
Huawei S5735-L24T4X-QA1 Switch is a compact all-gigabit switch with 24 x 10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4 x GE SFP ports AC power supply

Huawei S5735-L24T4X-QA1 Switch Product Overview

Huawei S5735-L24T4X-QA1 Switch is a compact all-gigabit switch with 24 x 10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4 x GE SFP ports AC power supply Forwarding performance: 96 Mpps og omskiftningskapacitet: 128 Gbps/336 Gbps. The switch is ideal for noise-sensitive service scenarios in OA, uddannelse, Sundhedspleje, and other scenarios. Built on next-generation, high-performance hardware and powered by Huawei’s Versatile Routing Platform (VRP), Huawei S5735-L24T4X-QA1 stands out with flexible Ethernet networking, diversified security control, and support for multiple Layer 3 routing protokoller, providing higher performance and more powerful service processing capabilities for networks. i øvrigt, the product supports the EasyDeploy function. Helt konkret, the Commander collects the topology information of the downstream clients and saves client startup information based on the topology. Clients can be replaced without configuration. Configuration and scripts can be delivered to clients in batches. Ud over, the configuration delivery result can be queried. The Commander can also collect and display power consumption information on the entire network.

Huawei S5735-L24T4X-QA1 Switch Product Pictures

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Huawei S5735-L24T4X-QA1 Switch Product Specifications

Vare Specifikation
Mærke Huawei
Model S5735-L24T4X-QA1
Havn 24 x 10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ porte
Chassis højde [U] 1 U
Redundant strømforsyning Ikke understøttet
Vægt uden emballage [kg(lb)] 3.69 kg (8.14 lb)
Vægt med emballage [kg(lb)] 4.45 kg (9.81 lb)
Typisk strømforbrug [W] 30.8 W
Typisk varmeafledning [BTU/time] 105.09 BTU/time
Maksimalt strømforbrug [W] 34 W
Maksimal varmeafledning [BTU/time] 116.01 BTU/time
MTBF [år] 62.05 år
MTTR [time] 2 time
Tilgængelighed >0.99999
Kortvarig driftstemperatur [°C(°F)] Ikke understøttet
Stuetemperatur [°C(°F)] -40°C til +70 °C (-40°F til +158 °F)
Langsigtet drift relativ fugtighed [RH] 5% til 95%, ikke-kondenserende
Langsigtet driftshøjde [m(ft.)] 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.)
Opbevaringshøjde [m(ft.)] 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.)
Strømforsyningstilstand AC built-in
Nominel indgangsspænding [V] AC indgang: 100 V AC til 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Indgangsspændingsområde [V] AC indgang: 90 V AC til 290 V AC, 45 Hz til 65 Hz
Maksimal indgangsstrøm [EN] 2:00 ER
Hukommelse 512 MB
Glimtvis erindring 512 MB
Konsolport RJ45
Eth Management port Ikke understøttet
USB Understøttet
RTC Ikke understøttet
RPS indgang Ikke understøttet
Serviceport overspændingsbeskyttelse [kV] Fælles tilstand: ±7 kV
Overspændingsbeskyttelse for strømforsyning [kV] ±6 kV i differentialtilstand, ±6 kV i almindelig tilstand
Typer af fans None
Varmeafledningstilstand Natural heat dissipation
PoE Ikke understøttet
Certificering EMC-certificering
Langsigtet driftstemperatur [°C(°F)] –5°C to +45°C (23°F til 113 °F) i en højde af 0 til 1800 m (0 til 5905.51 ft.)

