
Huawei S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C Switch is a High-Quality Multi-GE switch with 36*10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 12*100M/1/2.5/5/10G Ethernet ports, 4*10GE SFP+ porte, 4*25GE SFP28 porte, 2*100GE QSFP28-porte, PoE++, uden strømmodul)

Huawei S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C Switch Product Overview

It is a High-Quality Multi-GE Switch developed by Huawei for the Wi-Fi 6/Wi-Fi 7. Huawei S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C can function as core switches for small-sized campus networks and branches of medium- og store campusnetværk, og fungerer også som adgangskontakter for Metropolitan Area Network. Derudover, With the unified user management function, the CloudEngine S5755-H authenticates both wired and wireless users, ensuring a consistent user experience no matter whether they are connected to the network through wired or wireless access devices. The unified user management function supports various authentication methods, inklusive 802.1x, Mac-adresse, , and is capable of managing users based on user groups, domains, and time ranges. These functions visualize user and service management and boost the transformation from device-centric management to user experience-centric management.

Huawei S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C Switch Product Pictures

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Huawei S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C Switch Product Specifications

Produkt model CloudEngine S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C CloudEngine S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C-T CloudEngine S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C CloudEngine S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C-T
Forsendelsesydelse 450 Mps 450 Mps 450 Mps 450 Mps
Skiftekapacitet2 864 Gbps/2.32 Tbps* 864 Gbps/2.32 Tbps* 912 Gbps/2.32 Tbps* 912 Gbps/2.32 Tbps*
Faste havne 12 × 10/100/1000M Base-T Ethernet ports, 12 × 100M/1/2.5/5/10G Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 x 1/10GE SFP+, 4 x 1/10/25GE SFP28, 2 x 40/100GE QSFP28 ports 36 × 10/100/1000M Base-T Ethernet ports, 12 × 100M/1/2.5/5/10G Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 x 1/10GE SFP+, 4 x 1/10/25GE SFP28, 2 x 40/100GE QSFP28 ports
PoE Understøttet, 90 W PoE++
Strømforsyningstype 1+1 backup af strømforsyningen
MAC funktioner IEEE 802.1d overensstemmelse
Automatisk MAC-adresseindlæring og aldring
Statisk, dynamisk, og blackhole MAC-adresseindtastninger
Pakkefiltrering baseret på kilde-MAC-adresser
iPCA Farve servicepakker direkte for at indsamle realtidsstatistikker over antallet af tabte pakker og pakketabsforhold
Collecting real-time statistics on the number of lost packets and packet loss ratio at network and device levels
VXLAN VXLAN Layer 2 og lag 3 gateways
Centraliserede og distribuerede gateways
Konfigureret gennem NETCONF-protokollen
Interoperabilitet VBST (kompatibel med PVST/PVST+/RPVST)
LNP (ligner DTP)
VCMP (ligner VTP)

Huawei S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C Switch Product Features

  • The uplink bandwidth of WLAN APs has been increased from 2.5 Gbit/s in 802.11ac to 5 Gbit/s or 10 Gbit/s. Traditional gigabit access or Multi-gigabit bundled access cannot meet the uplink bandwidth requirements of APs. With the launch of the CloudEngine S5755-H series switches, the ports support 100M/1/2.5/5/10G auto-sensing, meeting the bandwidth requirements of high-speed wireless APs in the Wi-Fi 6 æra. Ud over, Multi-GE ports support 90 W PoE++, which provides high-power power for powered devices (PDs) such as APs and IP cameras.
  • Understøtter Smart Link og Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), som implementerer backup af uplinks. One CloudEngine S5755-H switch can connect to multiple aggregation switches through multiple links, markant forbedring af pålideligheden af ​​adgangsenheder.
  • Support the iStack function that combines multiple switches into a logical switch. Member switches in a stack implement redundancy backup to improve device reliability and use inter-device link aggregation to improve link reliability. iStack giver høj netværksskalerbarhed. You can increase a stack’s ports, båndbredde, and processing capacity by simply adding member switches. iStack forenkler også enhedskonfiguration og administration. Efter en stak er sat op, up to nine physical switches can be virtualized into one logical device. Du kan logge ind på en hvilken som helst medlemsswitch i stakken for at administrere alle medlemsswitch i stakken.

Huawei S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C Switch and More Models

S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C 12 × 10/100/1000M Base-T Ethernet ports, 12 × 100M/1/2.5/5/10G Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 x 1/10GE SFP+, 4 x 1/10/25GE SFP28, 2 x 40/100GE QSFP28 ports 90W PoE++
S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C-T 12 × 10/100/1000M Base-T Ethernet ports, 12 × 100M/1/2.5/5/10G Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 x 1/10GE SFP+, 4 x 1/10/25GE SFP28, 2 x 40/100GE QSFP28 ports 90W PoE++
S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C 36 × 10/100/1000M Base-T Ethernet ports, 12 × 100M/1/2.5/5/10G Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 x 1/10GE SFP+, 4 x 1/10/25GE SFP28, 2 x 40/100GE QSFP28 ports 90W PoE++
S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C-T 36 × 10/100/1000M Base-T Ethernet ports, 12 × 100M/1/2.5/5/10G Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 x 1/10GE SFP+, 4 x 1/10/25GE SFP28, 2 x 40/100GE QSFP28 ports 90W PoE++

Huawei S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C Switch Product Applications