Wi-Fi 7 i 5G-Advanced razvijaju se sinergijski

Wi-Fi 7 i 5G-Advanced razvijaju se sinergijski

U kontekstu brzog razvoja digitalne ekonomije, Komunikacijska tehnologija postala je kamen temeljac modernog društva, što ne samo da služi pojedincima i obiteljima, ali također prodire u mnoge industrije poput inteligentne proizvodnje, pametna energija, i pametni gradovi. Wi-Fi 7 i 5g-advanced (5G-A) ubrzavaju svoju integraciju u sva područja i veze društva, Omogućavanje digitalne transformacije i nadogradnje gospodarstva i društva.

Kao najnovija evolucija Wi-Fi tehnološkog standarda, Wi-Fi 7 usredotočen na bežične scenarije LAN-a visokih performansi, i postigao značajan napredak u usporedbi s Wi-Fi-om 6 U smislu povećanja stope prijenosa, Smanjenje kašnjenja prijenosa, i povećanje mrežnog kapaciteta. U isto vrijeme, 5G-A, Kao najnovija evolucija mogućnosti 5G mreža, usredotočuje se na bežične scenarije širokog područja, i postigao je daljnji napredak u mrežnoj inteligenciji, Integracija industrijske mreže, Poboljšanje determiniranja sposobnosti, Poboljšanje mogućnosti pozicioniranja i percepcije, itd., pružajući korisnicima inteligentnije, jednostavan za upotrebu, i stabilne usluge prijenosa podataka.


Kombinacija visokokvalitetne LAN povezanosti i isplativosti Wi-Fi 7, kao i prednosti pokrivanja širokog područja i mobilnosti od 5G-A, može značajno poboljšati ukupne performanse mreže, mrežni kapacitet, i pokriće, što rezultira učinkovitijim komunikacijskim iskustvom za korisnike. U ovom članku, Usredotočit ćemo se na četiri temeljna smjera zajedničkih tehnologija, bežična pokrivenost, sigurnost provjere autentičnosti, i prijenos podataka, i raspravljati o sinergističkom razvoju Wi-Fi 7 i 5G-A.

Uobičajene tehnologije rade zajedno na pokretanju evolucije mreže

Iako Wi-Fi 7 i 5G-A su složeni komunikacijski sustavi, Iako postoje velike razlike u opsezima radnih frekvencija, kodiranje kanala, komunikacijski protokoli, itd., Oboje prihvaćaju zajednička tehnička sredstva u budućem smjeru evolucije, kao što je ISAC, SDN, NFV, AI, itd., Slijedi kratak uvod i analiza svake tehnologije.

Integrirano senzor i komunikacija (Isaca) Tehnologija je primijenjena u scenarijima kao što su prepoznavanje gesta i prepoznavanje vozila. Tehnologija kombinira mogućnosti komunikacije i percepcije kako bi uređaji omogućili provođenje praćenja okoliša tijekom prijenosa podataka. Wi-Fi koristi podatke o državi kanala (CSI) za bežično senzor, i koristi napredne modele senziranja kao što je zona Fresnel za realizaciju aplikacija poput prepoznavanja gesta i praćenja ljudske putanje. IEEE 802.11bf, Wi-Fi standard bežičnog senziranja, bit će objavljen u 2024 a očekuje se da će dalje razviti Wi-Fi osjetljive sposobnosti. 5G-A sustav kombinira visokofrekventne grede i multi-antenske tehnologije kako bi se omogućile osnovne stanice “radar” funkcije, koji mogu prepoznati položaj, Brzina i smjer vozila i letećih objekata na niskoj visini. U budućnosti, Wi-Fi i mobilni mrežni sustavi optimizirat će senzorske mogućnosti na temelju prioriteta bežične komunikacije, i izvršiti integrirani dizajn kako bi ispunio zahtjeve pokazatelja komunikacije i pokazatelja osjetljivosti u fazi dizajna.

