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Cisco C9200-24P-E Switch is Catalyst 9200 24-port PoE+ Switch. Netværk Essentials
Cisco C9200-24P-E Switch Product Overview
The switch extends the power of intent-based networking and Catalyst 9000 hardware and software innovation to a broader set of deployments. With its family pedigree, Cisco C9200-24P-E offers simplicity without compromise – it is secure, always on, and IT simplified. Som grundlæggende byggesten til Cisco Digital Network Architecture, Katalysator 9200 Serieswitche hjælper kunder med at forenkle kompleksiteten, optimere IT, og reducere driftsomkostningerne ved at udnytte intelligens, automatisering og menneskelig ekspertise, som ingen anden leverandør kan levere, uanset hvor du er i den hensigtsbaserede netværksrejse. Med fuld PoE+-funktion, strøm- og ventilatorredundans, stable båndbredde op til 160 Gbps, modulære uplinks, Cisco C9200-24P-E Switch is the industry’s unparalleled solution with differentiated resiliency and progressive architecture for cost-effective branch-office access.
Cisco C9200-24P-E Switch Product Pictures
Cisco C9200-24P-E Switch Product Specifications
Downlinks i alt 10/100/1000 eller PoE+ kobberporte | 24 porte fuld PoE+ |
Uplink-konfiguration | Modulære uplink muligheder |
Standard primær AC-strømforsyning | PWR-C5-600WAC |
Fans | FRU overflødig |
Software | Netværk Essentials |
Chassis dimensioner | 1.73 x 17.5 x 13.8 i |
4.4 x 44.5 x 35.0 cm | |
Vægt | 5.5 Kg |
Virtuelle netværk | 4 |
Stable båndbredde | 160 Gbps |
Samlet antal MAC-adresser | 32,000 |
IPv4 routing poster | 4,000 |
IPv6-routingposter | 2,000 |
Multicast routing skala | 1,000 |
QoS-skalaindtastninger | 1,000 |
ACL-skalaindtastninger | 1,600 |
DRAM | 4 GB |
Blitz | 4 GB |
VLAN ID'er | 4096 |
Total Switched Virtual Interfaces (SVI'er) | 1000 |
Jumbo rammer | 9198 bytes |
Trådløs båndbredde pr. switch | Op til 48 Gbps på 24-ports og 48-ports Gigabit Ethernet-model |
Skiftekapacitet | 128 Gbps |
Videresendelseshastighed | 190.4 Mps |
Samlet antal IPv4-ruter (ARP plus lærte ruter) | 14,000 (10,000 direkte ruter og 4,000 indirekte ruter) |
Pakkebuffer pr. SKU | 6 MB buffere til 24- eller 48-ports Gigabit Ethernet-modeller |
Fleksibelt NetFlow (FNF) poster | 16,000 flyder videre 24- og 48-ports Gigabit Ethernet-modeller |
Cisco C9200-24P-E Switch Product Features
●Umbrella Integration: Small to midsize networks reliant on managed service providers can now host Cisco Umbrella agent directly on their Catalyst 9200 serieafbrydere. This allows the business to easily customize their DNS filtering policies to prevent BYOD or IoT guest or corporate users from accessing malicious or inappropriate websites, without having to rely on the MSP to push the policies out. It also lets them optimize use of bandwidth by allowing direct cloud access for trusted apps. Requires Cisco Catalyst Advantage License and Umbrella License per device
●Full Flexible NetFlow (FNF): Cisco IOS FNF is the next generation in flow visibility technology. It enables optimization of the network infrastructure, reduces operation costs, and improves capacity planning and security incident detection with increased flexibility and scalability. Katalysator 9200 Series switches are capable of up to 16,000 flow entries on 48-port,24, 12 og 8 port models.
●Superior QoS: Cisco Catalyst 9200 Series switches offer Gigabit Ethernet speeds with intelligent services that keep traffic flowing smoothly, even at 10 times the normal network speed. Industry-leading mechanisms for cross-stack marking, klassifikation, and scheduling deliver superior performance for data, stemme, and video traffic at wire speed. Superior QoS includes granular wireless bandwidth management and fair sharing, 802.1p Class of Service (CoS) and Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) field classification, Formet Round Robin (SRR) scheduling, Committed Information Rate (CIR), and eight egress queues per port.
Cisco C9200-24P-E Switch and More C9200 Models
C9200-24T-A | Katalysator 9200 24-port Data Switch, Netværksfordel |
C9200-24T-E | Katalysator 9200 24-port Data Switch, Netværk Essentials |
C9200-24P-A | Katalysator 9200 24-port PoE+ Switch, Netværksfordel |
C9200-24P-E | Katalysator 9200 24-port PoE+ Switch. Netværk Essentials |
C9200-24PB-A | Katalysator 9200 24-port PoE+, forbedret VRF, Netværksfordel |
C9200-24PXG-E | Katalysator 9200 24-port 8xmGig, 16x1G, PoE+, Netværk Essentials |
C9200-24PXG-A | Katalysator 9200 24-port 8xmGig, 16x1G, PoE+, Netværksfordel |
C9200-48T-A | Katalysator 9200 48-port Data Switch, Netværksfordel |
C9200-48T-E | Katalysator 9200 48-port Data Switch, Netværk Essentials |
C9200-48P-A | Katalysator 9200 48-port PoE+ Switch, Netværksfordel |
C9200-48P-E | Katalysator 9200 48-port PoE+ Switch, Netværk Essentials |
C9200-48PL-A | Katalysator 9200 48-Port delvis PoE+ Switch, Netværksfordel |
C9200-48PL-E | Katalysator 9200 48-Port delvis PoE+ Switch, Netværk Essentials |
C9200-48PB-A | Katalysator 9200 48-port PoE+, forbedret VRF, Netværksfordel |
C9200-48PXG-E | Katalysator 9200 48-port 8xmGig, 40x1G, PoE+, Netværk Essentials |
C9200-48PXG-A | Katalysator 9200 48-port 8xmGig, 40x1G, PoE+, Netværksfordel |
Cisco C9200-24P-E Switch Product Applications
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