
SIMCom R7072 LPWA Module is a Multi-Band NB-IoT module in LCC form factor

SIMCom R7072 LPWA Module Product Overview

The module is designed for applications that need low latency, low throughput data communication in a variety of radio propagation conditions. It is designed in compact size of 24mm*24mm, making it ideal for compact products. U isto vrijeme, it supports wireless communication modes of Cat-NB/GPRS. Osim toga, R7072 has powerful expansibility with abundant interfaces including UART, GPIO, I2C etc. Considering its unique combination of performance, security and flexibility, the product is perfectly suited for M2M applications such as metering, asset tracking, remote monitoring, E-zdravstvo itd.

Slike proizvoda SIMCom R7072 LPWA modula

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SIMCom R7072 LPWA modul Specifikacije proizvoda

Brand SIMCom
Model SIMCom R7072
Form Factor LCC
Frekvencijski opsezi Cat-NB2 B3/B5/B8/B20/B28
Dimenzije(mm) 17.6×15,7×2,4 mm
Težina 1.2g±0,2g
Opseg napona napajanja 3.0V~4.2V [NB+GNSS] 2.2V~4.2V [NB samo]
Podaci Uplink: 159Kbps Downlink:127Kbps
GNSS(Opciono) • Vrijeme do prvog popravka2:Hladni startovi 29s Vrući startovi <2s
Potrošnja NB samo
1.7uA@ PSM
0.48mA @ Idle (DRX=2.56s)
0.25mA @ Idle (eDRX=40,96s;PTW=81.92s)
Interfejsi UART USIM kartica (1.8V/3V) Netlight RI ADC GPIO
Ostale karakteristike Ažuriranje firmvera putem UART-a
Certifikati Carrier: Vodafone*/ Deutsche Telekom*/ Telefónica*/
Regulatorno: GCF*/ CE*/ RoHS*/REACH*/CAT*/SRRC*

Karakteristike proizvoda SIMCom R7072 LPWA modula

  • Sa modom za uštedu energije(PSM) i produženi diskontinuirani prijem(eDRX), Y7080E može produžiti vijek trajanja baterije na 10 godine
  • pružaju dublje poboljšanje pokrivenosti u odnosu na GSM
  • Kontrola preko AT komandi

SIMCom R7072 LPWA modul proizvod i više modela

Y7080E LCC+LGA 77Pin
R7072 LCC
SIM7060R LCC 68Pin
SIM7080G LCC+LGA 77Pin
SIM7070G LCC 68Pin
SIM7060G LCC 68Pin
SIM7020E LCC 42Pin
SIM7020G LCC 42Pin
SIM7000G LCC 68Pin
SIM7000E LCC 68Pin
SIM7000A LCC 68Pin
SIM7000JC LCC 68Pin
SIM7000C LCC 68Pin
SIM7000E-N LCC 68Pin

Primjena proizvoda SIMCom R7072 LPWA modula

SIMCom Y7080E LPWA modul lpwa modul ycict

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