
Huawei S5701-28X-LI-24S-AC Switch is a simplified Gigabit Ethernet Switch with 24*GE SFP ports 4*Combo 10/100/1,000 बेस-टी ईथरनेट पोर्ट 4*10 GE SFP+ ports AC Power

Huawei S5701-28X-LI-24S-AC Switch Product Overview

Huawei S5701-28X-LI-24S-AC Switch is a simplified Gigabit Ethernet Switch with 24*GE SFP ports 4*Combo 10/100/1,000 बेस-टी ईथरनेट पोर्ट 4*10 GE SFP+ ports AC Power. The super-flexible, easy-to-manage platform allows the users to optimize L3 switching capacity and downstream port bandwidth from 100 Mbit/s से 1 जीबीआईटी/एस. Apart from them, it supports Advanced Hibernation Management (AHM) for dynamic power management, iStack clustering for easy scalability, and comprehensive security and user authentication features. Additional options include battery backup, CSFP interfaces, and zero-touch remote maintenance, as well as models customized to meet specialized requirements. Ideal for use as an access or aggregation switch in a campus network, or to provide Gigabit access in an Internet data center. इसलिए, Huawei S5701-28X-LI-24S-AC Switch provides customers with a green, प्रबंधन में आसान, विस्तार करने में आसान, और डेस्कटॉप समाधान के लिए लागत प्रभावी गीगाबिट.

Huawei S5701-28X-LI-24S-AC Switch Product Pictures

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Huawei S5701-28X-LI-24S-AC Switch Product Specifications

वस्तु विवरण
ब्रांड हुवाई
नमूना S5701-28X-LI-24S-AC
भाग संख्या 2357676
पत्तन 24*GE SFP ports 4*Combo 10/100/1,000 बेस-टी ईथरनेट पोर्ट
4*10 GE SFP+ ports AC Power
याद (टक्कर मारना) 256 एमबी
चमक 200 एमबी
विफलताओं के बीच की अवधि (एमटीबीएफ) 89.91 साल
सुधार के लिए इसी बीच (एमटीटीआर) 2 घंटे
उपलब्धता > 0.99999
सर्विस पोर्ट सर्ज सुरक्षा सामान्य विधा: ±6 के.वी
बिजली आपूर्ति वृद्धि संरक्षण ±6 kV in differential mode, ±6 kV in common mode
DIMENSIONS (एच एक्स डब्ल्यू एक्स डी) 43.6 मिमी एक्स 442.0 मिमी एक्स 220.0 मिमी (1.72 में. एक्स 17.4 में. एक्स 8.7 में।)
वज़न (with packaging) 3.5 किलोग्राम (7.72 lb)
Stack ports Four uplink 10GE SFP+ ports
आरटीसी का समर्थन किया
RPS का समर्थन किया
पीओई समर्थित नहीं
रेटेड वोल्टेज रेंज 100 वी ए.सी. को 240 वी ए.सी, 50/60 हर्ट्ज
अधिकतम वोल्टेज रेंज 90 वी ए.सी. को 264 वी ए.सी, 47 हर्ट्ज से 63 हर्ट्ज
अधिकतम बिजली की खपत (100% THROUGHPUT, full speed of fans) 60 डब्ल्यू
परिचालन तापमान 0डिग्री सेल्सियस से 45 डिग्री सेल्सियस (32°F से 113°F) at an altitude of 0-1800 एम (0-5906 फ़ुट.)
भंडारण तापमान -40डिग्री सेल्सियस से +70 डिग्री सेल्सियस (-40°F से +158°F)
Noise under normal temperature (27डिग्री सेल्सियस, sound power) < 49.6 डीबी(ए)
सापेक्षिक आर्द्रता 5% को 95%, गैरसंघनक
परिचालन ऊंचाई 0-5000 एम (0-16404 फ़ुट.)
प्रमाणन ईएमसी प्रमाणीकरण
सुरक्षा प्रमाणीकरण
विनिर्माण प्रमाणीकरण
विशिष्ट बिजली की खपत (30% of traffic load)
Tested according to ATIS standard
EEE enabled
No PoE power consumption
49.7 डब्ल्यू

Huawei S5701-28X-LI-24S-AC Switch Product Features

  • Supporting DHCP snooping, which discards invalid packets that do not match any binding entries, such as ARP spoofing packets and IP spoofing packets. This prevents hackers from using ARP packets to initiate man-in-the-middle attacks on campus networks. The interface connected to a DHCP server can be configured as a trusted interface to protect the system against bogus DHCP server attacks.
  • Supporting strict ARP learning, which prevents ARP spoofing attacks that exhaust ARP entries. It also provides IP source checks to prevent DoS attacks caused by MAC address spoofing, आईपी ​​एड्रेस स्पूफिंग, और मैक/आईपी स्पूफिंग.
  • Offering customers extensive selection of energy-saving with standard mode, • basic mode and advanced mode that accommodates most needs. By matching port link down/up, optical-module in-place/out of place, port shut down/undo shutdown, idle period, busy period to increase the proportion of the dynamic energy-saving to reduce the power consumption.
  • Reducing energy consumption without compromising system performance, ensuring good user experience. The S5700-LI adopts multiple cutting-edge energy-saving designs, including Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE), port energy detection, dynamic CPU frequency adjustment, and device sleeping.

