
HN8250Ts FTTH is an ONU designed for 10Gbps upstream and downstream (XGS-PON). This model offers 1*10 GE+4*GE+2POTS port.

HN8250Ts FTTH Product Overview

HN8250Ts FTTH is an ONU for 10Gbps upstream and downstream (XGS-PON). Det giver 1*10 GE+4*GE+2POTS ports that ensure the user experience of Wi-Fi 6, stemme, data and HD video services. 10G Pon Onts hastighed på brugersiden kan nå Gigabit, som ikke kun kan opfylde tjenester med høj båndbredde, såsom 4K / 8K High-definition Video, AR / Vr, Hjemsky, Video kræver hjemmebrugere, men giver også op til 10 Gigabit dedikerede linjetilgangstjenester.

Repræsentative produkter:

Echolife HN8245Q: Support 4 GE + 2 GRYDER + 2 USB + 2.4G & 5G Wi-Fi

Echolife HN8546Q: Support 4 GE + 1 GRYDER + 2 USB + 2.4G & 5G Wi-Fi

HN8250Ts FTTH Product Specifications

Specifikation HN8250Ts
UNI 1 x 10GE + 4GE + 2GRYDER
Driftstemperatur 0℃ to 40℃
Driftsfugtighed 5%RH to 95%RH, non condensing
Strømadapterindgang 90V to 264V AC, 50/60 Hz
Dimensioner (H × W × D) 178 mm x 117 mm x 34 mm
Vægt about 350g
Maksimalt strømforbrug* 12W
Surge protection specifications GE port: almindelig tilstand 4 kV; differentiel tilstand 0.5 kV
AC strømforsyning: almindelig tilstand 6 kV; differentiel tilstand 6 kV
XGS-PON Port Class N2
Modtager følsomhed: -28 dBm 9.95328 Gbit/s opstrøms, 9.95328 Gbit/s nedstrøms
Wavelengths: US 1260-1280 nm, DS 1575-1580 nm SN/Password/SN+Password/Bi-directional authentication based on OMCI
Ethernet Electrical Port 4 x GE + 1 x 10GE
Ethernet-port-baserede VLAN-tags og tagfjernelse
1:1 VLAN, N:1 VLAN, or VLAN transparent transmission
Begræns antallet af indlærte MAC-adresser
Læring af MAC-adresser
10 GE: Auto-adaptive 100 Mbit/s, 1000 Mbit/s or 10000 Mbit/s
GE: Auto-adaptive 10 Mbit/s, 100 Mbit/s or 1000 Mbit/s
POTS Port Maksimal RUN: 4
G.711A/m, G.729a/b, og G.722 kodning/afkodning
T.30/T.38/G.711 faxtilstand
Nødopkald (med SIP-protokollen)

HN8250Ts FTTH Product Features

  • Power Saving


  • Ethernet-port

10 GE: Auto-adaptive 100 Mbit/s,1000 Mbit/s or 10000 Mbit/s

GE: Auto-adaptive 10 Mbit/s, 100 Mbit/s or 1000 Mbit/s

  • Smart O&M

Variable-length OMCI messages Rogue ONT detection and isolation from the OLT PPPoE/DHCP simulation testing Call emulation, and circuit test and loop-line tesT

HN8250Ts FTTH Product And More FTTH Models

Bro ONT FE GE GRYDER Trådløst internet USB nogle
EG8010H 1
EG8040H 4
EG8240H 4 2
EG8242H 4 2 1
Gateway ONT
EG8120L 1 1
EG8045H 4 b / g / n 1
EG8245H 4 2 b / g / n 1
EG8141A5 3 1 1 -en / b / g / n 1
EG8145V5 4 1 -en / b / g / n / ac 1
HG8245D 4 2 -en / b / g / n 1
HG8247H 4 2 b / g / n 1 1
HG8245Q2 4 2 -en / b / g / n / ac 2
PoE ONT 30W per port, 60 / 120W pr system (4/8 Havn)
EG8040P 4
EG8080P 8
EG8240P 4 2
EG8280P 8 2
10G XPON ONT 10GE GE GRYDER Trådløst internet USB
HN8245Q 4 2 -en / b / g / n / ac 2
HN8055Q 1 4 2 -en / b / g / n / ac 2
HN8255WS 4+10GE 2 -en / b / g / n / ac 2

HN8250Ts FTTH Product Applications


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