
Cisco NCS 5516 Router supports up to 16 kat liy, 6 switch fabric cards, 2 processeurs wout, 2 contrôleur sistèm, 3 plato fanatik yo, epi 10 ekipman pou pouvwa. These routers support 10, 25, 40, 50*epi 100 Pò Gigabit Ethernet.

Cisco NCS 5516 Router General Introduction

Cisco NCS 5516 Router modular chassis series includes the Cisco NCS 5504 modular chassis, Cisco NCS 5508 modular chassis and the Cisco NCS 5516 modular chassis. The Cisco NCS 5504 supports up to four line cards, six switch fabric cards, two route processors, two system controllers, three fan trays, and four power supplies. The Cisco NCS 5508 supports up to eight line cards, six switch fabric cards, two route processors, two system controllers, three fan trays, and eight power supplies.

Cisco NCS 5516 Foto pwodwi routeur

Cisco NCS 5516 Routeur

Cisco NCS 5516 Routeur

Cisco NCS 5516 Espesifikasyon routeur

NCS 5516
Deskripsyon Product Modular router for data centers, gwo antrepriz, WAN entènèt ak founisè sèvis la, Core and Aggregation networks
Deplwaman sib Pre-agrégation ak rezo agrégation
Fant pou chak chasi Jiska

16 kat liy<br>

6 switch fabric cards<br>

2 processeurs wout<br>

2 contrôleur sistèm<br>

3 plato fanatik yo<br>

10 ekipman pou pouvwa

Gwosè etajè 21 RU
Kapasite maksimòm 57.6 Tbps
Gwosè (H x W x P) 36.70 x 17.50 x 31.76 nan. (93.41 x 44.50 x 80.67 cm)
Pwa Chasi: 192 lb (87.3 KG)
Pouvwa AC oswa DC<br>

10 Power Supplies<br>

N+1 and N+M redundancy

Fanatik 3 Fan trays
Airflow Front-to-Back Airflow
Achitekti twal Jiska 6 Fabric Modules / chassis

N+1 Redundancy

Lojisyèl IOS XR
Sistèm memwa 24GB DRAM (pou chak RP)
Depo 256GB (pou chak RP)
Processeur Intel 6-core processeur @ 2.2 GHz (pou chak RP)

Cisco NCS 5516 Karakteristik routeur

Cloud-echèl pou WAN agrégation

Sistèm dirèksyon rezo a (NCS) 5500 Seri ofri yon endistri-dirijan dansite de route 100 Pò GE pou gwo echèl WAN agrégation. Li fèt pou echèl efikas ant sant done ak gwo antrepriz, entènèt, ak WAN founisè sèvis ak rezo agrégation.

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