
Huawei S5720-52X-SI-AC Switch is standard Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet switch with 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 havne, 4 10 Gig SFP+ and Dual pluggable AC or DC power supplies, one AC or DC power supply equipped by default

Huawei S5720-52X-SI-AC Switch Product Overview

The model provides flexible full gigabit access and cost-effective fixed GE ports and 10GE uplink ports with Forwarding performance: 132 Mpps Switching capacity: 336 Gbit/s. Based on next-generation high-performing hardware and Versatile Routing Platform (VRP), S5720-52X-SI-AC supports simplified operations and maintenance (O&M), intelligent stack (iStack), fleksibelt Ethernet-netværk, and MACsec.

Derudover, S5720-SI supports iStack. This technology can virtualize up to nine physical switches into one logical switch. Downlink electrical ports support iStack. Member switches in a stack implement redundancy backup to improve device reliability and use inter-device link aggregation to improve link reliability. iStack giver høj netværksskalerbarhed. You can increase a stack’s ports, båndbredde, and processing capacity by simply adding member switches. iStack forenkler også enhedskonfiguration og administration.

Huawei S5720-52X-SI-AC Switch Product Pictures

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Huawei S5720-52X-SI-AC Switch Product Specifications

Produktmodel S5720-52X-SI-AC
Skiftekapacitet 336 Gbit/s
Forsendelsesydelse 132 Mps
Faste havne S5720-52X-SI-48S: 48 x Gig SFP, 2 hvoraf er dobbeltformål 10/100/1,000 eller SFP, 4 x 10 Gig SFP+ Others: 48 x 10/100/1,000 havne, 4 x 10 Gig SFP+
MAC-adressetabel 16K
IEEE 802.1d overensstemmelse
16k MAC-adresseindtastninger
MAC-adresseindlæring og aldring
Statisk, dynamisk, og sort hul MAC-adresseindtastninger
Pakkefiltrering baseret på kilde-MAC-adresser
VLAN funktioner 4094 VLAN'er
Gæste VLAN, Voice VLAN
VLAN-tildeling baseret på MAC-adresser, protokoller, IP undernet, politikker, og havne
1:1 og N:1 VLAN kortlægning
IP-routing Statisk rute, RIPv1/v2, RIPng, OSPF, OSPFv3, ECMP, IS-IS, IS-ISv6, BGP, BGP4+
SVF Plug-and-play SVF-klient
Automatisk software og patch-indlæsning til klienter
Et-klik og automatisk levering af servicekonfigurationer
Uafhængig klient kører
Interoperabilitet VLAN-baseret Spanning Tree (VBST) (samvirke med PVST, PVST+, og RPVST)
Link-type forhandlingsprotokol (LNP) (ligner DTP)
VLAN Central Management Protocol (VCMP) (ligner VTP)
Stuetemperatur -40°C til +70 °C (-40°F til +158 °F)
Relativ luftfugtighed 5% til 95%, ikke-kondenserende
Driftshøjde AC power modules configured: 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.)
DC power modules configured: 0-2000 m (0-6562 ft.)
Certificering EMC-certificering
Varenummer 02350DLV

Huawei S5720-52X-SI-AC Switch Product Features

  • Åbent programmerbarhedssystem (OPS) er et åbent programmerbart system baseret på Python-sproget. IT-administratorer kan programmere O&M-funktioner af en switch gennem Python-scripts for hurtigt at innovere funktioner og implementere intelligent O&M.
  • When a PoE switch is rebooted after the software version is upgraded, the power supply to PDs is not interrupted. This capability ensures that PDs are not powered off during the switch reboot.
  • Provide a series of mechanisms to defend against DoS and user-targeted attacks. DoS-angreb er rettet mod switches og inkluderer SYN flood, Jord, Smølf, og ICMP oversvømmelsesangreb. Brugermålrettede angreb inkluderer falske DHCP-serverangreb, IP/MAC adresse spoofing, DHCP-anmodningsoversvømmelse, og ændring af DHCP CHADDR-værdien.

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