
Huawei CE6857E-48S6CQ Switch is next-generation 10 Gigabit Ethernet switch with 48*10GE SFP+ interfaces, 6*100GE QSFP28 interfaces, or 6*40GE QSFP+ interfaces

Huawei CE6857E-48S6CQ Switch Product Overview

The switch is designed for data centers with high-performance, high-density, and low-latency. It adopts advanced hardware structure design, providing high-density 10GE port access,100GE uplink port. The software platform is based on Huawei’s next-generation VRP8 operating system, supporting rich data center features and high-performance stacking, a smjer zračnog kanala može se fleksibilno odabrati. CloudEngine 6857E-48S6CQ can work with Huawei’s data center core switches CloudEngine 16800 ili CloudEngine 12800 izgraditi elastičnost, virtualan, i visokokvalitetne mreže podatkovnih centara iz ere oblaka kako bi se ispunili mrežni zahtjevi podatkovnih centara iz ere oblaka. U međuvremenu, this model is positioned for high-density 10,000 Gigabitni pristup u podatkovnim centrima, pomaže poduzećima i operaterima u izgradnji mrežnih platformi podatkovnih centara za eru računalstva u oblaku, a također se može koristiti za jezgru ili agregaciju kampusnih mreža.

Huawei CE6857E-48S6CQ Switch Product Pictures

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Huawei CE6857E-48S6CQ Switch Specifications

Marka Huawei
Model CloudEngine 6857E-48S6CQ
luke 48*10GE SFP+ interfaces, 6*100GE QSFP28 interfaces, or 6*40GE QSFP+ interfaces
CPU 4-jezgra, 1.6 GHz
Memorija GUTLJAJ: 4 GB
NOR Flash 128 MB
SSD Flash 8 GB
USB Podržano
Dimenzije sa pakiranjem (V x Š x D) [mm (u.)] 175 mm x 650 mm x 550 mm (6.9 u. x 25.6 u. x 21.7 u.)
Težina bez ambalaže (base configuration) [kg (lb)] 5.5 kg (12.1 lb) (excluding optical modules, power modules, and fan modules)
Težina bez ambalaže (puna konfiguracija) [kg (lb)] 7.75 kg (17.1 lb) (including AC power modules and fan modules, excluding optical modules)
Težina s pakiranjem (base configuration) [kg (lb)] 8.75 kg (19.3 lb)
Težina s pakiranjem (puna konfiguracija) [kg (lb)] 11 kg (24.3 lb)
Installation Type Cabinet Installation
Način napajanja AC DC HVDC
Konzolni priključak RJ45
Service port supporting the stack function 10GE optical ports and 100GE optical ports
RTC Podržano
Statička potrošnja energije [W] 106 W
Static heat dissipation [BTU/sat] 362 BTU/sat
Maksimalna potrošnja energije [W] 318 W
Maksimalna disipacija topline 1085 BTU/sat
Broj modula snage 2
Redundantno napajanje 1+1 sigurnosna kopija
Types of fans Pluggable
Number of fans 4
Način odvođenja topline Hlađenje zrakom
Smjer strujanja zraka Port-side intake or exhaust, ovisno o modulima ventilatora i modulima napajanja.
Dostupnost 0.999996184
MTBF [godina] 49.35 godine
MTTR [sat] 1.65 sati
Buka na normalnoj temperaturi (27°C, zvučni pritisak) [dB(A)] Strujanje zraka naprijed-natrag: average 50 dBA (maksimum: 54 dBA)
Strujanje zraka sprijeda: average 53 dBA (maksimum: 57 dBA)
Noise at high temperature (40°C, zvučni pritisak) [dB(A)] Strujanje zraka naprijed-natrag: average 69 dBA (maksimum: 73 dBA)
Strujanje zraka sprijeda: average 72 dBA (maksimum: 77 dBA)
Dugotrajna radna visina [m (ft.)] ≤ 5000 m (16404 ft.)
Dugotrajna radna relativna vlažnost [RH] 5% RH do 95% RH, nekondenzirajući
Dugotrajna radna temperatura [°C (°F)] 0°C do 40 °C (32°F do 104 °F) na nadmorskoj visini od 0 do 1800 m (0 do 5906 ft.)
Storage altitude [m (ft.)] < 5000 m (16404 ft.)
Storage relative humidity [RH] 5% RH do 95% RH, nekondenzirajući
Temperatura skladištenja [°C (°F)] -40°C do +70 °C (-40°F do +158 °F)

Huawei CE6857E-48S6CQ Switch Product Features

  • 16 switches are stacked to provide up to 768 10GE access ports to meet the high-density server access requirements of data centers.
  • Multiple devices are virtualized into one logical device to build a scalable and easy-to-manage data center network platform;
  • The stacking system realizes redundant backup of the control plane and data plane, avoiding the risk of a single point of failure and greatly enhancing the reliability of the system.
  • Service ports are multiplexed as stacking ports, which can not only realize stacking within and across racks, but also support long-distance stacking across regions.
  • Flexibly allocate service bandwidth and stacking bandwidth according to the actual networking scale, and reasonably allocate network resources.
  • High-performance TOR switch (1U), L2/L3 full line-speed forwarding;
  • Osigurati do 48 10GE sučelja koja zadovoljavaju zahtjeve pristupa visoke gustoće 10 Gigabitni poslužitelji;
  • Sve do 6 100G high-performance QSFP28 interfaces are supported, and QSFP28 interfaces can be used as one 40GE QSFP+ interface, providing flexible networking capabilities. Uzlazna veza 100GE/40GE radi s CloudEngineom 16800 ili CloudEngine 12800 serije za izgradnju konvergentne 100GE potpuno povezane mrežne platforme.

