
Huawei NE40E-X8 Router is a high-end network product launched by Huawei. This model is mainly used in enterprise WAN core nodes, gwo nœuds aksè antrepriz, campus interconnection & convergence nodes and other edge locations of large IDC networks. The aggregation router products cooperate with networking to form a complete structure and clear-layer IP network solution.

Modèl Chanje Kapasite Transmisyon pèfòmans Fant MPU Fant SFU LPU Fant Dimansyon (H x W x P) Maksimòm konsomasyon pouvwa Pwa nan Konfigirasyon konplè
NetEngine40E-X8 7.08 Tbit/s 2880 Mp 2 3 8 620 x 442 x 650 mm (14 U) 2340 W (120G) 4100 W (240G) 119 KG (120G) 136 KG (240G)

Huawei NE40E-X8 Router Product Overview

Huawei NetEngine40E-X8 Router adopts Huawei’s self-developed Solar series NP chip, based on CLOS distributed multi-level switching architecture, adopts distributed hardware forwarding and non-blocking switching technology, has good wire-speed forwarding performance, excellent scalability, Pafè mekanis QoS ak kapasite pwosesis biznis pwisan. Huawei NetEngine40E-X8 routeur ki baze sou dènye platfòm la évolutive 2T 2T. Chak plas bay yon maksimòm de 2T kat routage liy, ki konpatib ak kat liy rezo ki egziste deja, ki pwoteje kliyan yo’ envestisman nan limit ki pi gran. NetEngine40E gen kapasite aksè fò dirèksyon. Se poutèt sa, Huawei NetEngine40E-X8 routeur ka fleksibl aplike nan bor yo ak am nan IP / Rezo MPLS. Li ka senplifye estrikti rezo a, Bay yon richès nan kalite sèvis ak bon jan kalite sèvis serye. Li se yon IP / Rezo pote mpls ki se bande, an sekirite, biznis-oryante ak entelijan yon sous enpòtan nan devlopman.

Huawei ne40e-x8 foto pwodwi routeur

Huawei netengine40e-x8 routeur ycict nouvo ak orijinal huawei ne40e routeurHuawei netengine40e-x8 routeur huawei ne40 routeur ycict huawei ne routeur nouvo ak orijinal

Huawei NE40E-X16A Routeur YCICT NE40 X16AHuawei NE40E-X16A Routeur YCICT NE40 ROUTER PRIX

Huawei NE40E-X8 Espesifikasyon pwodwi routeur

Paramèt NetEngine40E-X16A NetEngine40E-X16 NetEngine40E-X8A NetEngine40E-X8 NetEngine40E-X3A NetEngine40E-X3
Chanje Kapasite 81.92 Tbit/s 12.58 Tbit/s 51.2 Tbit/s 7.08 Tbit/s 2.76 Tbit/s 1.08 Tbit/s
Transmisyon pèfòmans 14,464 Mp 5760 Mp 7232 Mp 2880 Mp 1071 Mp 540 Mp
Fant MPU 2 2 2 2 2 2
Fant SFU 4 4 4 3 / /
LPU Fant 16 16 8 8 3 3
Dimansyon (H x W x P) 1778 x 442 x 650 mm (40 U) 1420 x 442 x 650 mm (32 U) 930 x 442 x 650 mm (21 U) 620 x 442 x 650 mm (14 U) 264 x 442 x 664 mm (6 U) 175 x 442 x 650 mm (DC 4 U)
220 x 442 x 650 mm (AC 5 U)
Maksimòm konsomasyon pouvwa 9040 W (480G) 4610 W (120G) 4770 W (480G) 2340 W (120G) 600 W (200G) 920 W (DC)
7970 W (240G) 4100 W (240G) 1070 W (AC)
Pwa nan Konfigirasyon konplè 356 KG (480G) 246 KG (120G) 186 KG (480G) 119 KG (120G) 75 KG (200G) 42 KG (DC)
279 KG (240G) 136 KG (240G) 52 KG (AC)

Huawei NE40E-X8 karakteristik pwodwi routeur

Kapasite SDN komèsyal ki disponib

Huawei NetEngine40E-X8 routeur ki baze sou Innovative SDN Achitèk Design la, ki ka rezoud pwoblèm ki rezo tradisyonèl pa ka konplètman rezoud, tankou inegal chaj trafik rezo, Itilizasyon ba Pleasant, ak rekalkilou rezo topoloji ki afekte efikasite rezo dirèksyon. Solisyon routeur atomik ki baze sou achitekti SDN, Sipòte teknoloji OAM tankou RFC2544, IP FPM, TWAMP, Y.1731, elatriye., Pou reyalize mezi an tan reyèl nan bon jan kalite sèvis ak rapid fay kote routeur atomik se pi piti routeur endistri a ki baze sou Huawei a pwòp tèt ou-devlope inovasyon chip chip Huawei a.

Karakteristik Comprehensive Virtualization

Huawei NetEngine40E-X8 Routeur sipòte plizyè karakteristik Virtualization, ki gen ladan:

Yon milti-vityèl yon sèl gwoup vityèl virtualize routeurs miltip nan yon sèl routeur lojik, diminye kantite eleman rezo ak efikasman diminye operasyon rezo ak depans antretyen. Yon sèl routeur vityèl, ki virtualize yon sèl routeur nan plizyè routeurs lojik, Izole resous ant routeurs lojik, asire ke resous yo okipe pa sèvis yo serye.

Konsèp konsepsyon vèt

NetEngine40E adopte pwòp tèt ou-devlope konsepsyon chip solè, ki se serye ak an sekirite, Sipòte alokasyon dinamik ak jesyon nan resous milti-nwayo NP, Otomatikman fèmen pò redondants oswa rès, otobis, Chips ak lòt resous, ak konbine règleman frekans dinamik ak teknoloji entelijan vitès fanatik fanatik anpil diminye konsomasyon pouvwa a nan aparèy la se mwens pase 1W pou chak g.

Huawei ne40e-x8 routeur kòmande info

Nimewo BOM Non lòd Deskripsyon
02350Reh Cr5p08basd79 NE40E-X8 konfigirasyon debaz (Ki gen ladan ne40e-x8
Chasi, 2+1 Redondants 200g sru/sfu, 4 DC
Pouvwa, san chaj lojisyèl ak dokiman)
02350Fè Cr5p08basa75 NE40E-X8 konfigirasyon debaz (Ki gen ladan ne40e-x8 chasi, 2+1 Redondants 200g sru/sfu,4 AC pouvwa, san chaj lojisyèl ak dokiman)
2351930 Cr5b0bkp0870 NE40E-X8 entegre konpozan chasi
(Ki gen ladan 4 DC pouvwa)
3057054 Cr5d0srub570 Chanje ak wout pwosesis inite B5
3053548 Cr5dsfuie07c 200Gbps Switch Fabric Unit C(SFUI-200-C)
02351Afj Cr5p08basa7h NE40E-X8 konfigirasyon debaz (Ki gen ladan ne40e-x8
Chasi, 2+1 Redondants 200g sru/sfu,4 AC
Pouvwa(Pouvwa kòd kab), san lojisyèl
Chaje ak dokiman)

Huawei NE40E-X8 aplikasyon pou pwodwi routeur

Routeur Huawei NE40E-X8A YCICT Routeur Huawei NE40E-X8A PRIX Routeur Huawei NE40E-X8A SPECIFICATIONS NOUVO AK ORIJYEN