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Huawei SSN1SL64 Board is 1-channel STM-64 optical interface board SSN1SL64 SDH optical transmission.
Huawei SSN1SL64 Board Product Overview
Huawei SSN1SL64 Board is 1-port STM-64 10G optical interface card for OSN7500 OSN 3500.
Huawei SSN1SL64 Board is a line board, which can be used on the OptiX OSN equipment series to transmit and receive STM-64 optical signals. The Huawei SSN1SL64 Board converts the received optical signals into electrical signals and sends the electrical signals to the cross-connect side. בנוסף, Huawei SSN1SL64 Board converts the electrical signals sent from the cross-connect side into optical signals and transmits the optical signals.
Huawei SSN1SL64 Board Product Pictures
Huawei SSN1SL64 Board Product Specifications
קצב סיביות נומינלי | 9953280 kbit/s | |
דפוס קוד קו | NRZ | |
קוד אפליקציה | V-64.2b | |
מרחק שידור (ק"מ) | 80 ל 120 | |
סוג סיבים | LC במצב יחיד | |
טווח אורכי גל פעולה (נ"מ) | 1550.12 | |
הושק טווח הספק אופטי (dBm) | -4 ל -1 (without the BA, PA, or DCU) | |
13 ל 15 (with the BA) | ||
רגישות מקלט (dBm) | -14 (without the PA, BA, or DCU) | |
-26 (with the PA) | ||
עומס יתר מינימלי (dBm) | -1 | |
יחס הכחדה מינימלי (dB) | 8.2 | |
מַקסִימוּם -20 רוחב ספקטרלי dB (נ"מ) | 1 | |
יחס דיכוי מצב צד מינימלי (dB) | 30 |
Huawei SSN1SL64 Board Product and More Service Boards
3053080 | SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) | 2xSTM-64 optical interface board (I-64.1,LC) |
3053081 | SSN1SLD64(S-64.2b,LC) | 2xSTM-64 optical interface board(S-64.2b,LC) |
3052966 | SSND0SLD6402 | 2xSTM-64 optical interface board(S-64.2b,LC) |
3053052 | SSND0SLD6401 | 2xSTM-64 optical interface board(I-64.1,LC) |
3035296 | SSN1SF64(Ue-64.2c-e,LC) | STM-64( with FEC) optical interface board(Ue-64.2c~e) |
3052974 | SSND00SF6401 | STM-64( with FEC) optical interface board(Ue-64.2c~e) |
3037692 | SSN1SL64(I-64.2,LC) | STM-64 optical interface board(I-64.2,LC) |
03030BME | SSN1SL64(S-64.2b,LC) | STM-64 optical interface board(S-64.2b,LC) |
03030BNT | SSN1SL64(Le-64.2,LC) | STM-64 optical interface board(Le-64.2,LC) |
03030CCS | SSN1SL64(Ls-64.2,LC) | STM-64 optical interface board(Ls-64.2,LC) |
03030BDK | SSN1SL64(L-64.2b,LC) | STM-64 optical interface board(L-64.2b,LC) |
03030BEP | SSN1SL64(V-64.2b,LC) | STM-64 optical interface board(V-64.2b,LC) |
3052978 | SSND00SL6401 | 1xSTM-64 optical interface board(I-64.1,LC) |
3052980 | SSND00SL6402 | 1xSTM-64 optical interface board(S-64.2b,LC) |
3052979 | SSND00SL6403 | 1xSTM-64 optical interface board(P1L1-2D2,LC) |
3052982 | SSND00SL6404 | 1xSTM-64 optical interface board(V-64.2b,LC) |
3053220 | SSN4SL64(Le-64.2,LC) | 1xSTM-64 optical interface board(Le-64.2,LC) |
Huawei SSN1SL64 Board Product Features
- OAM hierárquico, detecção rápida de falhas: O MSTP híbrido suporta OAM hierárquico, realiza detecção rápida de falhas e localização em camadas e melhora a confiabilidade da rede. Ao mesmo tempo, o MSTP híbrido oferece suporte ao OAM distribuído e ao OAM centralizado
- Solução de assistente de pacote TP para simplificar a operação e manutenção de serviços de pacote: Através da solução TP Assistant (TP-Assist), o equipamento Huawei OSN3500 possui os recursos de gerenciamento e manutenção da arquitetura em camadas do tipo SDH, que simplifica a operação e manutenção de serviços de pacote. Configuração de serviço de pacote ponta a ponta, comissionamento e localização de falhas.
- Tecnologia WDM embutida e rede flexível: O dispositivo OSN3500 suporta a tecnologia WDM embutida para realizar a transmissão de vários comprimentos de onda em uma única fibra óptica e pode realizar uma solução de rede flexível para interconexão com equipamentos WDM.
Huawei SSN1SL64 Board Product Applications
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