
Huawei S5731-H48HB4XZ Switch is next-generation intelligent hybrid optical-electrical fixed switch with 44 x GE SFP ports+ 4 x 10GE SFP+ ports, 4 x 10GE SFP+ ports One extended slot 1+1 power backup PoE++ and Switching capacity: 408Gbps/672Gbps

Huawei S5731-H48HB4XZ Switch Product Overview

The switch can function as core switches for small-sized campus networks and branches of medium- and large-sized campus networks, and also work as access switches for Metropolitan Area Network.Bbuilt on Huawei’s unified Versatile Routing Platform (VRP), the integrated wireless AC capabilities can manage up to 1,024 wireless Aps, the free mobility feature ensures consistent user experience, and the VXLAN functionality implements network virtualization. U Dodatku, CloudEngine S5731-H48HB4XZ supports innovative opticalelectrical synergy technologies and integrates optical ports and electrical ports, and function as a central switch to provide 60 W PoE++ power for remote units (RUs) na 300 m

Huawei S5731-H48HB4XZ Switch Product Pictures

Huawei CloudEngine S5731-H48HB4XZ price and specs ycictHuawei S5731-H48HB4XZ price and specs huawei S5731-H ycict

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Huawei S5731-H48HB4XZ Product Specifications

Artikal Specifikacija
Parametri CloudEngine S5731-H48HB4XZ
Preklopni kapacitet2 408 Gbit/s/672 Gbit/s
Fiksni priključci 44 x GE SFP, 4 x 10 GE SFP+, 4 x 10 GE SFP+
PoE++ Podržano, when used with a hybrid cable and an optical-electrical module
Prošireni utori Jedan produženi utor, 2 x 40 GE QSFP+, 2 x 25 GE SFP28 ili 8 x 10 GE SFP+ cards
Dugotrajna radna temperatura [°C(°F)] –5°C to +45°C (23°F do 113 °F) na nadmorskoj visini od 0 do 1800 m (0 do 5905.51 ft.)
Kratkotrajna radna temperatura [°C(°F)] -5°C do +50 °C (23°F do 122 °F) na nadmorskoj visini od 0-1800 m (0-5905.44 ft.)
Temperatura skladištenja [°C(°F)] –40°C do +70°C (–40°F do +158°F)
Dugotrajna radna relativna vlažnost [RH] 5% RH do 95% RH (nekondenzirajući)
Dugotrajna radna visina [m(ft.)] 0–5000 m (0–16404 ft.)
Storage altitude [m(ft.)] 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.)
Način napajanja Pluggable power supply
Nazivni ulazni napon [V] AC ulaz: 100 V AC do 240 V AC; 50/60 Hz
High-voltage DC input: 240 V DC
DC ulaz: –48 V DC to –60 V DC
Raspon ulaznog napona [V] AC ulaz: 90 V AC do 290 V AC; 45–65 Hz
High-voltage DC input: 190 V DC do 290 V DC
DC ulaz: -38.4 V DC do -72 V DC
Maksimalna ulazna struja [A] The current specifications are related to the pluggable power module. For details, see Pluggable Power Modules.
Memorija 2 GB
Flash memory 1 GB ukupno. Za pregled dostupne veličine flash memorije, pokrenite naredbu za prikaz verzije.
Zaštita od prenapona napajanja [kV] Configured with AC power modules: ±6 kV in differential mode and ±6 kV in common mode
Configured with DC power modules: ±2 kV in differential mode and ±4 kV in common mode
Types of fans Pluggable
Način odvođenja topline Air cooling for heat dissipation, inteligentno podešavanje brzine ventilatora
Smjer strujanja zraka Air intake from left, front, and right and air exhaust from rear
PoE Podržano
Certifikacija EMC certifikat
Sigurnosna potvrda
Certifikacija proizvodnje

