
Cisco C9200-24P-A Switch is 24-port PoE+ Switch, Rezo Avantaj

Cisco C9200-24P-A Switch Product Overview

C9200-24P-A is the Catalyst 9200 24-port PoE+ Switch with Network Advantage software. With its family pedigree, the switch offers simplicity without compromise – it is secure, always on, and IT simplified. Kòm blòk bilding fondasyon pou Cisco Digital Network Architecture, it helps customers simplify complexity, optimize IT, epi redwi depans operasyon yo lè w pwofite entèlijans, automatisation ak ekspètiz imen. Avèk tout kapasite PoE +, pouvwa ak redondance fanatik, anpile Pleasant jiska 160 Gbps, uplink modilè, Kouch 3 sipò karakteristik, ak plak frèt, Cisco C9200-24P-A Switch is the industry’s unparalleled solution with differentiated resiliency and progressive architecture for cost-effective branch-office access.

Cisco C9200-24P-A Switch Product Pictures

Cisco C9200-24P-A Switch price and specs ycictCisco C9200-24P-A Switch specs cisco C9200 YCICT

Cisco C9200-24P-A Switch price and specs good price ycictCisco C9200-24P-A Switch specs cisco switch ycict

Cisco C9200-24P-A Switch Product Specifications

Downlinks total 10/100/1000 oswa PoE + pò kòb kwiv mete 24 pò plen PoE +
Uplink konfigirasyon Opsyon uplink modilè
Default prensipal ekipman pou pouvwa AC PWR-C5-600WAC
Fanatik FRU redondants
Lojisyèl Rezo Avantaj
Dimansyon chasi 1.73 x 17.5 x 13.8 nan
4.4 x 44.5 x 35.0 cm
Pwa 5.5 KG
Rezo vityèl 4
Anpile Pleasant 160 Gbps
Kantite total adrès MAC 32,000
Antre routage IPv4 4,000
Antre routage IPv6 2,000
Multicast routage echèl 1,000
Entri echèl QoS 1,000
Antre echèl ACL 1,600
Flash 4 GB
ID VLAN 4096
Total chanje entèfas vityèl (SVI yo) 1000
Jumbo ankadreman 9198 byte
San fil bandwidth pou chak switch Jiska 48 Gbps sou 24-pò ak 48-pò Gigabit Ethernet modèl
Chanje kapasite 128 Gbps
Pousantaj voye 190.4 Mp
Kantite total IPv4 wout (ARP plis aprann wout) 14,000 (10,000 wout dirèk ak 4,000 wout endirèk)
Tanpon pake pou chak SKU 6 MB tanpon pou 24- oswa 48-pò Gigabit Ethernet modèl
NetFlow fleksib (FNF) antre 16,000 koule sou 24- ak 48-pò Gigabit Ethernet modèl

Cisco C9200-24P-A Switch Product Features

● Detèminasyon ak inite ki ka ranplase yo (FRU) ak ekipman pou pouvwa redondants, fanatik yo, and modular uplinks for C9200. Modèl C9200CX yo mache ak ekipman pou pouvwa entèn fiks oswa adaptè pouvwa si ou vle, lè yo pa mache ak klas IEEE 802.3bt en 6 60W PSE.
● Opsyon sous pouvwa fleksib soti nan vòltaj liy AC, ba vòltaj DC a High Voltage DC (HVDC) in C9200CX series provide the choices for customers to migrate to efficient DC micro grid powered by renewable energy sources for a sustainable future.
● Sekirite amelyore ak chifreman AES-128 MACsec sou C9200 ak chifreman AES-256 MACsec pou variants C9200CX, segmantasyon ki baze sou politik, ak solisyon konfyans pou tout fanmi C9200 la
● Ploge epi jwe (PnP) pèmèt: Yon senp, an sekirite, inifye, ak òf entegre pou fasilite nouvo lansman aparèy filyal oswa kanpis oswa mizajou nan yon rezo ki deja egziste
● Cisco IOS XE: Yon sistèm operasyon ki baze sou Lisans komen pou antrepriz Cisco Catalyst 9000 fanmi pwodwi ak sipò pou pwogramasyon ki baze sou modèl ak telemetri difizyon
● ASIC ak tiyo pwogramasyon ak kapasite mikwo-motè, ansanm ak modèl ki baze sou, alokasyon configurable nan Kouch 2 ak Kouch 3 voye, Lis kontwòl aksè (ACL yo), ak Kalite Sèvis (QoS) antre.

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Cisco C9200-24P-A Switch Product Applications

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