Huawei S5701-28X-LI-24S-AC Switch and more Related Models

S5700-10P-LI-AC: 8*10/100/1000Base-T ports, 2 1000Base-X SFP ports

S5700-10P-PWR-LI-AC: 8*10/100/1000Base-T ports, 2 1000Base-X SFP ports PoE+

S5700-28P-LI-AC: 24*10/100/1000Base-T ports and 4 1000Base-• X SFP ports

S5700-28P-LI-DC: 24*10/100/1000Base-T ports and 4 1000Base-• X SFP ports

S5700-28P-PWR-LI-AC: 24* 10/100/1000 Base-T ports and 4*1000Base-X ports PoE+

S5700-52P-LI-AC: 48*10/100/1000 Base-T ports and 4*1000Base-X ports AC Power

S5700-52P-LI-DC: 48*10/100/1000 Base-T ports and 4*1000Base-X ports DC Power

S5700-52P-PWR-LI-AC: 48*10/100/1000 Base-T ports and 4*1000Base-X ports PoE+ AC Power

S5700-28TP-LI-AC: 26*10/100/1000 Base-T ports, 2 of which are dual-purpose10/100/1000 or SFP ports, 2*1000Base-X ports AC Power

S5700-28TP-PWR-LI-AC: 26*10/100/1000 Base-T ports, 2 of which are dual-purpose 10/100/1000 or SFP ports, 2 1000Base-X ports POE+

S5701-28TP-PWR-LI-AC: 26*10/100/1000 Base-T ports, 2 of which are dual-purpose 10/100/1000 or SFP ports, 2*1000Base-X ports POE+ AC Power

S5700-28X-LI-AC: 24*10/100/1000Base-T ports and 4 10जीई एसएफपी+ पोर्ट (10GE/GE auto-sensing) AC Power

S5700-28X-LI-DC: 24*10/100/1000Base-T ports and 4 10जीई एसएफपी+ पोर्ट (10GE/GE auto-sensing) एकदिश धारा बिजली

Huawei S5700-28X-PWR-LI-AC Switch: 24 10/100/1000 Base-T ports and 4 10जीई एसएफपी+ पोर्ट (10GE/GE auto-sensing) एसी पावर

S5700-28X-LI-24S-AC: 24*100/1000 बेस एक्स,4 of which are dual-purpose 10/100/1000 या एसएफपी,4 10 गिग एसएफपी+ (10GE/GE auto-sensing)

S5700-28X-LI-24S-DC: 24*100/1000 बेस एक्स,4 of which are dual-purpose10/100/1000 or SFP,4 10 गिग एसएफपी+ (10GE/GE auto-sensing) एकदिश धारा बिजली

S5701-28X-LI-AC: 24*10 100 1000बेस-टी ईथरनेट पोर्ट 4 10G SFP+AC power supply

S5701-28X-LI-24S-AC: 24*GE SFP ports 4*Combo 10/100/1,000 बेस-टी ईथरनेट पोर्ट 4*10 GE SFP+ ports AC Power

S5700-52X-LI-AC: 48*10/100/1000Base-T ports and 4 10जीई एसएफपी+ पोर्ट (10GE/GE auto-sensing) AC Power

S5700-52X-LI-DC: 48*10/100/1000Base-T ports and 4 10जीई एसएफपी+ पोर्ट (10GE/GE auto-sensing) एकदिश धारा बिजली

S5700-52X-PWR-LI-AC: 48*10/100/1000Base-T ports and 4*10GE SFP+ ports (10GE/GE auto-sensing) AC Power

S5700-52X-LI-48CS-AC: 48*GE CSFP ports or 24 *जीई एसएफपी पोर्ट, 4* Combo 10/100/1,000 बेस-टी ईथरनेट पोर्ट, 4*10 GE SFP+ ports AC Power.

Huawei S5701-28X-LI-24S-AC Switch Product Applications

Huawei S5720S-52P-PWR-LI-AC Switch Product Applications

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