
GYFTY53-86~96Xn Optic Cable is Stranded non-metallic reinforcing core plain armored fiber optic cable

GYFTY53-86~96Xn Optic Cable Product Overview

GYFTY53 Fiber Optic Cable (Direct buried) Single Armor Double Jackets Stranded Loose Tube FRP Strength Member Waterproof Outdoor Cable use Fiber Reinforced Plastic as central strength member to provides anti-electromagnetic interference property. It has good mechanical properties and resist to electromagnetic interference The armor structure helps to protect the cable from rat bite and moisture proof. Double-jacket structure make cable have nice properties of moisture resistance and crush resistance. A layer of water-blocking material is applied around the cable core to prevent water ingress.

GYFTY53-86~96Xn Optic Cable Product Pictures

Stranded non-metallic reinforcing core plain armored fiber optic cable ycictGYFTY53-86~96Xn Optic Cable fiber optic

GYFTY53-86~96Xn Optic Cable fiber optic cable ycictGYFTY53-86~96Xn Optic Cable GYFTY53 ycict

GYFTY53-86~96Xn Optic Cable Product Specifications

Fiber optic cable model
I trin på 2 fiber)
Antal fibre Antal kabinetter Antal fyld reb Referencekabelvægt (kg/km. Trækkraft er tilladt
Tilladelig squashkraft
Bøj radius
GYFTY53-2~6Xn 2~ 6 1 7 201 1000/3000 1000/3000 12.5D/25D
GYFTY53-8~12Xn 8~12 2 6 201
GYFTY53-14~18Xn 14~ 18 3 5 201
GYFTY53-20~24Xn 20~24 4 4 201
GYFTY53-26~30Xn 26~ 30 5 3 201
GYFTY53-32~36Xn 32~36 6 2 201
GYFTY53-38~42Xn 38~42 7 1 201
GYFTY53-44~48Xn 44~48 8 0 201
GYFTY53-50~60Xn 50~ 60 5 3 213
GYFTY53-62~72Xn 62~ 72 6 2 213
GYFTY53-74~84Xn 74~ 84 7 1 213
GYFTY53-86~96Xn 86~ 96 8 0 213
GYFTY53-98~108Xn 98~ 108 9 1 244
GYFTY53-110~120Xn 110~ 120 10 0 244
GYFTY53-122~132Xn 122~ 132 11 1 288
GYFTY53-134~144Xn 134~ 144 12 0 288
Fiber type dæmpning båndbredde Numerisk blænde Fiberoptisk kabelafskæringsbølgelængde
(+20 ℃)
@850nm @1300nm @1310nm @1550nm @850nm @1300nm
G.652 ≤0,36dB/km ≤0,22dB/km ≤1260nm
G.655 ≤0,40db/km ≤0,23dB/km ≤1450nm
50/125µm ≤3.3db/km ≤1.2db/km ≥500MHz · km ≥500MHz · km 0.200± 0,015 allerede
62.5/125µm ≤3,5 dB/km ≤1.2db/km ≥200MHz · km ≥500MHz · km 0.275± 0,015 allerede

GYFTY53-86~96Xn Optic Cable Product Features

  • Very good mechanical and temperature properties
  • Selve det løse rørmateriale har god hydrolysemodstand og høj styrke
  • The tube is filled with a special paste to protect the optical fiber
  • God komprimeringsmodstand og blødhed
  • The following measures are taken to ensure the waterproof performance of the cable:
  • Single non-metallic center reinforcing core
  • Det løse rør er fyldt med en speciel vandtætning af forbindelsen
  • Fuld kernefyldning
  • Dobbeltsidet plastbelagt stålbånd (PSP) improves the moisture permeability of fiber optic cables
  • Good water-blocking material prevents longitudinal water seepage of the fiber optic cable

GYFTY53-86~96Xn Optic Cable Product Applications

  • Adopted to Outdoor distribution.
  • Suitable for aerial duct and buried method.
  • Duct and direct buried application
  • Harsh environment
  • Long-distance communication: Local trunk network & User network

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