China Mobile pokrenuo je prvu svjetsku probnu mrežu tehnologije prijenosa 800G zračne jezgre optičkih vlakana
On June 6, 024, China Mobile opened the first 800G air-core optical fiber transmission technology trial network in Shenzhen-Dongguan, Guangdong. The test was jointly completed by China Mobile and domestic optical fiber and cable and equipment manufacturers, and verified the performance of the anti-resonant air-core fiber under the influence of various conditions such as traction, extrusion, water vapor, and outdoor splicing in the real environment, and achieved a number of core technical indicators such as the fusion loss of air-core and air-core fiber fusion as low as 0.05dB, the air-core-solid connection less than 0.3dB, and the loss of optical cable per kilometer after laying 0.6dB on the 20km link, all of which reached the international first-class level. The single-wavelength 800Gbps wide-spectrum optical transmission system is used to further realize the bidirectional 128Tb/s ultra-large capacity transmission test of 20km single-core fiber based on air-core fiber, which proves that the anti-resonant air-core fiber has the feasibility of deployment in complex pipe network environment, which is an important milestone for the air-core fiber and transmission system industry from technical prototype to industrialization.
Based on the new air light guide mechanism, hollow-core optical fiber can break through the two physical bottlenecks of solid-core optical fiber, the capacity limit and the delay limit, and has obvious performance advantages in backbone and data center transmission, which is a disruptive technology for next-generation optical communication. First, it can serve latency-sensitive high-value private line services, second, it can greatly optimize the latency level between computing hubs, and third, it is expected to provide technical support for the distributed deployment of intelligent computing centers in the future.
In this test, the first preparation of hybrid optical cable of hollow core fiber and solid core fiber was completed based on the reverse resonant hollow core fiber, and the mechanical properties such as tensile, flattened, bending, impact, and torsion can basically meet the requirements of the general cable standard. U isto vrijeme, during the laying period, Typhoon “Maris” passed through Dongguan, Shenzhen, and China Mobile, together with the domestic industrial chain, proveo je prvi put ispitivanje antirezonantne tehnologije optičkih vlakana i kabela sa zračnom jezgrom u okruženju složene mreže cijevi i iznimno lošim vremenskim uvjetima, prevladavanje nepovoljnih čimbenika kako bi se dovršilo otvaranje tipične posebne financijske linije u području Velikog zaljeva zračnim optičkim kabelom, koji može optimizirati kašnjenje prijenosa optičke veze za više od 30%.
Od 2018, China Mobile je surađivao s domaćim partnerima na provedbi istraživanja o antirezonantnom optičkom vlaknu sa šupljom jezgrom i tehnologiji njegovog sustava. China Mobile Research Institute napravio je niz tehnoloških inovacija u metodama mjerenja nelinearnih koeficijenata, ultra-velike snage i ultra-brzi modeli oštećenja prijenosa i razvoj novih dimenzija, objavio niz akademskih radova na OFC/ECOC, vrhunska međunarodna konferencija o optičkim komunikacijama, i vodio istraživanje o industrijskim standardima. U budućnosti, China Mobile će se dodatno usredotočiti na smanjenje gubitaka optičkih vlakana sa zračnom jezgrom i dizajn strukture optičkih vlakana za pripremu velikih razmjera, usvojiti način suradničkog istraživanja i razvoja prijenosnog sustava ultra-800G i dizajna optičkih vlakana za provođenje ključnih tehničkih istraživanja i verifikacije, ubrzati razvoj antirezonantnog optičkog vlakna sa zračnom jezgrom i njegovog optičkog komunikacijskog sustava, aktivno pokreću evoluciju budućeg potpuno optičkog mrežnog tehnološkog sustava, razvoj industrijskog lanca, i rađanje ekologije primjene, i nastaviti davati novi zamah razvoju digitalne ekonomije.