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Cisco C9200L-24P-4G-E Switch is Catalyst 9200L 24-port PoE+ 4x1G uplink Switch, Netværk Essentials
Cisco C9200L-24P-4G-E Switch Product Overview
It is Catalyst 9200L 24 ports full PoE+ 4x1G uplink Switch with Network Essentials software. Cisco® Catalyst® 9200 Series switches extend the power of intent-based networking and Catalyst 9000 hardware and software innovation to a broader set of deployments. With its family pedigree, Cisco C9200L-24P-4G-E offers simplicity without compromise – it is secure, always on, and IT simplified. Med fuld PoE+-funktion, strøm- og ventilatorredundans, stable båndbredde op til 160 Gbps, modulære uplinks, Lag 3 funktionsunderstøttelse, og kold patching, Katalysator 9200 Serieswitches er branchens enestående løsning med differentieret robusthed og progressiv arkitektur for omkostningseffektiv filialadgang.
Cisco C9200L-24P-4G-E Switch Product Pictures
Cisco C9200L-24P-4G-E Switch Product Specifications
Downlinks i alt 10/100/1000 eller PoE+ kobberporte | 24 porte fuld PoE+ |
Uplink-konfiguration | 4x 1G faste uplinks |
Standard primær AC-strømforsyning | PWR-C5-600WAC |
Fans | Fast redundant |
Software | Netværk Essentials |
Chassis dimensioner | 1.73 x 17.5 x 11.3 i |
4.4 x 44.5 x 28.8 cm | |
Vægt | 4.35 Kg |
Virtuelle netværk | 1 |
Stable båndbredde | 80 Gbps |
Samlet antal MAC-adresser | 16,000 |
Samlet antal IPv4-ruter (ARP plus lærte ruter) | 11,000 (8,000 direkte ruter og 3,000 indirekte ruter) |
IPv4 routing poster | 3,000 |
IPv6-routingposter | 1,500 |
Multicast routing skala | 1,000 |
QoS-skalaindtastninger | 1,000 |
ACL-skalaindtastninger | 1,500 |
Pakkebuffer pr. SKU | 6 MB buffere til 24- eller 48-ports Gigabit Ethernet-modeller |
Fleksibelt NetFlow (FNF) poster | 16,000 flyder videre 24- og 48-ports Gigabit Ethernet-modeller |
DRAM | 2 GB |
Blitz | 4 GB |
VLAN ID'er | 1024 |
Total Switched Virtual Interfaces (SVI'er) | 512 |
Jumbo rammer | 9198 bytes |
Trådløs båndbredde pr. switch | N/A |
Skiftekapacitet | 56 Gbps |
Videresendelseshastighed | 83.33 Mps |
Gennemsnitlig tid mellem fejl (timer) | 392,210 |
Cisco C9200L-24P-4G-E Switch Product Features
- Robusthed med feltudskiftelige enheder (FRU) og redundant strømforsyning, fans, og modulære uplinks
- Driftseffektivitet med valgfri backplane stabling, understøtter stablingsbåndbredde op til 160 Gbps
- UADP 2.0 Mini med integreret CPU tilbyder kunderne optimeret skala med bedre omkostningsstruktur
- Forbedret sikkerhed med AES-128 MACsec-kryptering, politikbaseret segmentering, og troværdige systemer
- Lag 3 kapaciteter, inklusive OSPF, EIGRP, ISIS, HVIL I FRED, og rutead adgang
- Advanced network monitoring using Full Flexible NetFlow
- Cisco IOS XE: Et fælles licensbaseret operativsystem til Cisco Catalyst-virksomheden 9000 produktfamilie med understøttelse af modeldrevet programmerbarhed og streaming-telemetri
- ASIC with programmable pipeline and micro-engine capabilities, sammen med skabelonbaseret, konfigurerbar tildeling af lag 2 og lag 3 videresendelse, Adgangskontrollister (ACL'er), og servicekvalitet (QoS) poster
Cisco C9200L-24P-4G-E Switch Product and More Models
C9200L-24T-4G-A | Catalyst 9200L 24-ports Data 4x1G uplink switch, Netværksfordel |
C9200L-24T-4G-E | Catalyst 9200L 24-ports Data 4x1G uplink switch, Netværk Essentials |
C9200L-24P-4G-A | Catalyst 9200L 24-ports PoE+ 4x1G uplink-switch, Netværksfordel |
C9200L-24P-4G-E | Catalyst 9200L 24-ports PoE+ 4x1G uplink-switch, Netværk Essentials |
C9200L-48T-4G-A | Catalyst 9200L 48-ports Data 4x1G uplink switch, Netværksfordel |
C9200L-24T-4X-A | Catalyst 9200L 24-ports Data 4x10G uplink switch, Netværksfordel |
C9200L-24T-4X-E | Catalyst 9200L 24-ports Data 4x10G uplink switch, Netværk Essentials |
C9200L-24P-4X-A | Catalyst 9200L 24-ports PoE+ 4x10G uplink-switch, Netværksfordel |
C9200L-24P-4X-E | Catalyst 9200L 24-ports PoE+ 4x10G uplink-switch, Netværk Essentials |
C9200L-48T-4X-A | Catalyst 9200L 48-ports Data 4x10G uplink-switch, Netværksfordel |
C9200L-48T-4X-E | Catalyst 9200L 48-ports Data 4x10G uplink-switch, Netværk Essentials |
C9200L-48P-4X-A | Catalyst 9200L 48-ports PoE+ 4x10G uplink-switch, Netværksfordel |
C9200L-48P-4X-E | Catalyst 9200L 48-ports PoE+ 4x10G uplink-switch, Netværk Essentials |
C9200L-48PL-4X-A | Catalyst 9200L 48-ports delvis PoE+ 4x10G uplink-switch, Netværksfordel |
C9200L-48PL-4X-E | Catalyst 9200L 48-ports delvis PoE+ 4x10G uplink-switch, Netværk Essentials |
C9200L-24PXG-4X-E | Catalyst 9200L 24-ports 8xmGig, 16x1G, 4x10G, PoE+, Netværk Essentials |
C9200L-24PXG-4X-A | Catalyst 9200L 24-ports 8xmGig, 16x1G, 4x10G, PoE+, Netværksfordel |
C9200L-48PXG-4X-E | Catalyst 9200L 48-ports 12xmGig, 36x1G, 4x10G PoE+, Netværk Essentials |
C9200L-48PXG-4X-A | Catalyst 9200L 48-ports 12xmGig, 36x1G, 4x10G PoE+, Netværksfordel |
C9200L-24PXG-2Y-E | Catalyst 9200L 24-ports 8xmGig, 16x1G, 2x25G, PoE+, Netværk Essentials |
C9200L-24PXG-2Y-A | Catalyst 9200L 24-ports 8xmGig, 16x1G, 2x25G, PoE+, Netværksfordel |
C9200L-48PXG-2Y-E | Catalyst 9200L 48-ports 8xmGig, 40x1G, 2x25G PoE+, Netværk Essentials |
C9200L-48PXG-2Y-A | Catalyst 9200L 48-ports 8xmGig, 40x1G, 2x25G PoE+, Netværksfordel |
Cisco C9200L-24P-4G-E Switch Product Applications
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