Huawei CE6857E-48S6CQ Switch and More Models

CloudEngine 6857E-48S6CQ “48*10GE SFP+ 6*40/100GE QSFP28”
CloudEngine 6857F-48S6CQ “48*10GE SFP+ 6*40/100GE QSFP28”
CloudEngine 6857F-48T6CQ 48*10GE Base-T 6*40/100GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6865E-48S8CQ 48*10/25GE SFP28 8*40/100GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6881-48S6CQ 48 x 10GE SFP+ priključci i 6 x 100GE QSFP28 portovi
CloudEngine 6881-48T6CQ 48*10G RJ45, 6*100G QSFP28
CloudEngine 6881H-48S6CQ 48*10 GE SFP+ 6*40/100 GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6881H-48T6CQ 48*10 GE Base-T i 6*40/100 GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6870-48S6CQ-EI-A 48*10 GE SFP+ 6*40/100 GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6863-48S6CQ 48*10/25 GE SFP28 6*40/100 GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6863E-48S6CQ 48*10/25 GE SFP28 6*40/100 GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6863H-48S6CQ 48*25 GE SFP+ 6*40/100 GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6866-48S8CQ-P 48*10/25 GE SFP28 ili 48 x 50 GE SFP56 8*40/100 GE QSFP28 ili 8 x 200 GE QSFP56
CloudEngine 6860-HAM 48*10/25 GE SFP28 ili 48 x 50 GE SFP56 8*40/100 GE QSFP28 ili 8 x 200 GE QSFP56
CloudEngine 6820H-48S6CQ 48*10 GE SFP+ 6*40/100 GE QSFP28

Huawei CE6857E-48S6CQ Switch Ordering Info

CE6857E-48S6CQ CE6857E-48S6CQ Switch (48*10GE SFP+, 6*100GE QSFP28, without power fan)
CE6857E-48S6CQ-B CE6857E-48S6CQ Switch (48*10GE SFP+, 6*100GE QSFP28, 2* AC napajanje, 4* fan box, port side air intake)
CE6857E-48S6CQ-F CE6857E-48S6CQ switch (48*10GE SFP+, 6*100GE QSFP28, 2* AC napajanje, 4* fan box, port side air outlet)
VENTILATOR-031A-F Kutija za ventilatore (F, fan box panel side air intake) CE6857E-48S6CQ
VENTILATOR-031A-B Kutija za ventilatore (B, fan box panel side air outlet) CE6857E-48S6CQ
PAC600S12-CB 600W AC modul napajanja (rear front air duct, power supply panel side out Wind) CE6857E-48S6CQ
PAC600S12-CF 600W AC modul napajanja (front and rear air ducts, power supply panel side inlet Wind CE6857E-48S6CQ
PDC1000S12-DF 1000W DC power supply module (front and rear air ducts, power supply panel side inlet wind CE6857E-48S6CQ
PDC1000S12-DB 1000W DC modul napajanja (rear front air duct, power supply panel side out wind CE6857E-48S6CQ
PHD1K2S12-DB 1200W high voltage DC power supply module (rear front air duct, power supply panel side air outlet) CE6857E-48S6CQ
N1-CE68LIC-CFFD N1-CE6800 switch CloudFabric Foundation package
N1-CE68CFFD-SnS1Y N1-CE6800 Switch CloudFabric Foundation Package – Subscription and Support – Year
N1-CE68LIC-CFAD N1-CE6800 switch CloudFabric Advanced package
N1-CE68CFAD-SnS1Y N1-CE6800 Switch CloudFabric Advanced Package – Subscription and Support – years
N1-CE68LIC-CFPM N1- CloudEngine 6800 Switch CloudFabric Premium package
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N1-CE68AFRD1- N1-CloudEngine 6800 Switch AI Fabric RDMA Application Acceleration Feature Pack 1-Subscription and Support
N1-CE-F-LIC-MDCA N1-CloudEngine Data Center Switch Multi-Cloud Multi-DC Scenario Value-Added Package – Fixed
N1-CEFMDCA -SnS1Y N1-CloudEngine Data Center Switch Multi-Cloud Multi-DC Scenario Value-Added Package, Device-Subscription and in a Box

Huawei CE6857E-48S6CQ Switch Product Applications

Huawei CloudEngine 6857E-48S6CQ Switch for data center ycict