
DAC QSFP-100G-CU2M is 100GBASE-CR4 QSFP Passive Copper Cable, 2-måler

DAC QSFP-100G-CU2M Product Overview

QSFP-100G-CU2MPassive Copper Cable assemblies are high performance, cost effective I/O solutions for LAN, HPC and SAN. The high speed cable assemblies meet and exceed 100 Gigabit Ethernet and temperature requirements for performance and reliability. The cables are compliant with SFF-8436 specifications and provide connectivity between devices using QSFP ports.

DAC QSFP-100G-CU2M Product Pictures

DAC QSFP-100G-CU2M price ycictDAC QSFP-100G-CU2M specs ycict

DAC QSFP-100G-CU2M price and specsDAC QSFP-100G-CU2M ycict dac cable ycict

DAC QSFP-100G-CU2M Product Specifications

Model QSFP-100G-CU2M
Pakningstype QSFP28 til QSFP28
Minimum bøjningsradius 46mm
Kabellængde 2m
Kabeltype Passive kobberkabler
strømforbrug <0.1W
mærke NADDOD
Transmissionshastighed 103.125Gbps
Trådmålere 30AWG
Ydre kappemateriale PVC (OFNR)
Driftstemperatur 0~70°C
Protokoller QSFP28 MSA, SFF-8636, 100G Ethernet

DAC QSFP-100G-CU2M Product Features

  • Power Consumption 0.5W
  • Testet i målrettede switches for overlegen ydeevne, Kvalitet, og pålidelighed
  • Minimum Bend Radius 46mm for Flexible Routing
  • Forenkler lappen og tilbyder en omkostningseffektiv måde til korte links
  • FS BOXSupport Real-time Configuration
  • Hot Pluggable QSFP28 MSA Compliant
  • Lavt indsættelsestab og ultra-lavt krydstale for forbedret ydelse
  • RoHS-kompatibel

DAC QSFP-100G-CU2M and More DAC Cables

100GBASE-CR4 QSFP Passive Copper Cable, 1-meter QSFP-100G-CU1M
100GBASE-CR4 QSFP Passive Copper Cable, 1.5-meter QSFP-100G-CU1.5M
100GBASE-CR4 QSFP Passive Copper Cable, 2-meter QSFP-100G-CU2M
100GBASE-CR4 QSFP Passive Copper Cable, 2.5-meter QSFP-100G-CU2.5M
100GBASE-CR4 QSFP Passive Copper Cable, 3-meter QSFP-100G-CU3M
100GBASE-CR4 QSFP Passive Copper Cable, 5-meter QSFP-100G-CU5M

DAC QSFP-100G-CU2M Product Applications

Cisco C9200-24PB-A Switch pris og specifikationer ycict