
Huawei S5755-H24T4Y2CZ Switch is is a high-quality gigabit access switch with 24×10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 x 1/10/25GE SFP28, 2 x 40/100GE QSFP28 ports

Huawei S5755-H24T4Y2CZ Switch Product Overview

It is a brand-new full-1/2.5/5/10GE switches developed by Huawei for the Wi-Fi 6/Wi-Fi 7. The switch builds on Huawei’s unified Platform and boasts various IDN features. For eksempel, the VXLAN functionality implements network virtualization. Med disse fordele, Huawei S5755-H24T4Y2CZ can function as core switches for small-sized campus networks and branches of medium- and large-sized campus networks, og fungerer også som adgangskontakter for Metropolitan Area Network. Derudover, S5755-H can provide a maximum of 48 10GE Multi-GE ports, which is a good choice for WLAN APs to connect to a switch in the high-quality campus networks.

Huawei S5755-H24T4Y2CZ Switch Product Pictures

Huawei S5755-H24T4Y2CZ huawei S5755S5755-H24T4Y2CZ

S5755-H24T4Y2CZ priceS5755-H24T4Y2CZ price and specs ycict

Huawei S5755-H24T4Y2CZ Switch Product Specifications

Produkt model CloudEngine S5755-H24T4Y2CZ CloudEngine S5755-H24P4Y2CZ CloudEngine S5755-H24U4Y2CZ CloudEngine S5755-H48T4Y2CZ CloudEngine S5755-H48P4Y2CZ CloudEngine S5755-H48U4Y2CZ
Forsendelsesydelse 450Mps 450Mps 450Mps 450Mps 450Mps 450Mps
Skiftekapacitet2 648 Gbps/2.32 Tbps 648 Gbps/2.32 Tbps 648 Gbps/2.32 Tbps 696 Gbps/2.32 Tbps 696 Gbps/2.32 Tbps 696 Gbps/2.32 Tbps
Faste havne 24 × 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet-porte, 4 x 1/10/25GE SFP28, 2 x 40/100GE QSFP28 ports 48 × 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet-porte, 4 x 1/10/25GE SFP28, 2 x 40/100GE QSFP28 ports
PoE ­ Understøttet, PoE+ Understøttet, 60W PoE++ ­ Understøttet, PoE+ Understøttet, 60W PoE++
Strømforsyningstype 1+1 backup af strømforsyningen 3 strømforsyninger, N+1 strømforsyning backup 3 strømforsyninger, N+1 strømforsyning backup 1+1 backup af strømforsyningen 3 strømforsyninger, N+1 strømforsyning backup 3 strømforsyninger, N+1 strømforsyning backup
Expanded Card Slot Reserved expanded card slot
MAC funktioner IEEE 802.1d overensstemmelse
Automatisk MAC-adresseindlæring og aldring
Statisk, dynamisk, og blackhole MAC-adresseindtastninger
Pakkefiltrering baseret på kilde-MAC-adresser
iPCA Farve servicepakker direkte for at indsamle realtidsstatistikker over antallet af tabte pakker og pakketabsforhold
Collecting real-time statistics on the number of lost packets and packet loss ratio at network and device levels
VXLAN VXLAN Layer 2 og lag 3 gateways
Centraliserede og distribuerede gateways
Konfigureret gennem NETCONF-protokollen
Interoperabilitet VBST (kompatibel med PVST/PVST+/RPVST)
LNP (ligner DTP)
VCMP (ligner VTP)

Huawei S5755-H24T4Y2CZ Switch Product Features

  • provide industry-leading Multi-GE port density, switching capacity, and packet forwarding rate. A single switch supports a maximum of 48 100M/1G/2.5G/5G/10G Base-T auto-sensing ports and 1G/10G/25G/40G/100G optical uplink ports, meets various device interconnection requirements and can be seamlessly integrated into the existing network.
  • have a built-in high-speed and flexible processor chip. Chippens fleksible pakkebehandlings- og trafikkontrolfunktioner kan opfylde nuværende og fremtidige servicekrav, hjælpe med at opbygge et meget skalerbart netværk.
  • provide excellent quality of service(QoS) funktioner og understøtter køplanlægning og overbelastningskontrolalgoritmer. Derudover, den anvender innovative prioritetskø- og planlægningsmekanismer på flere niveauer for at implementere finkornet planlægning af datastrømme, opfyldelse af servicekvalitetskrav fra forskellige brugerterminaler og tjenester.

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Huawei S5755-H24T4Y2CZ Switch Product Applications

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