Huawei SmartAX MA5683T OLT

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Huawei SmartAX MA5683T OLT is optical access device functions as an OLT device in a GPON/EPON system. Its function and function are similar to those of the Huawei MA5680T. It is a small-to-medium-capacity OLT device. Huawei SmartAX MA5683T OLT is 19inch, with 5U height 6 Service-Slots, supporting EPON, GPON, 10G PON, P2P service; H802MABO subrack equipped with 2xH801SCUN, 2XH801PRTE

Huawei SmartAX MA5683T OLT Product Overview

MA5683T HUAWEI is positioned as an optical access device OLT, which supports GPON, 10G GPON, Berufung, 10G EPON, and P2P access modes, and provides services such as Internet access, Stimme, and video. As a large, mittlere und kleine Produktserien, Mehrere Produkte verfügen insgesamt über Softwareplattformen und Serviceboards.

Grosse Kapazität: MA5680T

Mittlere Kapazität: MA5683T

Kleine Kapazität: MA5608T

Huawei MA5683T provides 13 Schlüssel, einschließlich 6 Steckplätze für Serviceplatinen; 2 Hauptsteuerplatinensteckplätze; 2 GIU upstream board slots; 2 power board slots; Und 1 common interface board slot.

Huawei SmartAX MA5683T OLT Product Pictures

Huawei SmartAX MA5683T OLT YCICTHuawei SmartAX MA5683T OLT YCICT

Huawei SmartAX MA5683T OLT YCICTHuawei SmartAX MA5683T OLT YCICT

Configure the service board in slots 0 Zu 5 of MA5603T. The slots 6 Zu 7 are the slots of the main control board. MA5603T can be configured with two main control boards to implement the active/standby function. The GIU upstream boards are configured in slots 8 Und 9. The power boards are configured in slots 10 Und 11, and the universal interface board is configured in 12 Schlüssel.

Huawei SmartAX MA5683T OLT Product Specifications

Index MA5680T(ETSI) MA5680T(IEC) MA5683T
Kompatibler Schrank Innenschrank:N63E-22、N66E-18 Innenschrank:N66E-22 Innenschrank:N66E-18
Außenschrank:F01T500 Außenschrank Außenschrank:F01S300、F01T500、F01T300
Servicekarte Hauptsteuerplatine: 2 Schlüssel Hauptsteuerplatine: 2 Schlüssel Hauptsteuerplatine: 2 Schlüssel
Service-Board: 16 Schlüssel Service-Board: 16 Schlüssel Service-Board: 6 Schlüssel
Universelle Schnittstellenkarte: 1 Slot Universelle Schnittstellenkarte: 1 Slot Universelle Schnittstellenkarte: 1 Slot
Uplink-Schnittstellenkarte: 2 Schlüssel Uplink-Schnittstellenkarte: 2 Schlüssel Uplink-Schnittstellenkarte: 2 Schlüssel
Stromschnittstellenplatine: 2 Schlüssel Stromschnittstellenplatine: 2 Schlüssel Stromschnittstellenplatine: 2 Schlüssel
Unterstützbare Hauptsteuerplatine und Schaltkapazität SCUN/SCUK:480Gbit/s (Aktiv-/Standby-Modus)、960Gbit/s (Lastverteilungsmodus).)
SCUH/SCUV:960Gbit/s (Aktiv-/Standby-Modus)、1920Gbit/s (Lastverteilungsmodus).)
Systemschicht 2 Paketweiterleitungsrate SCUN/SCUK:726Mpps (Aktiv-/Standby-Modus)、1452Mpps (Load-Sharing-Modus)
SCUH/SCUV:1428Mpps (Aktiv-/Standby-Modus)、2856Mpps (Load-Sharing-Modus).)
Verzögerung bei der Exchange-Weiterleitung Hat eine geringere Weiterleitungsverzögerung. Der 100-Mbit/s-Ethernet-Port sendet 64-Byte-Ethernet-Pakete mit einer Verzögerung von nicht mehr als 20 μs.
Full load error rate Wenn der Port unter Volllast sendet, die Bitfehlerrate (Bit Fehlerrate) Ist <10 e-7.

Huawei SmartAX MA5683T OLT Product Features

Large-capacity shared platform

Huawei SmartAX MA5683T OLT provides the large-capacity shared platform that supports a high-speed switching capacity.

Based on the iMAP hardware platform and the IAS software platform of Huawei, Huawei SmartAX MA5683T OLT adopts advanced architecture and design.

Powerful integrated GPON/EPON access capability

  1. EPON access capability

The point to multi-point (P2MP) architecture is used to support the passive optical transmission over Ethernet. Symmetrical upstream and downstream rates of 1.25 Gbit/s are supported to provide the high-speed broadband services

  1. GPON-Zugriffsfähigkeit.

The downstream rate is up to 2.488 Gbit/s and the upstream rate is up to 1.244 Gbit/s. Long-distance is supported. The maximum physical transmission distance of the ONT is 60 km. The physical distance between the farthest ONT and the nearest ONT can be up to 20 km. High split ratio is supported. The 8-port GPON access board supports a split ratio of 1:128.

Huawei SmartAX MA5683T OLT Service Boards

Board Type Modell Full Name
Steuerplatine SCUL Platine der Super-Steuereinheit
SCUN Platine der Super-Steuereinheit
Service-Board GPBC 4-Port GPON OLT-Schnittstellenkarte
GPBD 8-Port GPON OLT-Schnittstellenkarte
OPFA FE P2P Optical Interface Board
FINDEN TDM Traffic Over PSN Board
CSPA CESoP Service Process Board
SPUA Service Process Board
ETHB Ethernet-Service-Access-Board
SPUB Service Process Unit Board
Clock board CITD Combo Interface Transfer Board
BIUA BITS Interface Unit Board
Upstream interface board GICF 2-Port GE Optische Schnittstellenkarte
GICG 2-Port GE Electrical Interface Card
GICK 2-port GE Optical/Electrical Interface Card
X1CA 1-port 10GE XFP Optical Interface Unit Board
X2CA 2-port 10GE XFP Optical Interface Unit Board
X2CS 2-port 10GE Uplink Interface Card
Stromschnittstellenplatine PRTE Schließen Sie die Leistungsplatine an

Huawei SmartAX MA5683T OLT Applications


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