
GJPFJV Break-out Cable is indoor Optical Cable Multi Purpose Break-out Cable complying with Standard YD/T1258.4-2009ICEA-596GR-409IEC794 etc; and meets with the requirements of UL approval for OFNR.

GJPFJV Break-out Cable Product Overview

A 900μm tightly jacketed fiber is made by using ultraviolet light curing with an outer diameter of 250μm to directly tighten a layer of material. With the tight-sleeved optical fiber as the unit, the appropriate tension-resistant material is deployed around a single or multiple tight-sleeved optical fibers, and a layer of sheath material is extruded to make single-core or multi-core branch sub-optical cables. Multiple branched sub-cables are arranged around the center of non-metallic reinforcements, and the outer wrapped longitudinal wrap and squeezed outer sheath. It is mainly used for indoor branch wiring, and the maximum number of cores of a single optical cable reaches 144 कोर.

GJPFJV Break-out Cable Product Pictures

GJPFJV Break-out Cable Indoor Optical Cable ycictGJPFJV Break-out Cable Indoor Optical Cable price and specs ycict

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GJPFJV Break-out Cable Product Specifications

जी.652 जी.655 50/125माइक्रोन 62.5/125माइक्रोन
क्षीणन (+20℃) @850एनएम ≤3.0dB/किमी ≤3.0dB/किमी
@1300एनएम ≤1.0dB/किमी ≤1.0dB/किमी
@1310एनएम ≤0.36dB/किमी
@1550 एनएम ≤0.22dB/किमी ≤0.23dB/किमी
बैंडविड्थ>(एक कक्षा) @850 ≥200MHZ·किमी ≥200MHZ·किमी
@1300 ≥500MHZ·किमी ≥500MHZ·किमी
संख्यात्मक एपर्चर 0.200±0.015NA 0.275±0.015NA
केबल कट-ऑफ तरंग दैर्ध्य ≤1260 एनएम ≤1480 एनएम
फाइबर गिनती Cable Diameter mm Cable Weight Kg/km Tensile Strength
Long/Short Term
Crush Resistance
Long/Short Term
Bending Radius
24 13.8±0.5 70 500/1300 300/1000 30D/15D
48 18.0±0.5 150 500/1300 300/1000 30D/15D
96 25.0±0.5 340 500/1300 300/1000 30D/15D
120 31.0±1mm 530 500/1300 300/1000 30D/15D

GJPFJV Break-out Cable Product Features

  • Layered stranded optical cable structure, non-metallic center reinforcement core so that the optical cable can withstand greater tensile force;
  • Outer protection materials have the advantages of corrosion resistance, waterproof, UV protection, flame retardant and environmental protection;
  • All-dielectric structure, free from electromagnetic interference;
  • Number of cores: 2-12 कोर;
  • Product application: indoor integrated wiring as the backbone wiring optical cable of the building
  • फाइबर प्रकार: सिंगल-मोड फाइबर: OS2
  • मल्टीमोड फाइबर: OM1, OM2, OM3, OM4
  • Product standards: meet YD/T 1258.4-2005, ICEA-596, GR-409, आईईसी 60794-2-20/21 and other standards;
  • UL listed OFNR compliant.

GJPFJV Break-out Cable and More Indoor Optical Cables

Furcation tube

300μm Tight buffered

ढीला बफर्ड फाइबर

टाइट बफ़र्ड फ़ाइबर

जीजेएफजेवी एसएक्स टाइट

जीजेएफजेवी डुप्लेक्स

जीजेएफवी 2-24 रंगीन

जीजेएफजेएच ब्रेक-आउट

जीजेएफजेवी 2-24 कसा हुआ

जीजेपीएफजेवी ब्रेक-आउट

GJFJH53 स्टील बख्तरबंद

आकृति 8 केबल

GJPFJV Break-out Cable Product Applications

  • इनडोर क्षैतिज वायरिंग, इमारतों में ऊर्ध्वाधर वायरिंग, लैन नेटवर्क.
  • Standard core can be directly apply to connectors, to use for device connecting.
  • Used as a backbone cable tail can access directly from the indoor and outdoor to save the junction box, isolated lightning, improve system reliability.

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