
Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 is a compact and low-density box-shaped OLT providing passive optical LAN (POL) and multiple fiber to the home (FTTH) solutions

Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 Product Overview

Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 is a compact and low-density box-shaped OLT. The product provides GPON access, and supports passive optical LAN (POL) fiber to the home (FTTH) solutions. An menm tan, Li pote tout sèvis sou yon rezo fib, simplifying network architecture and reducing OPEX. Since it is a box-shaped OLT. It houses integrated control and service module, 1 pluggable fan module and 2 pluggable power modules. Its mounting ears are applicable to IEC specifications and ETSI specifications, epi yo itilize nan manto oswa kabinèt espesifikasyon diferan.

Foto pwodwi Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2

Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 ycictHuawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 olt ycict

Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 olt pri ak spesifikasyon ycictHuawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 olt pri ycict

Espesifikasyon pwodwi Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2

Atik Deskripsyon
Mak Huawei
Modèl EA5801E-GP08-H2
Maksimòm pwa konplètman chaje 5 KG
Mòd ekipman pou pouvwa l DC power supply (doub backup)
l AC power supply (doub backup)
Ranje vòltaj travay l DC power supply: –38.4 V rive –72 V
l AC power supply: 100 V pou 240 V
Rated vòltaj l DC power supply: –48V/–60V
l AC power supply: 110 V/220V
Maksimòm opinyon aktyèl l DC power supply: 6 A
l AC power supply: 2.5 A
Tanperati anbyen -40 ° C a + 65 ° C
Aparèy la ka kòmanse nan yon tanperati ki pi ba nan -25 ° C.
Imidite anbyen 5%-95% RH
Presyon atmosferik 70-106 kPa
Kapasite pou chanje sistèm 110 Gbit/s
adrès MAC 32768
Aksè ONT 256
Tablo routage IPv4 8192
IPv6 routage tab 4096
Tablo ARP 16384
Bit erè pousantaj (BER) nan chaj plen Yon BER ki pi piti pase 10 e-10 pou yon pò ki transmèt done nan chaj plen
Pò en 4 GE/10GE
Pò sèvis yo 8 GPON
Konsomasyon pouvwa DC ekipman pou pouvwa:
Altitid < 4000 m. Dansite lè a varye ak altitid la epi li pral afekte dissipation chalè yon aparèy. Se poutèt sa, tanperati anviwònman k ap travay nan aparèy la varye ak altitid la.
Dimansyon (W x P x H) (mm) Eksepte zòrèy monte: 442 x 220 x 43.6
Ki gen ladan IEC aliye zòrèy: 482.6 x 220 x 43.6
Ki gen ladan ETSI aliye zòrèy: 531 x 220 x 43.6

Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 Karakteristik pwodwi

  • Lejè ak ti gwosè

OLT ki lejè a peze mwens pase 5 kg ak okipe 1 U espas enstalasyon. Li ka adapte yon fason fleksib ak divès senaryo.

  • Doub ekipman pou pouvwa, segondè fyab

Sipòte doub AC oswa DC ekipman pou pouvwa, bay ekipman pou pouvwa fleksib ak segondè fyab.

  • Enstalasyon fasil ak deplwaman fleksib

Ka matche ti kabinè a deyò dwe enstale sou yon poto, gwo kay won, oswa miray, fasilite enstalasyon ak diminye depans jeni.

Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 Aplikasyon pou pwodwi

Huawei EA5801E-GP08

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