
Huawei AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO is a next-generation flagship indoor access point which complies with the Wi-Fi 6 (802.11sjekira) standards, and achieving a device rate up to 10.75 Gbps

Huawei AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO Overview

The access point supports flexible switching among three modes: dual-radio, triple-radio, i dvostruki radio + one scanning radio. AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO uses built-in smart antennas to move Wi-Fi signals with users, significantly enhancing userswireless network experience. U Dodatku, the item provides uplink optical and electrical ports, allowing customers to select different deployment modes based on scenarios. it can also analyze the spectrum of non-Wi-Fi interference sources and identify them, including baby monitors, Bluetooth devices, digital cordless phones (na 2.4 GHz frequency band only), wireless audio transmitters (at both the 2.4 GHz i 5 GHz frekvencijski pojasevi), wireless game controllers, and microwave ovens. Coupled with Huawei NCE-Campus, the precise locations of the interference sources can be detected, and the spectrum of them displayed, enabling the administrator to remove the interference in a timely manner. These strengths permit AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO ideal for scenarios such as enterprise office, vlada, higher education, and primary/secondary education.

Huawei AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO Pictures

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Huawei AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO Specifications

Model AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO
Broj dijela 02353GSG-001
Prva podržana verzija V200R021C10SPC100
Opis AirEngine8760-X1-PRO(11sjekira sobna,Dedicated 3rd Radio,4+12 dvostruki pojasevi,pametna antena,USB,IoT Slot,BLE)
Dimenzije (V x Š x D) 61 mm x 220 mm x 220 mm
Ulazna snaga DC: 48 V ± 10%
PoE napajanje: u skladu s IEEE 802.3bt
Maksimalan broj korisnika ≤ 1024 (dvostruki radio način)
≤ 1152 (trostruki radio način)
Luka 2 x 10 GE electrical and 1 x 10 GE SFP+
Ugrađeni Bluetooth BLE 5.0
IoT Ugrađeni IoT utori
Radna temperatura –10°C do 50°C
Vrsta antene Ugrađene pametne antene
MIMO: Prostorni tokovi 2.4 GHz: 4×4:4; 5 GHz: 12×12:8
2.4 GHz: 4×4:4; 5 GHz-0: 8×8:8; 5 GHz-1: 4×4:4
Radio protokoli 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ac Val 2/ax
Maksimalna stopa 10.75 Gbit/s
Temperatura skladištenja [°C(°F)] –40°C do +70°C (–40°F do +158°F)
Dugotrajna radna relativna vlažnost [RH] 5% RH do 95% RH
Dugotrajna radna visina [m(ft.)] –60 m do +5000 m (–196,85 stopa do +16404.20 ft)
Atmosferski pritisak [kPa] 53kPa – 106kPa ETSI 300 019-2-3
Tlo Tlo
IoT slot IoT card
Broj radija 2/3

Huawei AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO Features

  • 2 x 10 GE electrical and 1 x 10 GE SFP+.
  • USB sučelje se može koristiti za vanjsko napajanje, vanjsko proširenje IoT-a, i skladištenje.
  • Smart antenna enables targeted signal coverage for mobile terminals, smanjuje smetnje, i poboljšava kvalitetu signala. Dodatno, it implements millisecond-level switchover as STAs move.
  • Ugrađeni IoT utori, podržavajući proširenje IoT-a kao što je BLE 5.2, ZigBee, RFID, i Nit.
  • Independent radio scanning, postizanje detekcije smetnji i lažnih uređaja u stvarnom vremenu i pravovremena optimizacija mreže.
  • Podržava Bluetooth serijsko sučelje temeljeno na O&M putem ugrađenog Bluetootha i CloudCampus APP-a.
  • Podržite Fat, Fit, i oblak tri načina rada.
  • Support dual radios: 2.4GHz (4×4) + 5GHz (12×12), dvostruki radio: 2.4GHz (4×4) + 5GHz (8×8) + independent radio scanning mode, trostruki radio: 2.4GHz (4×4) + 5GHz (8×8) + 5GHz (4×4). Ovi načini rada mogu se fleksibilno mijenjati. Maksimalna stopa je do 1.15 Gbps na 2,4 GHz pojasu, 9.6 Gbps u pojasu od 5 GHz, i 10.75 Gbps za uređaj

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Huawei AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO Applications

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