
Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-DC Switch is industry-leading, high-performance fixed switch with 24 10GE SFP+ priključci, 2 40GE QSFP+ ports and One extended slot

Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-DC Switch Product Overview

The switch is next-generation 10GE fixed switch, and it can function as an access switch in an Internet data center (IDC) or a core/aggregation switch on a campus network. S6720-EI has industry-leading performance offering line-speed 10GE access ports and 40GE uplink ports. U Dodatku, the switch provides a wide variety of services, sveobuhvatne sigurnosne politike, i razne QoS značajke za pomoć korisnicima u izgradnji skalabilnih, upravljiv, pouzdan, and secure data center networks. Apart from them, Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-DC Switch is designed in compact size with 220 mm depth and perfectly suitable in a 300 mm deep cabinet, saving installation space for customers

Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-DC Switch Product Pictures

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Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-DC Switch Product Specifications

Marka Huawei
Product model S6720-30C-EI-24S-DC
Broj dijela 02350NHU
Preklopni kapacitet 2.56 Tbit/s
Izvedba prosljeđivanja 720 MPs
Fiksni priključci 24 x 10 GE SFP+, 2 x 40 GE QSFP+ ports
Prošireni utori Jedan produženi utor
Tablica MAC adresa 288k MAC address entries
Učenje MAC adrese i starenje
Statički, dinamičan, and black hole MAC address entries
Filtriranje paketa na temelju izvornih MAC adresa
Značajke VLAN-a 4,094 VLAN-ovi
VLAN za goste i glasovni VLAN
VLAN assignment based on MAC addresses, protokoli, IP podmreže, politike, i luke
1:1 and N:1 VLAN Mapping
QinQ and selective QinQ
IP usmjeravanje Statičko usmjeravanje, RIPv1, RIPv2, ECMP, and URPF
Usmjeravanje temeljeno na pravilima
Routing policy
Interoperabilnost VLAN-Based Spanning Tree (VBST) (interoperabilan s PVST-om, PVST+, i RPVST)
Protokol za pregovaranje tipa veze (LNP) (sličan DTP-u)
VLAN Central Management Protocol (VCMP) (sličan VTP-u)
Relativna vlažnost 5% do 95%, nekondenzirajući
Radna visina 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.)
Certifikacija EMC certifikat
Sigurnosna potvrda
Certifikacija proizvodnje

Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-DC Switch Product Features

  • S6720-EI supports centralized MAC address authentication and 802.1X authentication. The S6720-EI authenticates users based on statically or dynamically bound user information such as the user name, IP adresa, Mac adresa, VLAN ID, access interface, and flag indicating whether antivirus software is installed. VLAN-ovi, Politike QOS -a, and ACLs can be dynamically applied to users.
  • S6720-EI can limit the number of MAC addresses learned on an interface to prevent attackers from exhausting MAC address entries by using bogus source MAC addresses. This function minimizes the packet flooding that occurs when usersMAC addresses cannot be found in the MAC address table.
  • S6720-EI supports the enhanced trunk (E-trunk) feature. When a CE is dual-homed to two S6720-EI switches (PEs), E-trunk protects the links between the CE and PEs and implements backup between the PEs. E-trunk enhances link reliability between devices.
  • S6720-EI supports the Smart Ethernet Protection (RUJ) protocol which is a ring network protocol applied to the link layer on an Ethernet network. SEP can be used on open ring networks and can be deployed on upper-layer aggregation devices to provide fast switchover (unutar 50 ms), ensuring non-stop transmission of services. SEP features simplicity, visoka pouzdanost, fast switchover, easy maintenance, and flexible topology, facilitating network planning and management.

Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-DC Switch and More Models

S6720-50L-HI-48S 48 x 10 Giga SFP+, 6 x 40 Gig QSFP+ or 44 x 10 Giga SFP+, 4 x 40 Gig QSFP+, 2 x 100 Gig QSFP28
S6720-30L-HI-24S 24 x 10 Giga SFP+, 4 x 40 Gig QSFP+, 2 x 100 Gig QSFP28
S6720-30C-EI-24S-AC 24 x 10 GE SFP+, 2 x 40 GE QSFP+ ports
S6720-30C-EI-24S-DC 24 x 10 GE SFP+, 2 x 40 GE QSFP+ ports
S6720-54C-EI-48S-AC 24 x 10 GE SFP+, 2 x 40 GE QSFP+ ports
S6720-54C-EI-48S-DC 24 x 10 GE SFP+, 2 x 40 GE QSFP+ ports
S6720S-26Q-EI-24S-AC 24 x 10 GE SFP+, 2 x 40 GE QSFP+ ports

Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-DC Switch Ordering Info

Artikal Opis proizvoda
1 S6720-30C-EI-24S-AC bundle (24×10GE SFP+ , 2×40GE QSFP+ ports , s 1 extended slot, with 600W AC power supply)
2 S6720-54C-EI-48S-AC bundle (48×10GE SFP+ , 2×40GE QSFP+ ports , s 1 extended slot, with 600W AC power supply)
3 S6720-30C-EI-24S-DC bundle (24×10GE SFP+ , 2×40GE QSFP+ ports , s 1 extended slot, with 350W DC power supply)
4 S6720-54C-EI-48S-DC bundle (48×10GE SFP+ , 2×40GE QSFP+ ports , s 1 extended slot, with 350W DC power supply)
5 S6720S-26Q-EI-24S-AC bundle (24×10GE SFP+ , 2×40GE QSFP+ ports , with 170W AC power supply)
6 4× 40GE QSFP+ interface card (used in S6720EI series)
7 8× 10GE SFP+ interface card (used in S6720EI series)
8 Kutija za ventilatore (B, Bočni ispuh ploče FAN)
9 600W AC modul napajanja
10 350W DC modul napajanja
11 170W AC modul napajanja
12 170W DC modul napajanja

Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-DC Switch Product Applications

Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-DC Switch huawei switch ycict