
S622E8 STM4 FIBERHOME IBAS110A supports eight channels of Ethernet services.

Both the S622E8 card and the S155E8 card are named as STM14E8 when configured in the network management system.

S622E8 card, card code WKE2.061.075R1C supports re-timing functions, a saber. Performing synchronization between the output clock of the E1 interface and the equipment system clock.

S622E8 STM4 FIBERHOME IBAS110A Product Overview

Transmitting Fiberhome IBAS 110A STM4 is Uplink Main Board with Low Power Consumption The IBAS 110A system cards include S622E8 card, S155E8 card, and S155 card. The S622E8 / S155E8 system card (card code WKE2.061.073R2B) has four eight-bit DIP switches, K6, K5, K4, and K3. When the IP address is configured via a DIP switch, the equipment address is 10.18.X.X. The higher two digits are fixed and the lower two bytes digits are configured via K6 and K5 respectively with the higher two digits fixed as 0. K4 and K3 can be configured as the default working mode, which is used when the network management system is not activated.

S622E8 STM4 FIBERHOME IBAS110A Product Picture



item Unidad Valor
Tipo de interfaz STM-4
Tasa de bits nominal kbit/s 622080
Application sort code S-4.1 0-30 L-4.1 30-45 L4.2 30-70 L4.3 30-70
Application distance range
Operation wavelength range Nuevo Méjico 1274-1356 1296-1330 1480-1580 1480-1580
Optical source type MLM MLM SLM SLM
Maximum RMS spectrum width Nuevo Méjico 2.5 1.7
Maximum -20dBspectrum width Nuevo Méjico <1 1
Minimumedge-mode suppressing ratio dB 30 30
Maximum average transmitting power dBm -8 2 2 2
Minimum average transmitting power dBm -15 -3 -3 -3
Tasa mínima de extinción dB 8.2 10 10 10
Attenuation range dB 0-12 10-24 10-24 10-24
Maximum dispersion ps/nm 74 109 1840 N / A
The minimum return loss of optical cables atS (including any moving connector) dB N / A 20 24 20
Maximum disperse reflection coefficient S and R dB N / A -25 -27 -25
Minimum sensitivity(BER<10-10) dBm -28 -28 -28 -28
Maximum overload(BER<10-10) dBm -8 -8 -8 -8
Maximumchannel cost dB 1 1 1 1
Maximum reflectioncoefficientreceiver at R dB -24 -17 -24 -17

S622E8 STM4 FIBERHOME IBAS110A Product Features

User interface

It supports all defined overhead bytes. E1 byte is used for providing one channel of order wire; E2 and F1 bytes are used for providing four channels of data interfaces with rate < 9.6kbit/s. Supports RS232 interface.

Various management interfaces

Provides F and f (f/Debug)interfaces. The F interface is connected with the network management server, which uses standard Ethernet communication protocols and processes management information from the server. The f interface is connected with PC and uses RS232

interfaz. When management network is not established, and equipment needs maintenance, f interface can also be used for equipment debugging and maintenance. Al mismo tiempo, uno

Line interface and access capacity

It supports standard STM-1/STM-4 optical interface, a frame structure and basic functions. Es compatible 2 STM-1 optical interfaces. Equipment can be upgraded to STM-4 through using STM-4 system cards which support 2 STM-4 optical interfaces. The total access capability of this equipment is 64 channels of E1, dentro de los cuales 32 channels of E1 are provided by system card. Its total Ethernet (10/100Mbit/s) access capability is 16, with system cards (only S622E8 and S155E8 system cards) secundario 8. The total access capability of STM-1 optical tributary of this equipment is 2 and PDH optical tributary access capability is 4.

Equipment Overview

Networking ability of various topologies

It can support multiple network topologies, such as ring, cadena, T-type (at most supporting 2 optical tributaries or 4 PDH optical tributaries). It can also act as the remote end of other equipment,i.e. service extension of high-level equipment. Protection mechanism When configured as STM-1 equipment, it can provide path protection. When configured as STM-4 equipment, this equipment is able to provide path protection, line protection, and 2-fiber multiplex section protection.

Función de alarma

Provides integrated alarm and report functions of SDH, PDH, IBAS110A MSTP Equipment Ethernet, etc Provides 6 ports of circumstance monitor interfaces(TTL level) and 6 ports of control interfaces(TTL level). Provides temperature, power alarm and performance monitor

funciones. Provides fan alarm functions and fan card can be removed out under electricity-on conditions.

S622E8 STM4 FIBERHOME IBAS110A Function Block Diagram

S622E8 STM4 FIBERHOME IBAS110A YCICT function key

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