Huawei S5731-H48HB4XZ Switch Product Features

  • Support SVF and functions as a parent switch. With this virtualization technology, a physical network with thesmall-sized core/aggregation switches + access switches + AP-ovi” structure can be virtualized into asuper switch”, greatly simplifying network management.
  • Sloj podrške 2 i Sloj 3 multicast protocols, PIM SM, PIM DM, PIM SSM, MLD, i IGMP njuškanje, meeting the requirements of multi-terminal HD video surveillance and video conference access.
  • Sloj podrške 3 features such as OSPF, JE JE, BGP, i VRRP, meeting enterprise access and aggregation service bearer requirements, and supporting more voice, video, and data applications.
  • Podrška 802.1x autentifikacija, Autentifikacija MAC adrese, Portal authentication, i hibridna provjera autentičnosti, i može dinamički isporučiti korisničke politike poput VLANS -a, Politike QOS -a, i popisi za pristup pristupu (ACL-ovi). Također podržava upravljanje korisnicima na temelju grupa korisnika.
  • Developed based on the mature, stable VRP and supports IPv4/IPv6 dual stacks, IPv6 protokoli usmjeravanja (RIPng, OSPFv3, BGP4+, and IS-IS for IPv6).
  • S ovim značajkama IPv6, the CloudEngine S5731-H can be deployed on a pure IPv4 network, čista IPv6 mreža, ili dijeljenu IPv4/IPv6 mrežu, pomaže u postizanju prijelaza s IPv4 na IPv6.

Huawei CloudEngine S5731-H48HB4XZ Switch and More S5731 Switches

S5731-H24T4XC (02352QPP/02352QPP-001/02352QPP-005)
S5731-H24P4XC (02352QPV/02352QPV-001/02352QPV-003)
S5731-H48T4XC (02352QPT/02352QPT-003/02352QPT-007)
S5731-H48P4XC (02352SVD/02352SVD-001/02352SVD-003)
S5731-H48T4XC-B (02353VAD/02353VAD-003/02353VAD-005)
S5731-H24HB4XZ (02354QXD)
S5731-H24HB4XZ (02354QXD-001)
S5731-H48HB4XZ (02354QXB)
S5731-H48HB4XZ (02354QXB-001)

Huawei S5731-H48HB4XZ Switch Ordering Info

CloudEngine S5731-H24HB4XZ CloudEngine S5731-H24HB4XZ(20*GE SFP priključci, 4*10GE SFP+ priključci, 4*10GE SFP+ priključci, 1*utor za proširenje, PoE++, bez modula napajanja)
CloudEngine S5731-H48HB4XZ CloudEngine S5731-H48HB4XZ(44*GE SFP priključci, 4*10GE SFP+ priključci, 4*10GE SFP+ priključci, 1*utor za proširenje, PoE++, bez modula napajanja)
S7Q02001 2-port 40GE QSFP+ kartica sučelja
ES5D21X08T00 8-port 10GBASE-T interface card
S7X08000 2-port 25GE SFP28 or 8-port 10GE SFP+ interface card
PAC600S56-CB 600 W AC modul napajanja
PAC1000S56-DB 1000 W AC PoE modul napajanja
PAC1000S56-CB 1000 W AC PoE modul napajanja
PDC1000S56-CB 1000 W DC PoE modul napajanja
VENTILATOR-023A-B Modul ventilatora, Air flows in from the front side and exhausts from the rear panel.
L-512AP-S57 Serija S57, Wireless Access Controller AP Resource License-512AP
L-64AP-S57 Serija S57, Wireless Access Controller AP Resource License-64AP
L-32AP-S57 Serija S57, Wireless Access Controller AP Resource License-32AP
L-1AP-S57 Serija S57, Licenca resursa AP kontrolera bežičnog pristupa-1AP
L-VxLAN-S57 Serija S57, VxLAN licenca, Po uređaju
N1-S57H-M-Lic S57XX-H Series Basic SW,Po uređaju
N1-S57H-M-SnS1Y S57XX-H Series Basic SW,SnS,Po uređaju,1Godina
N1-S57H-F-Lic N1-CloudCampus,Temelj,Serija S57XX-H,Po uređaju
N1-S57H-F-SnS1Y N1-CloudCampus,Temelj,Serija S57XX-H,SnS,Po uređaju,1Godina
N1-S57H-A-Lic N1-CloudCampus,Napredna,Serija S57XX-H,Po uređaju
N1-S57H-A-SnS1Y N1-CloudCampus,Napredna,Serija S57XX-H,SnS,Po uređaju,1Godina
N1-S57H-FToA-Lic N1-Nadogradnja-temelja na napredno,S57XX-H,Po uređaju
N1-S57H-FToASnS1Y N1-Nadogradnja-temelja na napredno,S57XX-H,SnS,Po uređaju,1Godina

Huawei S5731-H48HB4XZ Switch Product Applications

Huawei CloudEngine S5731-H48HB4XZ Switch cijena i specifikacije ycict

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