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Cisco ASR 9000 Series Routers are the cornerstone for carrier edge networks.
They are specially designed to grow with your network and business needs—as a modular, segondè dansite, power efficient, ak platfòm an sekirite. ASR 9000 Series is designed to streamline network operations while securely scaling your edge network’s performance.
Optimize rezo ou, fason ou, ak yon platfòm objektif pou senplifye konplèks la.
Cisco ASR 9000 Series Routers General Introductions
Cisco ASR 9000 Series Routers deliver exceptional scale, service flexibility, and high availability to Carrier Ethernet transport networks.
The routers are powered by widely deployed Cisco IOS XR 64 bit operating system, an innovative self-healing, distributed operating system designed for always-on operation. The ASR 9900 series set a new standard for Layer 2 ak Kouch 3 10GE/1GE service density and scale to support large-scale aggregation, Done Sant entèkonekte (DCI), ak Virtualizasyon Rezo Satelit (nV) Mòd sistèm sou ASR la 9000 Seri routeur. The ASR 9900 sipòte tou chifreman MAC-SEC ki mennen nan endistri sou tout vitès pò li yo. Kapasite versatile sa yo ede operatè yo kalifye epi estoke yon sèl kalite chasi ki ka deplwaye nan nenpòt konbinezon Kouch. 2, Kouch 3, DCI, oswa aplikasyon pou agrégation, kidonk diminye Depans Kapital yo (CapEx) ak depans fonksyònman (OpEx), osi byen ke redwi tan ki nesesè pou devlope ak deplwaye nouvo sèvis yo.
Cisco ASR 9000 Seri routeurs pwodwi foto
Cisco ASR 9000 Seri routeurs modèl ak spécifications
ASR 9922 | ASR 9010 |
44 RU | 21 RU |
Jiska 160 Tbps | Jiska 25.6 Tbps |
20 Kat liy, 2 RPs, 7 Kat twal | 8 Kat liy, 2 RSP yo |
ASR 9912 | ASR 9006 |
30 RU | 10 RU |
Jiska 80 Tbps | Jiska 12.8 Tbps |
10 Kat liy, 2 RPs, 7 Kat twal | 4 Kat liy, 2 RSP yo |
ASR 9910 | ASR 9001 |
21 RU | 2 RU |
Jiska 64 Tbps | Jiska 240 Gbps |
8 Kat liy, 2 RSP yo, 5 Kat twal | Fiks 4x10GE |
ASR 9906 | ASR 9000v |
14 RU | 1 RU |
Jiska 32 Tbps | Jiska 44 Gbps |
4 Kat liy, 2 RSP yo, 5 Kat twal | Fiks 44 Pò SFP |
ASR 9904 | ASR 9901 |
6 RU | 2 RU |
Jiska 16 Tbps | Jiska 800 Gbps |
2 Kat liy, 2 RSP yo | RSP entegre ak pò Ethernet |
Cisco ASR 9000 Seri routeurs pote ogmante pouvwa ak senplisite nan kwen an, ak ASR 9000v la fikse referans endistri a kòm yon aksè konvèje klas transpòtè konpak virtualize ak platfòm agrégasyon.. Sèvi ak "Virtualizasyon rezo" Cisco oswa teknoloji nV, Cisco ASR 9000 Seri Routeurs ofri eksepsyonèl echèl peye-ak-w-ap grandi, konpayi asirans-klas fyab, ak pwovizyon sèvis senplifye.
Cisco ASR 9000 Seri routeurs benefis
Cisco IOS XR Software modilè sistèm opere: Cisco ASR 9000 Seri itilize sistèm operasyon Cisco IOS XR, te fè popilè pa platfòm nan Cisco CRS Carrier Routing System ki gen anpil siksè nan deplwaman debaz yo. Konstwi pou sistèm distribiye tankou Cisco ASR 9000 Seri, sistèm operasyon Cisco IOS XR la sèvi ak yon achitekti microkernel pou reyalize vre modilarite. Modularite sa a bay chemen pou operasyon san rete pandan amelyorasyon imaj lojisyèl oswa chanjman modil, san yo pa afekte operasyon platfòm nòmal.
Sistèm konplètman distribye: Cisco ASR 9000 Seri Routeurs opere nan yon mòd konplètman distribye; tout desizyon ak aksyon pou voye pake pran plas sou kat liy endividyèl yo. Kat liy Ethernet gwo dansite sa yo ekipe ak yon processeur rezo espesyalize ki bay yon enfrastrikti pwogramasyon fleksib ak kalite sèvis yerachik ki gen gwo dansite. (H-QoS) sèvis yo, sekirite, ak entegre Synchrone Ethernet (senkronize). Nati distribiye Cisco ASR la 9000 Seri amelyore rezistans lè yo ajoute yon nouvo dimansyon nan echèl pou karakteristik tankou Deteksyon Bidirectionnelle Forwarding. (BFD) ak Operasyon Ethernet, Administrasyon, ak Antretyen (EOAM).
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