
Huawei SmartAX MA5801-FL16 is a Compact and low-density box-shaped OLT with Upstream ports 4GE/10GE and Service ports 16 Flex-PON

Huawei SmartAX MA5801-FL16 Product Overview

MA5801-FL16-H1 is a compact and low-density box-shaped OLT. The product provides multiple fiber to the home (FTTH) rješenja za ispunjavanje zahtjeva ekonomične i učinkovite mrežne konstrukcije. MA5801-FL16-H1 can be flexibly deployed in fast fixed mobile convergence (FMC) scenarij, nacionalni scenarij širokopojasne pokrivenosti, i scenarij potpuno optičkog kampusa poduzeća.

Huawei SmartAX MA5801-FL16 Product Pictures

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Huawei MA5801-FL16 price and specsHuawei MA5801-FL16 price and specs ycict

Huawei SmartAX MA5801-FL16 Product Specifications

Specifikacija SmartAX MA5801-FL16-H1(DC)
Dimenzije (Š x D x V) (mm) Isključujući ušice za montažu: 442 x 220 x 43.6 Uključujući IEC ušice za montažu: 482.6 x 220 x 43.6 Uključujući ETSI ušice za montažu: 531 x 220 x 43.6
Maksimalna težina punog tereta2 5kg
MAC adrese 32768
Pristup ONT-u 2048
IPv4 tablica usmjeravanja 8192
IPv6 tablica usmjeravanja 4096
ARP tablica 16384
Preklopni kapacitet sustava 240 Gbit/s
Vlažnost okoline 5%–95% RH
Atmosferski pritisak 70–106 kPa
Način napajanja DC napajanje (dvojna sigurnosna kopija) AC napajanje (dvojna sigurnosna kopija)
Raspon radnog napona DC napajanje: –38.4 V to –72 V AC power supply: 100–240 V
Nazivni napon DC napajanje: –48 V/–60 V AC power supply: 110 V/220 V
Maksimalna ulazna struja DC napajanje: 6 A AC power supply: 2.5 A
Temperatura okoline –40°C do +65°C
Uređaj se može pokrenuti na najnižoj temperaturi od –25 ° C.
Upstream ports 4GE/10GE
Servisni priključci 16 Flex-PON
Visina < 4000 m. Gustoća zraka varira s nadmorskom visinom i utjecat će na rasipanje topline uređaja. Stoga, temperatura radne okoline uređaja varira s nadmorskom visinom.
Stopa pogreške bitova (BER) u punom opterećenju When FEC is enabled, the GPON BER is less than 10 e-10, and the XG(S)-PON BER is less than 10 e-12.
System reliability specifications System availability for the typical configuration: > 99.999% Srednje vrijeme između kvarova (MTBF): oko 45 godine
Potrošnja energije • DC power supply:
• Statička potrošnja energije: 72W
• Tipična potrošnja energije: 127W
• Maksimalna potrošnja energije: 228W
• AC power supply:
• Statička potrošnja energije: 73W
• Tipična potrošnja energije: 128W
• Maksimalna potrošnja energije: 229W

Huawei SmartAX MA5801-FL16 Product Features

  • In fast fixed mobile convergence (FMC) scenariji, mobile carriers fully use existing resources of backhaul networks and cabinet space when constructing FTTH networks. They deploy the MA5801 inside a mobile cabinet and route drop cables at a short distance so that nearby households can be covered under networks. All these implement fast deployment and fast go-to-market, shorten return on investment (ROI) periods, and achieve positive cycle of business.
  • In national broadband coverage scenarios, remote areas have low population density. The MA5801 can be used together with C++ GPON optical modules supporting high optical power budgets and one-stop outdoor site solutions to achieve fast coverage of long-distance FTTH networks. Some geographical conditions are complex, such as islands and mountainous areas, and therefore they consume high upstream optical fiber routing costs and long periods. In these scenarios, it can be used together to achieve long-distance and reliable FTTH access, spašavanje 70% deployment time, and balancing investment and network coverage.
  • In an enterprise’s all-optical campus scenario, carriers can perform construction and O&M on all-optical networks on the campus network or lease them to campus or related enterprises based on MA5801 to deploy all-optical access services on enterprise campus networks and explore B2B service blue ocean markets to support long-term growth.

Huawei SmartAX MA5801-FL16 Product Applications

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