5G napredovanje

Umrežavanje softvera (SDN) i mrežne funkcije virtualizacija (NFV) Tehnologije su usmjerene na realizaciju virtualizacije mreže i poboljšanje učinkovitosti upravljanja mrežom i orkestracije usluga objedinjavanjem resursa fizičkih uređaja. SDN tehnologija koristi centralizirani mrežni kontroler i standardizirani model mrežne arhitekture kako bi postigao fleksibilniji, robustan, i brze mrežne implementacije i sposobnosti upravljanja. NFV tehnologija kapsulira mrežne funkcije tradicionalnih fizičkih uređaja u neovisni modularni softver, i implementira raznolike mrežne funkcije na jednom hardverskom uređaju pokretanjem različitog modularnog softvera na hardverskom uređaju. Oba Wi-Fi 7 i mobilne mrežne sustave koriste SDN i NFV arhitekture za inteligentno optimiziranje mreža i učinkovito korištenje resursa, Pružanje korisnicima pouzdanije i prikladnije usluge bežične veze.

Umjetna inteligencija (AI) Tehnologija je trenutno jedna od najtoplijih tehnologija, A upotreba AI tehnologije za poboljšanje performansi bežičnih mreža postala je istraživačka žarište na području komunikacije. Wi-Fi 7 mogu iskoristiti AI-ove velike obrade podataka i inteligentne mogućnosti donošenja odluka za donošenje prediktivnog održavanja i inteligentne optimizacije u mrežu, Omogućivanje mreži da se optimizira u stvarnom vremenu na temelju opterećenja i potreba korisnika. Pored primjene AI mogućnosti za održavanje mreže i orkestraciju, 5G-A također primjenjuje AI sučelje AI tehnologije za povratne informacije o kanalima, pozicioniranje, i upravljanje snopom. U budućnosti, Wi-Fi i mobilni mrežni sustavi bit će dodatno integrirani s AI kako bi se poboljšala operativna učinkovitost i korisničko iskustvo mrežnih sustava.

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Bežična pokrivenost i suradnja za postizanje globalne povezanosti

Mobile cellular networks are designed to provide wide-area coverage and are suitable for a wide range of outdoor environments and mobility scenarios. Wi-Fi has the advantages of low deployment cost and high cost performance in indoor LAN scenarios such as homes and enterprises. Stoga, Wi-Fi 7 networks can be used as supplementary access points to 5G-A to achieve full coverage of “LAN + WAN” or further enhance local area coverage, thereby improving the communication experience of users.

In some indoor scenarios, such as office buildings, where there is severe occlusion, the signal strength of 5G may not be able to meet the communication needs of users due to severe penetration loss, resulting in adead endof indoor communication. As an effective supplement to 5G networks in indoor scenarios, Wi-Fi 7 can achieve low-cost coverage in indoor scenarios without dead ends, providing users with a double guarantee for stable communication.

In urban fringe, rural areas and other areas, the construction of 5G base stations is relatively limited, and insufficient network coverage has become a major difficulty. The deployment solution of “Wi-Fi 7+ traditional IP bearer networkcan effectively solve the problem of insufficient 5G coverage in these areas and provide users in these areas with cheap and stable wireless communication services.

Wi-Fi 7, as a wireless LAN, can supplement the frequency band resources and number of connections in dense scenarios such as airports and stadiums, and the network requirements for massive connections and ultra-high throughput may exceed the peak capacity of 5G-A, and Wi-Fi 7, as a wireless LAN, can supplement the frequency band resources and the number of connections in these scenarios, providing high-quality communication services for a large number of users in dense scenarios.

In mobile scenarios such as airplanes and high-speed trains, Wi-Fi cannot be connected to the Internet through wired broadband, but personal terminals without 5G modules, such as laptops, still need to be connected. A wireless LAN is established through network terminal equipment such as CPE (Customer Premise Equipment) to convert 5G signals into Wi-Fi signals to meet the networking requirements of personal terminals without 5G modules in mobile scenarios.

