F870L FTTH WiFi 5 2 Antenne

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F870L FTTH WiFi 5 2 Antenna is Optical Terminal Unit with 4GE+1POTS+2USB Port+WIFI 2.4G&5G 2 Ekstern antenne

F870L FTTH WiFi 5 2 Antenna Product Overview

F870L FTTH WiFi 5 2 Antenna is a intelligent routing-type Optical Network Terminal (PÅ T) in FTTH solution. By using the GPON technology, ultra-broadband access is provided for home users. F870L FTTH supports 802.11ac dual-frequency bands and features high-performance forwarding capabilities to ensure an excellent experience with voice, Internet, and HD video services. These features make it a perfect option for broadband access.

F870L FTTH WiFi 5 2 Antenna Product Pictures

F870L FTTH WiFi 5 2 AntenneF870L FTTH WiFi 5 2 Antenna price and specs

F870L FTTH WiFi 5 2 Antenna ont onuF870L FTTH WiFi 5 2 Antenna ont onu gpon

F870L FTTH WiFi 5 2 Antenna Product Specifications

Model F870L FTTH WiFi 5 2 Antenne
Type Routing
Driftstemperatur 0°C til 40 °C
Driftsfugtighed 5% RH til 95% RH (ikke-kondenserende)
Strømadapterindgang 100V til 240V AC, 50 Hz/60 Hz
System strømforsyning 11V til 14V DC, 2EN
Porte på netværkssiden GPON
Porte på brugersiden 1 GRYDER + 4 GE + Trådløst internet + USB
Indikatorer POWER, PON, LOS, LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4, TLF, USB, WLAN, and WPS
Dimensioner (H x B x D) 30 mm x 155 mm x 105 mm(uden ekstern antenne og puder)

F870L FTTH WiFi 5 2 Antenna Product Features

  • Plug-and-Play

Configurations are automatically delivered by the network management system so on-site commissioning is not required.

  • Comprehensive Triple-Play Service

The ONT provides abundant ports to implement multiple access services, including home network-attached storage, internet access, and video services, providing users with a comprehensive triple-play service.

  • Energy Efficient

Integrated PON, stemme, gateway, and LSW modules, med op til 25 percent power savings.

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F870L FTTH WiFi 5 2 Antenne

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