
Huawei TWED Service Board is 8-port Enhanced TWDM PON OLT Interface Board(including XGS-PON N1 Optical Module)

Huawei TWED Service Board Product Overview

Huawei TWED Service Board is 8-port XGS-PON interface board with XGS-PON N1 optical module for MA5800 series OLT equipment

MA5800 multi-service access equipment is a 4K/8K/VR Ready OLT in the gigabit ultra-broadband era. It adopts a distributed architecture and supports a common platform of PON/10G PON/GE/10GE. MA5800 supports multi-media Gigabit convergence, best 4K/8K/VR video experience, multi-service virtualization common platform, i 50G PON glatka evolucija.
The MA5800 series frame products include three sizes of large, srednji i mali, naime MA5800-X17, MA5800-X7 i MA5800-X2, which support multiple networking applications such as FTTB/FTTC/FTTD/FTTH/D-CCAP. The 1U box OLT product MA5801 supports full optical access coverage in low-density areas.

Huawei TWED Service Board Product Pictures

Huawei TWED Service Board YCICT Huawei TWED Service Board FOR HUAWEI MA5800 SERIESHuawei TWED Service Board YCICT YCICT Huawei TWED Service Board YCICT PRICE AND SPECS 8-port Enhanced TWDM PON OLT Interface Board(including XGS-PON N1 Optical Module)

Huawei Twed servisna ploča YCICT Huawei Twed servisna ploča Cijena i specifikacije Huawei OltHuawei TWED servisna ploča YCICT Huawei TWED servisna ploča CIJENA I SPECIFIKACIJE Huawei TWED servisna ploča NOVO I ORIGINALNO

Huawei TWED Service Board Product Specifications

Brand Huawei
Stavka TWED
Port 8
Tip N1 modul: Dvosmjerni optički modul sa jednim vlaknom, N1
Radna talasna dužina Tx: 1577 nm
Rx: 1270 nm
Vrsta enkapsulacije XFP
Port Rate Tx: 9.953 Gbit/s
Rx: 9.953/2.488 Gbit/s
Minimalna izlazna optička snaga 2 dBm
Maksimalna izlazna optička snaga 5 dBm
Maksimalna osjetljivost prijemnika -26 dBm
Tip optičkog konektora SC
Vrsta optičkog vlakna Single-mode
Optička snaga preopterećenja -6 dBm
Omjer izumiranja 8.2 dB
Dimenzije (Š x D x V) 258 mm x 23 mm x 399 mm
Potrošnja energije Statički: 108 W
Maksimum: 151 W
Radna temperatura MA5800-X17/X15/X7: -40° C to +55° C
MA5800-X2: -40° C to +65° C

Huawei TWED Service Board Product Features

  • Multi-media Gigabit Convergence

Preko PON/P2P, jedinstven pristup i konvergenciju bilo kojeg medija optičkog vlakna, realizovana je bakarna žica i kabl, and the independent access network of multi-media is evolved into an access network with a unified architecture to achieve unified access and convergence And management, pojednostaviti mrežnu arhitekturu i rad i održavanje.

  • The best 4K/8K/VR video experience:

The single-frame MA5800 can meet 16,000 families to enjoy ultra-high-definition 4K/8K/VR video online at the same time; it adopts distributed cache, with larger cache and video burst absorption capacity, thus helping 4K/8K/VR video quick start or channel switching; VMOS/eMDI video surveillance can realize the intelligent perception and troubleshooting of 4K/8K/VR video experience, donoseći najbolje iskustvo u radu i održavanju mreže i korisničko iskustvo.

  • Multi-service virtualization common platform

MA5800 has intelligence and virtualization capabilities, can logically fragment equipment and network resources, virtualize one OLT into multiple OLTs, and allocate different virtual OLTs to different services such as families , Enterprises, Internet of Things, itd. carry out multi-service intelligent operation to help integrate old OLTs, Smanjite broj CO računarskih soba, and reduce operating expenses.

Huawei TWED Service Board and More Related Boards

H901MPSC 4 GE/10GE upstream portovi za prijenos i podržava podjelu opterećenja. Podrazumevano, MA5800 se povezuje na uzvodnu mrežu preko kontrolne ploče
H901NXED Poboljšana 8-portna 10GE upstream interfejs ploča, podržava 10GE/GE Ethernet upstream prijenos. NXED se koristi kada upstream portovi koji trenutno postoje u MA5800 nisu dovoljni.
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H901GPSF 16 GPON portovi za usluge kućnog pristupa
H901XGHD 8 asimetrični 10G GPON portovi za pristupne usluge.
H901TWED 8 simetrični 10G GPON portovi za pristupne usluge.
H901EDSH 32-kanal E1 uzvodno, podržava izvorni TDM način rada.
H901OGHK 48-Port agregirana GE/FE ploča optičkog interfejsa, podržavajući do 48 kanali GE/FE
H901OXHD 8-port agregirana 10GE optička interfejs ploča, podržava GE/10GE Ethernet agregaciju.
H901PISA -48V DC ulaz
H901PISB jedan AC ulaz za napajanje i podržava bateriju za rezervno napajanje.
H901FMSA Napajanje ventilatora; kontroliše i prati ventilatore

Huawei TWED Service Board Huawei TWED Service Board PRICE AND SPECS FOR HUAWEI MA5800 OLT

Huawei TWED Service Board Product Applications

Huawei TWED Service Board YCCIT Huawei TWED Service Board PRICE AND SPECS 8-port Enhanced TWDM PON OLT Interface Board(including XGS-PON N1 Optical Module)

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