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Authentication security works together to improve the reliability of Wi-Fi 7 autentifikacija

Iako Wi-Fi 7 has made significant progress in user authentication, there are still some gaps in security and reliability compared with 5G-A. 5G-A provides a higher level of security with a sophisticated authentication process and SIM card information encrypted on the device side. Stoga, the 5G-A system can achieve secure coordination with the Wi-Fi 7 system through dedicated network elements and protocol mechanisms, further optimizing the authentication reliability of Wi-Fi 7 users and ensuring the security of the entire network in public places with high network security risks, such as hotels and airports.

The core technology for 5G-A systems to achieve secure collaboration with Wi-Fi 7 is N3IWF (Non-3GPP Interoperable Function Network Element), which is responsible for handling non-3GPP (non-cellular) networks. In untrusted access scenarios, such as public Wi-Fi 7 hotspots, N3IWF can provide access points and ensure secure data transmission by building secure tunnels and implementing security protocols such as IPSec. N3IWF’s capabilities go beyond simple connection management to encrypt and authenticate transmitted data through strict security policies to protect against potential threats and attacks. U Dodatku, N3IWF supports the authentication and authorization process, allowing only authenticated users to access the network, ensuring the overall security of the network.

Data transmission collaboration improves deterministic assurance

Wi-Fi 7 and 5G-A show strong synergy potential in data transmission, especially in applications with low latency, high stability, and high bandwidth, and they can provide a deterministic communication experience through multi-channel collaboration technology. Među njima, application software transformation, hardware equipment deployment, and 5G-A endogenous deterministic collaboration are the three key technical directions of deterministic multi-channel collaboration.

Software application upgrade refers to replacing traditional communication middleware with transmission channels built by new technologies such as MP-TCP and QUIC, and implementing collaborative data transmission between Wi-Fi 7 and 5G-A through device-side software upgrades. The MP-TCP and QUIC technologies proposed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) can enhance the redundancy and coordination of links by establishing multiple transmission channels between different communication systems, providing users with higher uplink and downlink rates, reducing network transmission delays, reducing jitter and packet loss rates, and improving the network’s ability to support services with large bandwidth, low latency and high reliability.

Hardware upgrade refers to replacing traditional wireless gateways and CPEs with new multi-functional access gateways that support multi-network standard access. As a practical hardware solution, the multi-function access gateway can realize the cooperation of multiple networks. It coordinates the transmission of user data between mobile cellular networks and Wi-Fi through internal multi-transmit selective reception and traffic distribution aggregation functions, and enables effective cooperation between Wi-Fi 7 networks and 5G-A networks without modifying application software. In short, the introduction of multi-function access gateways enables operators to more flexibly integrate different networks and provide more reliable and bandwidth communications connections to meet the stringent network requirements of industry-critical services.

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5G-A endogenous deterministic collaboration is one of the endogenous capabilities of the 5G-A system. Different from the closed architecture of traditional wireless networks, 5G-A is designed with the ATSSS (Access Traffic Steering, Switching and Splitting) funkcija, which stipulates the mechanism for collaborative access and forwarding of external data. In the solution, the 5G-A system can effectively manage and integrate traffic accessed through Wi-Fi 7 based on the endogenous ATSSS function, including traffic control, traffic switching, and traffic segmentation, and can seamlessly switch and distribute traffic between cellular networks and Wi-Fi, providing users with smoother and more efficient data transmission services.

In the near future, the coordinated development of Wi-Fi 7 and 5G-A networks will bring more convenience to production and life. Na primjer, in the core industrial production control link, the collaborative transmission between Wi-Fi and cellular networks can significantly improve the transmission performance and ensure the stable operation of wireless industrial control services. In theblind spotsof 5G network coverage, Wi-Fi 7 can be deployed to provide efficient and economical wireless communication services. In hotels, restaurants, airports and other regions, enterprises can use the management architecture and SIM card information of cellular networks to achieve efficient authentication of users by regional Wi-Fi, which not only reduces the complexity of the user authentication process, but also significantly improves the security of authentication. U isto vrijeme, with the continuous evolution of common technologies, Wi-Fi 7 and 5G-A technical solutions will complement each other. U budućnosti, all parties in the industry should strengthen technical exchanges, promote the integration and development of technologies, expand rich application scenarios, and improve usersnetwork experience.

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