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Huawei S5730-68C-PWR-SI Switch is a standard Gigabit Ethernet Switch with 48*10/100/1000 Ethernet-porte, 4 10GE SFP+ ports PoE+ and One 500 W AC power supply equipped by default
Huawei S5730-68C-PWR-SI Switch Product Overview
It is a next-generation standard gigabit Layer 3 Ethernet switch with Forwarding performance: 240 Mpps og omskiftningskapacitet: 680 Gbit/s. The switch offers flexible all-gigabit access and cost-effective fixed GE/10GE ports as well as 40GE uplink ports. På samme tid, S5730-SI supports simplified operations and maintenance (O&M), intelligent stack (iStack), og fleksibelt Ethernet-netværk. Det giver også forbedret Layer 3 funktioner og modne IPv6-funktioner. Derudover, It allows plug-and-play of access switches and APs., S5730-68C-PWR-SI Switch supports service configuration templates. The templates are configured on core devices and automatically delivered to access devices, enabling centralized control, simplified service configuration, and flexible configuration modification.
Huawei S5730-68C-PWR-SI Switch Product Pictures
Huawei S5730-68C-PWR-SI Switch Product Specifications
Produktmodel | S5730-68C-PWR-SI |
Skiftekapacitet | 680 Gbit/s |
Forsendelsesydelse | 240 Mps |
Faste havne | 48 x 10/100/1,000 Base-T, 4 x 10 Gigabit SFP+ |
Udvidede slots | One extended slot that supports an interface card: 4 x 40 GE QSFP+ interface card |
MAC-adressetabel | 32K |
MAC-adresseindlæring og aldring | |
Statisk, dynamisk, og blackhole MAC-adresseindtastninger | |
Pakkefiltrering baseret på kilde-MAC-adresser | |
VLAN funktioner | 4,094 VLAN'er |
Gæste VLAN, Voice VLAN | |
GVRP | |
VLAN-tildeling baseret på MAC-adresser, protokoller, IP undernet, politikker, og havne | |
1:1 og N:1 VLAN kortlægning | |
IP-routing | Statisk rute, RIPv1/v2, RIPng, OSPF, OSPFv3, ECMP, IS-IS, IS-ISv6, BGP, BGP4+, VRRP, og VRRP6 |
Interoperabilitet | VLAN-baseret spændingstræ (VBST) (samvirke med PVST, PVST+, og RPVST) |
Link-type forhandlingsprotokol (LNP) (ligner DTP) | |
VLAN Central Management Protocol (VCMP) (ligner VTP) |
Huawei S5730-68C-PWR-SI Switch Product Features
- Support MAC address authentication, 802. 1X authentication, and Portal authentication, and implements dynamic delivery of policies (VLAN, QoS, og ACL) til brugerne.
- Provide a series of mechanisms to defend against DoS and user-targeted attacks. DoS-angreb er rettet mod switches og inkluderer SYN flood, Jord, Smølf, og ICMP oversvømmelsesangreb. Brugermålrettede angreb inkluderer falske DHCP-serverangreb, IP/MAC adresse spoofing, DHCP-anmodningsoversvømmelse, og ændring af DHCP CHADDR-værdien.
- Understøtter Smart Link. One S5730-SI switch can connect to multiple aggregation switches through multiple links, implementering af backup af uplinks og væsentlig forbedring af pålideligheden af adgangsenheder.
- Use the mature, stable VRP platform and supports IPv4/IPv6 dual stacks, IPv6 RIPng, and IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels (including manual, 6-to-4, and ISATAP tunnels). Med disse IPv6-funktioner, the S5730-SI can be deployed on a pure IPv4 network, a pure IPv6 network, or a shared IPv4/IPv6 network, helping achieve IPv4-to-IPv6 transition.
Huawei S5730-68C-PWR-SI Switch and More Models
Huawei S5730-68C-PWR-SI Switch Product Applications
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