
GYTA-134~144Xn Optic Cable is Stranded Loose Tube Non-armored Cable.

GYTA-134~144Xn Optic Cable Product Overview

Fremhæver (Metal Reinforcement, Loose Layer Strand-Filled, Aluminum-Polyethylene Bonded Sheathed Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable) fiber optic cable is constructed by inserting single-mode or multi-mode optical fibers into a loose tube made of high-modulus material, and the loose tube is filled with a water-repellent compound-fiber paste. The center of the cable core is a metal phosphating steel wire reinforced core, and for some fiber optic cables, et lag polyethylen (Pe) needs to be extruded as a cushion outside the metal reinforced core. Det løse rør (and filling rope) are twisted around a central reinforcing core to form a compact and rounded core, and the gaps within the core are filled with water-blocking filler-cable paste. Plastic-coated aluminum tape (APL) is longitudinally wrapped and then extruded into a polyethylene sheath to form a cable.

GYTA-134~144Xn Optic Cable Product Pictures

GYTA-134~144Xn Optic Cable GYTA Fiber Optic CableGYTA-134~144Xn Optic Cable Non-armored Cable ycict

GYTA-134~144Xn Optic Cable ycictGYTA-134~144Xn Optic Cable GYTA optic cable

GYTA-134~144Xn Optic Cable Product Specifications

Fiberoptisk kabelmodel (I trin på 2 fiber) Antal fibre Antal kabinetter Antal fyld reb Referencekabelvægt
e o
Trækkraft er tilladt
Tilladelig squashkraft
Bøj radius
Gyta-2 ~ 6xn 2~ 6 1 4 76 600/1500 300/1000 10D/20D
Gyta-8 ~ 12xn 8~12 2 3 76
Gyta-14 ~ 18xn 14~ 18 3 2 76
Gyta-20 ~ 24xn 20~24 4 1 76
Gyta-26 ~ 30xn 26~ 30 5 0 76
Gyta-32 ~ 36xn 32~36 6 0 85
Gyta-38 ~ 48XN 38~48 4 1 90
Gyta-50 ~ 60xn 50~ 60 5 0 90
Gyta-62 ~ 72xn 62~ 72 6 0 113
Gyta-74 ~ 84xn 74~ 84 7 1 136
Gyta-86 ~ 96xn 86~ 96 8 0 136
Gyta-98 ~ 108xn 98~ 108 9 1 163
Gyta-110 ~ 120xn 110~ 120 10 0 163
Gyta-122 ~ 132xn 122~ 132 11 1 190
Gyta-134 ~ 144xn 134~ 144 12 0 190
Gyta-146 ~ 216xn 146~ 216 13~ 18 5~ 0 190
Gyta-288xn 288 24 0 239
Fiber type dæmpning båndbredde Numerisk blænde Fiberoptisk kabelafskæringsbølgelængde
(+20 ℃)
@850nm @1300nm @1310nm @1550nm @850nm @1300nm
G.652 ≤0,36dB/km ≤0,22dB/km ≤1260nm
G.655 ≤0,40db/km ≤0,23dB/km ≤1450nm
50/125µm ≤3.3db/km ≤1.2db/km ≥500MHz · km ≥500MHz · km 0.200± 0,015 allerede
62.5/125µm ≤3,5 dB/km ≤1.2db/km ≥200MHz · km ≥500MHz · km 0.275± 0,015 allerede

GYTA-134~144Xn Optic Cable Product Features

  • Low dispersion and attenuation
  • Proper design, precise control for fiber excess length and distinct stranding process render the cable excellent mechanical and environmental properties
  • Aluminum-PE jacket make cable have nice properties of moisture resistance
  • With small cable diameter, light cable weight, easily to lay
  • The jacket also can be made of HFFR, which cable model is GYTZA
  • Has very good mechanical properties and temperature characteristics
  • Selve det løse rørmateriale har god hydrolysemodstand og høj styrke
  • Røret er fyldt med en speciel salve for at beskytte den optiske fiber
  • Den specielt designet stramme kabelstruktur forhindrer effektivt huset i at trække sig tilbage
  • PE -kappen har meget god modstand mod UV -stråling

GYTA-134~144Xn Optic Cable Product Applications

  • GYTA fiber optic cable is suitable for overhead or through pipe laying
  • Long-distance communication backbone network: the backbone optical cable of inter-city or intercity communication.
  • Local access network: connects the community and business building to the nearest convergence point to achieve the last 100 meters of optical signal transmission.
  • Emergency & Military Communications: Due to its excellent reliability and robustness, it is suitable for temporary installation or fixed lines under extreme conditions.

GYTA-134~144Xn Optic Cable Product And More Optic Cables

  • Lysarmeret kabel (GYXTW)
  • Indendørs/udendørs unitube ikke-metallisk mikrokabel (STRÅLE)
  • Unitube ikke-pansret kabel(GYXY)
  • Unitube ikke-metallisk ikke-pansret kabel(GYFXY)
  • TO FRP antenne fiberoptisk kabel (MIT LIV)
  • Strandet løst rør ikke-pansret kabel (GYTA)
  • Strandet løst rør lysarmeret kabel (GYTS)
  • Strandet løst rør pansret kabel (GYTY53)
  • Strandet løst rør pansret kabel (GYTA53)
  • Ikke-metallisk styrkeelement Ikke-pansret kabel (GYFTY)
  • Ikke-metallisk styrkeelement Ikke-pansret kabel(SAMMEN)
  • Ikke-metallisk styrkeelement pansret kabel(GYFTY53)
  • Ikke-metallisk styrkeelement pansret kabel(GYFTA53)
  • Figur 8 Kabel (GYXTC8S)
  • Figur 8 Kabel ( CYFTC8S)
  • Figur 8 Kabel (GYTC8A)
  • Figur 8 Kabel (GYTC8S)
  • Alt dielektrisk selvbærende antennekabel(ADSS)

GYTA-134~144Xn Optic Cable Product Structure

GYTA-14~18Xn Optic Cable structure

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