
Cisco ASR 1006 Router in a 6-rack unit (RU) form factor is the most flexible edge routing solution in the Cisco ASR 1000 Seri.

The Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers drive the transformation of service providers and enterprise network edge areas with their compact form factor, industry-leading performance, instant service capabilities, and high smoothness.

The Cisco ASR 1000 Series Router has the following advantages:

Provide high security, gwo pèfòmans, and support through integrated software
Create a new price point for high-performance edge routers
High resilience, providing economical and convenient service software updates
Software redundancy on non-redundant hardware

Cisco ASR 1006 Foto pwodwi routeur

Cisco ASR 1006 RouteurCisco ASR 1006 Routeur

Cisco ASR 1006 Router Model and Specifications

ASR Model A1001-X A1002-X 1001-HX 1002-HX 1004 1006 1006-X 1009-X 1013
Vitès (Gbps) 2.5 pou 20 5 pou 36 44 pou 60 44 pou 100 20 pou 40 20 pou 100 40 pou 100 40 pou 200 40 pou 200
Aplikasyon High-end branch Enterprise WAN or Internet edge Enterprise WAN or Internet edge Enterprise WAN or Internet edge Enterprise WAN or Internet edge Gwo kwen entènèt antrepriz Gwo kwen entènèt antrepriz Gwo kwen entènèt antrepriz Gwo kwen entènèt antrepriz
Enterprise WAN or Internet edge Founisè sèvis kwen Founisè sèvis kwen Founisè sèvis kwen Founisè sèvis kwen Founisè sèvis kwen Founisè sèvis kwen Founisè sèvis kwen Founisè sèvis kwen
Reflektè wout Datacenter Edge Datacenter Edge Datacenter Edge Datacenter Edge Datacenter Edge Datacenter Edge Datacenter Edge Datacenter Edge
Datacenter Edge

Li sipòte:

  • Doub wout processeur
  • Embedded sèvis processeur
  • Jiska 100 Debi Gbps
  • Jiska 12 adaptè pò pataje (SPA), solisyon ki pi wo dansite pò nan twa Cisco ASR la 1000 Routeurs

Cisco® ASR 1000 routeurs yo gen pouvwa pou rasanble tout kouran trafik ou soti nan biwo filyal yo ak lòt sit pandan y ap kouri sèvis entèlijan ki ede w kontwole., filtre, ak trafik an sekirite. Ou jwenn pèfòmans aplikasyon konsistan nan mitan sit antrepriz ak kote nwaj yo.

Tout sou yon kontra enfòmèl ant, platfòm pyès ki nan konpitè inivèsèl. Lojisyèl konsistan opere atravè tout fanmi an pwodwi, konsa ou ka deplwaye ak jere tout ASR ou yo menm jan an.

Cisco ASR 1006 Avantaj routeur

• Vitès rezo a 200 Gbps
• Sipò segondè-pèfòmans pou plizyè sèvis konkouran
• Konfòmite ak manda sekirite endistri yo
• Tout-an-yon kontra enfòmèl ant
konsepsyon routeur pou OpEx
ak ekonomi CapEx
• Amelyorasyon lojisyèl nan sèvis ak ekipman pou pouvwa redondants pou disponiblite segondè
• Kript gwo vitès


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