
AOC QSFP-DD to QSFP-DD cable is 400G-QSFP-DD-Active Optical Cable-10m-AOC

AOC QSFP-DD to QSFP-DD cable Product Overview

AOC QSFP-DD to QSFP-DD cable has the advantages of light weight, larga distancia de transmisión (compared to DAC), and anti-electromagnetic interference, and is used in 400G data center Ethernet. The AOC cable uses a multi-mode optical fiber connection module, and the theoretical maximum transmission distance is 100m, but the AOC has been coupled with modules at both ends, which is not suitable for long-distance transmission, so it is generally used in scenarios within 30m.

AOC QSFP-DD to QSFP-DD cable Product Pictures

QSFP-DD to QSFP-DDAOC QSFP-DD to QSFP-DD cable good price

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AOC QSFP-DD to QSFP-DD cable Product Specifications

Nombre del modelo QSFP-DD-400G-AOC-10M
Tipo de interfaz QSFP-DD to QSFP-DD
Radio de curvatura mínimo 30milímetros
Longitud del cable 10metro
Velocidad de transmision 425Gbps
longitud de onda 850Nuevo Méjico
Material de la funda exterior OFNP
Tipo de receptor ALFILER
Temperatura de funcionamiento 0~70°C
Tipo emisor VCCSEL
Tipo de cable Cables activos de fibra óptica
Protocolo SFF-8636, SFF-8665, 400Ethernet

AOC QSFP-DD to QSFP-DD cable Product Features

  • Housed in a hot-swappable QSFP-DD package
  • Cable óptico activo full-duplex
  • Octal-channel 53.125Gb/s PAM4 modulation
  • 850Fotodetector láser y PIN VCSEL de nm
  • Cumple con SFF-8636, SFF-8665 and 400G Ethernet standards
  • RoHS (sin plomo)
  • Cumpla con los requisitos de EML y ESD
  • Cumple con Telcordia (campanario) Requisitos de confiabilidad GR-468-CORE
  • Diagnósticos numéricos disponibles
  • La distancia de transmisión admite 1 ~ 100 m
  • El voltaje de la fuente de alimentación es de 3,3 V.

AOC QSFP-DD to QSFP-DD cable Product and More Models

Cable SFP+ a SFP+ AOC
SFP28 to SFP28 AOC Cable
Cable QSFP+ a 4*SFP+ AOC
Cable AOC QSFP28 a QSFP28
QSFP56 to QSFP56 AOC Cable

AOC QSFP-DD to QSFP-DD cable Product Applications

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