
Huawei S5735-L24T4S-A-V2 Switch is a simplified gigabit Ethernet switch with 24 x 10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4 x GE SFP-porte og indbygget AC

Huawei S5735-L24T4S-A-V2 Switch Product Overview

The switch offers forwarding performance: 42 Mpps and switching capacity: 56 Gbps/520 Gbps. It provides a range of VLAN slicing functions to meet diversified SLA requirements of different services and customers. Tjenesteisolation og båndbreddegaranti er implementeret baseret på QoS. Skiver kan isoleres fuldstændigt fra hinanden uden at påvirke hinanden. Trafikken er isoleret på det fysiske lag, og netværksslicing udføres for tjenester på det samme fysiske netværk. Network Slicing-teknologien kan bruges ved adgangen, sammenlægning, og kernelag for at opfylde differentierede SLA-krav for nye tjenester på campusnetværk. Baseret på næste generations højtydende hardware og Huaweis forenede softwareplatform, Huawei S5735-L24T4S-A-V2 Switch features flexible Ethernet networking, forskellige sikkerhedskontrolmetoder, og let O&M, making it ideal for various industries, såsom sundhedsvæsenet, detailhandel, minedrift, og internet.

Huawei S5735-L24T4S-A-V2 Switch Product Pictures

Huawei S5735-L24T4S-A-V2 Switch S5735-LHuawei S5735-L24T4S-A-V2 Switch huawei switch ycict

Huawei S5735-L24T4S-A-V2 ycictHuawei S5735-L24T4S-A-V2

Huawei S5735-L24T4S-A-V2 Switch Product Specifications

Produkt model CloudEngine S5735-L8T4S-A-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L16T4S-A-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L24T4S-A-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L48T4S-A-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L48LP4S-A-V2
CloudEngine S5735-L8P4S-A-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L24P4S-A-V2
Forsendelsesydelse 18Mps 30Mps 42Mps 78Mps 78Mps
Skiftekapacitet2 24Gbps/520 Gbps 40Gbps/520 Gbps 56Gbps/520 Gbps 104Gbps/520 Gbps 104Gbps/520 Gbps
Faste havne 8 x 10/100/1000BASE-T-porte, 4 x GE SFP-porte 16 x 10/100/1000BASE-T-porte, 4 x GE SFP-porte 24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T-porte, 4 x GE SFP-porte 48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T-porte, 4 x GE SFP-porte 48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T-porte, 4 x GE SFP-porte
PoE CloudEngine S5735-L8P4S-A-V2:Understøttet
CloudEngine S5735-L24P4S-A-V2:Understøttet
CloudEngine S5735-L48LP4S-A-V2:Understøttet
Andre modeller:Ikke understøttet
MAC funktioner MAC-adresse auto-læring og aldring
Statisk, dynamisk, og blackhole MAC-adresseindtastninger
Pakkefiltrering baseret på kilde-MAC-adresser
Interface-baseret MAC-adresseindlæringsbegrænsning
VLAN funktioner 4094 VLAN'er
Voice VLAN
VLAN-tildeling baseret på MAC-adresser, protokoller, IP undernet, politikker, og havne
IP-routing Statisk rute, RIPv1/v2, RIPng, OSPF, OSPFv3
Interoperabilitet VBST (kompatibel med PVST/PVST+/RPVST)
LNP (ligner DTP)

Huawei S5735-L24T4S-A-V2 Switch Features

  • S5735-L-V2 supports MUX VLAN, which involves a principal VLAN and multiple subordinate VLANs. Subordinate VLANs are classified into group VLANs and separate VLANs. Ports in the principal VLAN can communicate with ports in subordinate VLANs. Ports in a subordinate group VLAN can communicate with each other, whereas ports in a subordinate separate VLAN cannot communicate with each other. CloudEngine S5735-L-V2 also supports VLAN-Based Spanning Tree (VBST) protokol.
  • S5735-L-V2 supports intelligent stack (iStack). This technology combines multiple switches into a logical switch. Member switches in a stack implement redundancy backup to improve device reliability and use inter-device link aggregation to improve link reliability.
  • S5735-L-V2 supports Open Programmability System (OPS), an open programmable system based on the Python language. IT-administratorer kan programmere O&M functions of a CloudEngine S5735-L-V2 switch through Python scripts to quickly innovate functions and implement intelligent O&M.

Huawei S5735-L24T4S-A-V2 Switch and More Models

CloudEngine S5735-L8T4S-A-V2 8×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4xGE SFP-porte Indbygget AC
CloudEngine S5735-L8P4S-A-V2 8×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4 x GE SFP-porte Indbygget AC PoE+
CloudEngine S5735-L10T4X-A-V2 10×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ porte Indbygget AC
CloudEngine S5735-L8P2T4X-A-V2 8×10/100/1000Base-T-porte(PoE+), 2×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4×10 GE SFP+ porte Indbygget AC
CloudEngine S5735-L10T4X-TAV2 10×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4×10 GE SFP+ porte Indbygget AC
CloudEngine S5735-L8P2T4X-TAV2 8×10/100/1000Base-T-porte (PoE+), 2×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4×10 GE SFP+ porte Indbygget AC
CloudEngine S5735-L16T4S-A-V2 16×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4xGE SFP-porte Indbygget AC
CloudEngine S5735-L24T4S-A-V2 24×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4xGE SFP-porte Indbygget AC
CloudEngine S5735-L24P4S-A-V2 24×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4xGE SFP-porte Indbygget AC PoE+
CloudEngine S5735-L24T4XE-A-V2 24×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4×10 GE SFP+ porte, 2 stak porte Indbygget AC
CloudEngine S5735-L24T4XE-D-V2 24×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4x10GE SFP+ porte, 2x12GE stakporte Indbygget DC
CloudEngine S5735-L24P4XE-A-V2 24×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4x10GE SFP+ porte, 2x12GE stack-porte Indbygget AC PoE+
CloudEngine S5735-L24P4XE-TAV2 24×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4x10GE SFP+ porte, 2x12GE stack-porte Indbygget AC PoE+
CloudEngine S5735-L48T4S-A-V2 48×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4xGE SFP-porte Indbygget AC
CloudEngine S5735-L48LP4S-A-V2 48×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4xGE SFP-porte Indbygget AC PoE+
CloudEngine S5735-L48T4XE-A-V2 48 x 10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ porte, 2 x12GE stakporte Indbygget AC
CloudEngine S5735-L48T4XE-TAV2 48×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4×10 GE SFP+ porte, 2x12GE stakporte Indbygget AC
CloudEngine S5735-L48T4XE-D-V2 48×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4×10 GE SFP+ porte, 2x12GE stakporte Indbygget DC
CloudEngine S5735-L48P4XE-A-V2 48×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4×10 GE SFP+ porte, 2x12GE stack-porte Indbygget AC PoE+
CloudEngine S5735-L48LP4XE-AV2 48×10/100/1000Base-T-porte, 4×10 GE SFP+ porte, 2x12GE stack-porte Indbygget AC PoE+

Huawei S5735-L24T4S-A-V2 Switch Product Applications

Huawei CloudEngine S5731-H48HB4XZ Switch pris og specifikationer ycict

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