
Huawei S2730S-S8FP4S-A Switch is a Standard 100M/Gigabit Hybrid Ethernet Switch with 4*10/100BASE-TX ports, 4*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*GE SFP-porte, PoE+, AC strøm

Huawei S2730S-S8FP4S-A Switch Product Overview

Huawei S2730S-S8FP4S-A Switch is a standard 100M/Gigabit hybrid Ethernet switch for the SMB market. The product has the characteristics of flexible Ethernet networking, diverse security controls, support for a variety of Layer 3 routing protokoller, higher performance and richer service processing capabilities. So S2730S-S8FP4S-A is widely used in application scenarios such as enterprise campus access, 100 Gigabit, Gigabit to desktop, etc.

Huawei S2730S-S8FP4S-A Switch Product Pictures

S2730S-S8FP4S-A price and specsS2730S-S8FP4S-A specs ycict

S2730S-S8FP4S-A ycictS2730S-S8FP4S-A ycict

Huawei S2730S-S8FP4S-A Switch Product Specifications

Vare Detaljer
Model S2730S-S8FP4S-A
Varenummer 98011298
Første understøttede version V200R020C10
Beskrivelse 4*10/100BASE-TX ports, 4*10/100/1000BASE-T porte, 4*GE SFP-porte, PoE+, AC strøm
Dimensioner med emballage (H x B x D) [mm(i.)] 110.0 mm x 435.0 mm x 360.0 mm (4.33 i. x 17.13 i. x 14.17 i.)
Chassis højde [U] 1 U
Vægt uden emballage [kg(lb)] 2.25 kg (4.96 lb)
Vægt med emballage [kg(lb)] 3.17 kg (7 lb)
Typisk strømforbrug [W] 28.4 W
Typisk varmeafledning [BTU/time] 96.9 BTU/time
Maksimalt strømforbrug [W] Leverer ikke POE -funktionen: 38.6 W
100% PoE indlæses: 162.6 W (PoE: 124 W)
Maksimal varmeafledning [BTU/time] Leverer ikke POE -funktionen: 131.71
100% PoE indlæses: 554.81
Statisk strømforbrug [W] 22.6 W
MTBF [flere år] 66.56 flere år
MTTR [timer] 2 timer
Tilgængelighed > 0.99999
Støj ved normal temperatur (akustisk kraft) [dB(EN)] 42.2 dB(EN)
Støj ved normal temperatur (akustisk tryk) [dB(EN)] 30.5 dB(EN)
Stuetemperatur [°C(°F)] -40°C til +70 °C (-40°F til +158 °F)
Langsigtet drift relativ fugtighed [RH] 5% til 95%, ikke-kondenserende
Langsigtet driftshøjde [m(ft.)] 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.)
Opbevaringshøjde [m(ft.)] 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.)
Strømforsyningstilstand AC built-in
Nominel indgangsspænding [V] AC indgang: 100 V AC til 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Indgangsspændingsområde [V] AC indgang: 90 V AC til 290 V AC, 45 Hz til 65 Hz
Maksimal indgangsstrøm [EN] 3:00 ER
Hukommelse 512 MB
Glimtvis erindring 512 MB
Konsolport RJ45
Serviceport overspændingsbeskyttelse [kV] Fælles tilstand: ±7 kV
Overspændingsbeskyttelse for strømforsyning [kV] ±6 kV i differentialtilstand, ±6 kV i almindelig tilstand
Ingress protection level (dustproof/waterproof) IP20
Typer af fans Indbygget
Varmeafledningstilstand Varmeafledning med ventilator, intelligent blæserhastighedsjustering
Luftstrømsretning Air intake from left and front, air exhaustion from right
PoE Understøttet
Certificering EMC-certificering
Langsigtet driftstemperatur [°C(°F)] -5°C til +50 °C (23°F til 122 °F) (0 m to 1800 m altitude, non-industrial optical modules)
-5°C til +55 °C (23°F to 131°F) (0 m to 1800 m altitude, industrial optical modules with transmission distances less than or equal to 10 km)

Huawei S2730S-S8FP4S-A Switch Product Features

  • Support the SmartLink function, which is connected to multiple aggregation switches through multiple links, realizing the backup of uplinks and greatly improving the access side Reliability of the equipment.
  • Support well-established Ethernet OAM IEEE 802.3ah/802.1ag for fast link fault detection.
  • Support multiple security authentication methods such as MAC address authentication, 802.1x-godkendelse, and Portal authentication, and implements user policies (VLAN, QoS, og ACL). dynamically delivered. Supports dot1X, MAC authentication, and hybrid authentication based on port granularity; Portals based on VLANIF interface granularity are supported

Huawei S2730S-S8FP4S-A Switch Ordering Info

S2730S-S8FT4S-A (4 x 10/100BASE-TX Ethernet, 4 x 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet, 4 x Gigabit SFP, AC Powered)
S2730S-S8FP4S-A (4 x 10/100BASE-TX Ethernet ports, 4 x 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet ports, 4 x Gigabit SFP, PoE+, AC Power Supply)
S2730S-S16FT4S-A (8 x 10/100BASE-TX Ethernet, 8 x 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet, 4 x Gigabit SFP, AC Powered)
S2730S-S16FP4S-A (8 x 10/100BASE-TX Ethernet ports, 8 x 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet ports, 4 x Gigabit SFP, PoE+, AC powered)
S2730S-S24FT4S-A (12 x 10/100BASE-TX Ethernet ports, 12 x 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet ports, 4 x Gigabit SFP, AC strømforsyning)
S2730S-S24FP4S-A (12 x 10/100BASE-TX Ethernet ports, 12 x 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet ports, 4 x Gigabit SFP, PoE+, AC Powered)
S2730S-S48FT4S-A (24 x 10/100BASE-TX Ethernet ports, 24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet ports, 4 x Gigabit SFP, AC Powered)

Huawei S2730S-S8FP4S-A Switch Product Applications

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