Huawei S5735-L24T4X-QA1 Switch Product Features

  • Huawei S5735-L24T4X-QA1 Switch supports Smart Link, som implementerer backup af uplinks. Huawei S5735-L24T4X-QA1 Switch can connect to multiple aggregation switches through multiple links, markant forbedring af pålideligheden af ​​adgangsenheder.
  • Huawei S5735-L24T4X-QA1 Switch supports Ethernet OAM (IEEE 802.3ah/802.1ag) to fast-detect link faults.
  • Huawei S5735-L24T4X-QA1 Switch sets up and maintains a DHCP snooping binding table, og kasserer de pakker, der ikke matcher tabelposterne. Funktionen DHCP snooping betroet port sikrer, at brugere kun opretter forbindelse til den autoriserede DHCP-server.
  • Huawei S5735-L24T4X-QA1 Switch supports strict ARP learning. This feature prevents ARP spoofing attackers from exhausting ARP entries so that users can connect to the Internet normally.
  • Huawei S5735-L24T4X-QA1 Switch supports 802.1X authentication, MAC-adressegodkendelse, og hybrid autentificering på en per port basis, as well as Portal authentication on a per VLANIF interface basis, og implementerer dynamisk politikudførelse (VLAN, QoS, og ACL) til brugerne.
  • Huawei S5735-L24T4X-QA1 Switch provides a series of mechanisms to defend against DoS attacks and user-targeted attacks. DoS-angreb er rettet mod switches og inkluderer SYN flood, Jord, Smølf, og ICMP oversvømmelsesangreb. Brugermålrettede angreb inkluderer falske DHCP-serverangreb, IP/MAC adresse spoofing, DHCP-anmodningsoversvømmelse, og ændring af DHCP CHADDR-værdien.

Huawei S5735-L24T4X-QA1 Switch Product and More Models

S5735-L8T4S-QA1 (8*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*GE SFP-porte, AC strøm,Fanløs)

S5735-L8P4S-QA1 (8*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*GE SFP-porte, PoE+, AC strøm, Fanløs)

S5735-L24T4S-QA1 (24*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*GE SFP-porte, AC strøm, Fanløs)

S5735-L24T4X-QA1 (24*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*10GE SFP+ porte, AC strøm, Fanløs)

S5735-L8T4S-A1 (8*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*GE SFP-porte, AC strøm)

S5735-L8P4S-A1 (8*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*GE SFP-porte, PoE+, AC strøm)

S5735-L8T4X-A1 (8*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*10GE SFP+ porte, AC strøm)

S5735-L8P4X-A1 (8*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*10GE SFP+ porte, PoE+, AC strøm)

S5735-L24T4S-A1 (24*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*GE SFP-porte, AC strøm)

S5735-L24P4S-A1 (24*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*GE SFP-porte, PoE+, AC strøm)

S5735-L24T4X-A1 (24*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*10GE SFP+ porte, AC strøm)

S5735-L24T4X-D1 (24*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*10GE SFP+ porte, DC strøm)

S5735-L24P4X-A1 (24*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*10GE SFP+ porte, PoE+, AC strøm)

S5735-L48T4S-A1 (48*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*GE SFP-porte, AC strøm)

S5735-L48P4S-A1 (48*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*GE SFP-porte, PoE+, AC strøm)

S5735-L48T4X-A1 (48*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*10GE SFP+ porte, AC strøm)

S5735-L48P4X-A1 (48*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*10GE SFP+ porte, PoE+, AC strøm)

S5735-L12T4S-A (12 x 10/100/1000BASE-T-porte, 4 x GE SFP-porte, AC strøm)

S5735-L12P4S-A (12 x 10/100/1000BASE-T-porte, 4 x GE SFP-porte, PoE+, AC strøm)

S5735-L24T4S-A (24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T-porte, 4 x GE SFP-porte, AC strøm)

S5735-L24P4S-A (24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T-porte, 4 x GE SFP-porte, PoE+, AC strøm)

S5735-L24T4X-A (24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T-porte, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ porte, AC strøm)

S5735-L24T4X-D (24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T-porte, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ porte, DC strøm)

S5735-L24P4X-A (24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T-porte, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ porte, PoE+, AC strøm)

S5735-L48T4S-A (48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T-porte, 4 x GE SFP-porte, AC strøm)

S5735-L48T4X-A (48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T-porte, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ porte, AC strøm)

S5735-L48P4X-A bundle (48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T-porte, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ porte, PoE+, 1*1000W PoE AC power module)

S5735-L32ST4X-A (24 x GE SFP-porte, 8 *10/100/1000Base-T, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ porte, AC strøm)

S5735-L32ST4X-D (24 x GE SFP-porte, 8 *10/100/1000Base-T, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ porte, DC strøm)

Huawei S5735-L24T4X-QA1 Switch Product Applications

Huawei S5732-H48S6Q application