
Huawei CE6863H-48S6CQ Switch is next-generation 25GE access switch with 48*25 GE SFP+ 6*40/100 GE QSFP28

Huawei CE6863H-48S6CQ Switch Overview

The switch provides high performance, high port density, and low latency, and it enables enterprises and carriers to build cloud-oriented data center networks. With using Huawei’s VRP8 software platform, CE 6863H-48S6CQ supports extensive data center features and high stacking capabilities. U Dodatku, the CloudEngine 6863 series use a flexible airflow design (front-to-back or back-to-front). U Dodatku, the switch can work with CloudEngine 16800 ili CloudEngine 12800 series data center core switches to build elastic, virtualan, i visokokvalitetne 40GE/100GE full-mesh mreže, ispunjavanje zahtjeva podatkovnih centara za računalstvo u oblaku. Huawei CloudEngine 6863H-48S6CQ Switch is well suited to both the core and aggregation layers, i potpuno je kompatibilan s CloudEngineom 16800 i 12800 serijski prekidači, omogućujući poduzećima da izgrade skalabilne, pojednostavljeno, otvoren, i sigurne mreže.

Huawei CE6863H-48S6CQ Switch Pictures

Huawei CloudEngine 6863H-48S6CQ Switch price and specs ycictHuawei CloudEngine 6863H-48S6CQ price and specs huawei ce6800 switch

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Huawei CE6863H-48S6CQ Switch Specifications

Parametri CloudEngine 6863H-48S6CQ
Priključci za silaznu vezu 48 x 25 GE SFP+
Priključci za uplink 6 x 40/100 GE QSFP28
Preklopni kapacitet 2.16 Tbit/s
Izvedba prosljeđivanja 954 mpps
Pufer 42 MB
Pouzdanost LACP
BFD temeljen na hardveru
O&M Telemetrija
Značajke podatkovnog centra VXLAN usmjeravanje i premošćivanje
Maksimalna potrošnja energije 384 W
Napajanje 600W AC&240V DC
1000W -48V DC
1200W HVDC
Radni napon AC: 90V~290V
DC: -38.4V~-72V
380V HVDC: 190V~400V

Huawei CE6863H-48S6CQ Features

  • Providing telemetry technology to collect device data in real time and send the data to Huawei data center network analyzer iMaster NCE-FabricInsight. iMaster NCE-FabricInsight analizira mrežne podatke na temelju inteligentnog algoritma za identifikaciju greške, točno prikazuje status mreže u stvarnom vremenu, učinkovito razgraničava i locira kvarove na vrijeme, i identificira mrežne probleme koji utječu na korisničko iskustvo, točno jamče korisničko iskustvo.
  • Can interconnect with iMaster NCE-Fabric through standard protocols such as NetConf and SNMP to implement network automatic management and control, pružanje učinkovitijih i inteligentnijih metoda rada, Pojednostavljenje upravljanja mrežom, i smanjenje Opexa.
  • Using a strict front-to-back or back-to-front airflow design that isolates cold air channels from hot air channels. Ovaj dizajn poboljšava učinkovitost rasipanja topline i ispunjava zahtjeve dizajna soba s opremom podatkovnog centra.
  • Air can flow from front to back or back to front depending on the fans and power modules that are used.
  • Redundant power modules and fans can be configured to ensure service continuity.

Huawei CE6863H-48S6CQ Switch and More CE6800

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Huawei CE6863H-48S6CQ Switch Applications

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