
Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 is a compact and low-density box-shaped OLT providing passive optical LAN (POL) and multiple fiber to the home (FTTH) solutions

Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 Product Overview

Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 is a compact and low-density box-shaped OLT. The product provides GPON access, and supports passive optical LAN (POL) fiber to the home (FTTH) solutions. På samme tid, It carries all services over one fiber network, simplifying network architecture and reducing OPEX. Since it is a box-shaped OLT. It houses integrated control and service module, 1 pluggable fan module and 2 pluggable power modules. Its mounting ears are applicable to IEC specifications and ETSI specifications, and are used in racks or cabinets of different specifications.

Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 Product Pictures

Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 ycictHuawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 olt ycict

Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 olt price and specs ycictHuawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 olt price ycict

Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 Product Specifications

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Mærke Huawei
Model EA5801E-GP08-H2
Maximum fully-loaded weight 5 kg
Strømforsyningstilstand l DC power supply (dual backup)
l AC power supply (dual backup)
Working voltage range l DC power supply: –38.4 V to –72 V
l AC power supply: 100 V til 240 V
Nominel spænding l DC power supply: –48 V/–60 V
l AC power supply: 110 V/220 V
Maksimal indgangsstrøm l DC power supply: 6 EN
l AC power supply: 2.5 EN
Omgivelsestemperatur –40°C to +65°C
The device can start up at a lowest temperature of –25°C.
Omgivende luftfugtighed 5%–95 % RF
Atmosfærisk tryk 70–106 kPa
System switching capacity 110 Gbit/s
MAC-adresser 32768
Få adgang til ONT 256
IPv4 routing tabel 8192
IPv6 routing tabel 4096
ARP bord 16384
Bit error rate (BER) in full load A BER smaller than 10 e-10 for a port that transmits data in full load
Upstream ports 4 GE/10GE
Service ports 8 GPON
Strømforbrug DC strømforsyning:
Højde < 4000 m. The air density varies with the altitude and will affect the heat dissipation of a device. Derfor, the working environment temperature of the device varies with the altitude.
Dimensioner (B x D x H) (mm) Excluding mounting ears: 442 x 220 x 43.6
Including IEC mounting ears: 482.6 x 220 x 43.6
Including ETSI mounting ears: 531 x 220 x 43.6

Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 Product Features

  • Lightweight and small size

The lightweight OLT weighs less than 5 kg and occupies 1 U installation space. It can be flexibly adapted to various scenarios.

  • Dual power supplies, høj pålidelighed

Supports dual AC or DC power supplies, providing flexible power supply and high reliability.

  • Easy installation and flexible deployment

The matching small outdoor cabinet can be installed on a pole, tower, or wall, facilitating installation and reducing engineering costs.

Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 Product Applications

Huawei EA5801E-GP08

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