
AN5506 04 B ONU is GPON Optical terminal unit with 4 Ethernet port and 2 VOIP port Optical Terminal Unit.

Modèl Internet Ports Vwa(tel) Routeur (Pppoe) Wifi Firmware language
AN5506-04B 4 2 sipò NON angle

AN5506 04 B ONU Product Overview

AN5506 04 B ONU is manufactured and developed with high performance. The company is a leading FTTH/ FTTO broadband access network provider. They are properly manageable added with features such as high-bandwidth, segondè fyab, low power consumption and satisfy the users requirement to access broadband, vwa, done ak videyo elatriye. An menm tan, it Supports configuring the global profile and delivering the XML configuration file on the network management system. Only a few changes are required to deliver the ONTservices in a batch manner and make network adjustment. The product also supports collecting performance data of the ONT remotely via the network management system to enable real-time monitoring of the network performance

AN5506 04 B ONU Product Pictures

Fiberhome AN5506 04 B ONU YCICTFiberhome AN5506 04 B ONU YCICT

Fiberhome AN5506 04 B ONU YCICTFiberhome AN5506 04 B ONU YCICT

AN5506 04 B ONU Product Specifications

Pwodwi san Wi-Fi
Kalite AN5506-04-B
H/W/D 32× 170 × 130
Entèfas Uplink GPON
Entèfas Downlink 4*FE/GE
Ekipman pou pouvwa AC:220V
Pouvwa ≤10W
Pwoteksyon Zeklè Pouvwa 4KV, koòdone itilizatè 1.5KV
Tanperati Fonksyònman ~45℃
Anbyen imidite ~90%

AN5506 04 B ONU Product Features

  • Offering complete series of FTTH solutions for pure data, double jwe ak sèvis triple play, tou de kalite andedan kay la ak deyò ka aplike pou satisfè anviwònman aplikasyon diferan.
  • Koneksyon entelijan pa plizyè kalite UNI: GE/FE, POTS, Wi-Fi, kèk.
  • Kalite deyò ONT ak koki jete-aliminyòm adopte yon konsepsyon endistriyèl.
  • Supporting user-friendly GUI with plug-in and play capability instead of field configuration.
  • Segondè jesyon efikasite ak antretyen ak konfigirasyon mòd ki baze sou pò ak demann estati ki baze sou pò.

AN5506 04 B ONU and More Models

Pwodwi san Wi-Fi
Kalite AN5506-01-A AN5506-04-A AN5506-02-B AN5506-04-B
H/W/D 25.5× 112 × 112 32× 170 × 130 25.5× 112 × 112 32× 170 × 130
Entèfas Downlink 1*GE 4*FE/GE 1GE+1FE+1POTS(2GE+1POTS) 4*FE/GE
Ekipman pou pouvwa AC:220V AC:220V AC:220V AC:220V
DC:12V/0.5A DC:12V/1A DC:12V/1A DC:12V/1A
Pouvwa ≤5W ≤8W ≤5W ≤10W
Pwoteksyon Zeklè Pouvwa 4KV, koòdone itilizatè 1.5KV Pouvwa 4KV, koòdone itilizatè 1.5KV Pouvwa 4KV, koòdone itilizatè 1.5KV Pouvwa 4KV, koòdone itilizatè 1.5KV
Tanperati Fonksyònman ~45℃ ~45℃ ~45℃ ~45℃
Anbyen imidite ~90% ~90% ~90% ~90%

AN5506 04 B ONU Applications

Fiberhome AN5506 04 B ONU ycict for fiberhome olt


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