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ZTE SMXA A31 10G Uplink Board is a 10GE Main Control Board with DC Power used with ZTE C320
ZTE SMXA A31 10G Uplink Board Product Overview
ZTE ZXA10 C320 is a compactly-designed access optical platform with small capacity. This OLT support xPON access and smooth evolution. ZXA10 C320 allows connect up to 4096 ONT/ONU sa potrošnjom energije manjom od 200W. ZXA10 C320 is new-generation compact OLT, only 2U high, saving installation space; high line card density: industry-leading 16-port GPON/EPON and 48-channel P2P board capability, single-frame can provide 32 G/EPON ports and 96 channels P2P GE port; ZTE C320 podržava GPON/EPON/P2P/10G EPON/XG-PON1 sa istom platformom pristupa, a takođe će podržavati TWDM-PON tehnologiju; jedinstveni glas nosioca, pristup internetu velike brzine, IPTV, tradicionalne TDM i mobilne backhaul usluge. Integrisani pristup; usvaja OLT hardversku i softversku arhitekturu velikih razmjera, podržava evoluciju arhitekture, is compatible with ZXA10 C300 service boards, i štedi troškove ploče。
ZTE SMXA A31 10G Uplink Board Product Pictures
ZTE SMXA A31 10G Uplink Board Product Specifications
OLT C320 | 1G OLT SMXA A11 | 1G Main Control Board | 2*SMXA/1 (control, GE uplink, DC napajanje 3 in 1 card) |
10G OLT SMXA A31 | 10G Uplink Main Control Board | SMXA/3 | |
Power Board | DC & AC PRAM board | ||
Service Board | GPON / Zovem 8 ports board + 8*modules or GTGH / ETGH 16 ports board + 16*moduli | ||
Accessory | 2*power cables, RJ-45 first turn 9-pin RS-232 female network cable, RJ-45 network cable |
ZTE SMXA A31 10G Uplink Board Product Features
- Unified platform for GPON, XG-PON1and P2P
- Small size and compact design, flexible network and fast deployment
- 2U frame with 2 servisni slotovi, compatible with ZXA10 C300 line cards
- Obilna mogućnost servisne podrške: IPTV, VoIP, HSI, VPN, mobile backhaul, itd
- Veća sigurnost: ONT autentikacija, identifikaciju korisničkog ID-a, izolacija porta, adresno vezivanje, filtriranje paketa, and broadcast packet suppression.
- Visoka pouzdanost: redundantnost ključnih dijelova; support Type B and Type C protection for PON downlink and LACP/ UAPS/STP/ERPS(G.8032) za uplink
- Diferencijacija usluga: Sveobuhvatni QoS mehanizmi za glas, video i usluge brzog interneta.
- Support DC input redundancy
- Support AC power supply
- Podrška 1:1 protection for PON interfaces
- Podrška 1:1 protection for SW (core card) card
ZTE SMXA A31 10G Uplink Board Product Applications
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