
GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable is Uni-tube Anti-rodent Optical Cable

GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable Product Overview

GYXTS घर के बाहर संचार fiber optic cable है kind का fiber optic cable साथ specific structure और performance, which है widely used में संचार नेटवर्क. जीYXTS fiber हेptic cable iएस a kind हेf central बीundle tube हेptical cable,रा its एमain एसtructure includes central loose tube, phosphated एसteel डब्ल्यूire reinforcing एमember रा एसteel-polyethylene बीonded एसheath. यह kind का fiber optic cable has good tensile resistance, side pressure resistance, और ultraviolet resistance, और है suitable के लिए longdistance संचार और interकार्यालय संचार, especially में घर के बाहर environments.

GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable Product Pictures

GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable ycictGYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable GYXTS cable ycict

GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable price ycictGYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable datasheet ycict

GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable Product Specifications

Fiber Optic Cable Model (in 2-fiber increments) Number of fibers Reference cable weight (kg/km) Tensile force allowed
Allowable squashing force
मुड़ी हुई बहिः प्रकोष्ठिका
GYXTS-8~12Xn 2~12 108 600/1500
GYXTS-14~18Xn 14~18 116 1000/3000 10D/20D
GYXTS-20~24Xn 20~24 126
GYXTS-26~30Xn 26~30 137 1000/3000
GYXTS-32~36Xn 30~36 142
फाइबर प्रकार क्षीणन बैंडविड्थ Numerical aperture Fiber optic cable cut-off wavelength
@850एनएम @1300एनएम @1310एनएम @1550 एनएम @850एनएम @1300एनएम
जी.652 ≤0.36dB/किमी ≤0.22dB/किमी ≤1260 एनएम
जी.655 ≤0.40dB/km ≤0.23dB/किमी ≤1450nm
50/125µm ≤3.3dB/km ≤1.2dB/km ≥500MHz·km ≥500MHz·km 0.200±0.015 NA
62.5/125µm ≤3.5dB/km ≤1.2dB/km ≥200MHz·km ≥500MHz·km 0.275±0.015 NA

GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable Product Features

• Accurate process control ensuring good mechanical and temperature performances
• The material of loose tubes with good hydrolysis resistance and relatively high strength
• Tube filling compound providing key protection for fibres
• Excellent crush resistance and flexibility
• Wrapped steel wires providing good anti-rodent performance
• Small size and light weight, easy for installation
• Applicable to duct and aerial installations

GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable Product and More Optic Cables

Center Tube Sheathed Fiber Optic केबल साथ AntiRodent (GYDXTS)
Iएन-टीube एसheathed nti-Rodent एफiber Optic Cable (जीYXTS)
सीentro 53 एसheathed nti-Rodent सीable(जीYXTY53)
Loose tube type एसingle thin round एसteel डब्ल्यूire rmored हेptical cable(जीYXTA33)
एफiber बीundle सीenter टीube एसheathed nti-Rodent एफiber हेptic सीable (जीYSXTS)
एफiber बीundle ir बीlowing एमicro सीable (जीYCFSY)
एनपर-एमetallic central tube lightning रा rodent protection हेptical cable(जीYQFXTY)
एनपर-एमetallic central tube 73 एसheathed lightweight lightning रा rodent fiber हेptic cable (जीYQFXTY73)
एफlame retardant fiber हेptic cable fया central tube coal एमine (एमGXTW)
एफlame retardant हेptical cable fया loose एसleeve एसtranded coal एमine (एमGTS)
एसtranded एनपर-एमetallic irblowing एफiber Optic Cable (JET)
एमiniature एनपर-एमetallic irblown एफiber Optic Cable (JET)
Alldielectric selfसहायक cable (ADSS)

GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable Product Applications

  • Core network, metropolitan area network and access network
  • laying methods: overhead, pipeline and direct burial

GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable Product Structure

GYXTS-8~12Xn Optic Cable structure

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