE +

S5700-52P-LI-AC: 48*10/100/1000 Pò baz-T ak 4 * 1000Base-X pò AC Power

S5700-52P-LI-DC: 48*10/100/1000 Pò baz-T ak 4 * 1000Base-X pò DC Power

S5700-52P-PWR-LI-AC: 48*10/100/1000 Pò baz-T ak 4 * 1000Base-X pò PoE + AC Power

S5700-28TP-LI-AC: 26*10/100/1000 Pò baz-T, 2 nan yo se doub-purpose10/100/1000 oswa pò SFP, 2*1000Base-X pò AC Power

S5700-28TP-PWR-LI-AC: 26*10/100/1000 Pò baz-T, 2 nan yo ki gen doub bi 10/100/1000 oswa pò SFP, 2 1000Base-X pò POE+

S5701-28TP-PWR-LI-AC: 26*10/100/1000 Pò baz-T, 2 nan yo ki gen doub bi 10/100/1000 oswa pò SFP, 2*1000Base-X pò POE + AC Power

S5700-28X-LI-AC: 24*10/100/1000Pò baz-T ak 4 10Pò GE SFP+ (10GE/GE oto-deteksyon) AC pouvwa

S5700-28X-LI-DC: 24*10/100/1000Pò baz-T ak 4 10Pò GE SFP+ (10GE/GE oto-deteksyon) DC pouvwa

Huawei S5700-28X-PWR-LI-AC switch: 24 10/100/1000 Pò baz-T ak 4 10Pò GE SFP+ (10GE/GE oto-deteksyon) AC pouvwa

S5700-28X-LI-24S-AC: 24*100/1000 Baz-X,4 nan yo ki gen doub bi 10/100/1000 oswa SFP,4 10 Gig SFP+ (10GE/GE oto-deteksyon)

S5700-28X-LI-24S-DC: 24*100/1000 Baz-X,4 nan yo se doub-purpose10/100/1000 oswa SFP,4 10 Gig SFP+ (10GE/GE oto-deteksyon) DC pouvwa

S5701-28X-LI-AC: 24*10 100 1000Base-T Ethernet pò 4 10G SFP + AC ekipman pou pouvwa

S5701-28X-LI-24S-AC: 24*GE SFP pò 4 * Combo 10/100/1,000 Base-T Ethernet pò 4*10 GE SFP + pò AC Power

S5700-52X-LI-AC: 48*10/100/1000Pò baz-T ak 4 10Pò GE SFP+ (10GE/GE oto-deteksyon) AC pouvwa

S5700-52X-LI-DC: 48*10/100/1000Pò baz-T ak 4 10Pò GE SFP+ (10GE/GE oto-deteksyon) DC pouvwa

S5700-52X-PWR-LI-AC: 48*10/100/1000Pò baz-T ak 4 * 10GE SFP + pò (10GE/GE oto-deteksyon) AC pouvwa

S5700-52X-LI-48CS-AC: 48*GE CSFP pò oswa 24 *Pò GE SFP, 4* Combo 10/100/1,000 Base-T Ethernet pò, 4*10 GE SFP + pò AC Power.

Huawei S5701-28X-LI-AC Switch Product Applications

Huawei S5735-L48T4X-A1 Switch Product Applications

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