
Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2, LC) Board is Finished board unit-OptiX OSN 3500-SSN1SLD1604-2xSTM-16 optical interface board (L-16.2, LC)

Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2, LC) Board Product Overview

Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2, LC) Board supports functions and features such as receiving and transmitting 2 channels of STM-16 optical signals, overhead processing and multiplex section protection. Huawei SLD16 single board consists of photoelectric conversion module, MUX/DEMUX modul, SDH modul za nadzemnu obradu, logic control module and power supply module.

OSN3500 intelligent optical transmission equipment supports different networking applications: PURE PAKET MODE aplikacije, Aplikacije za hibridne mreže (packet mode and TDM mode overlay networking) i čisti TDM modni aplikacije za postizanje najbolje obrade podataka i tradicionalnih SDH usluga. It supports ultra-long-distance transmission with a single span of 380km, reduces relay stations, and reduces network construction costs and maintenance difficulties.
OSN7500 adopts a unified switching architecture, which can be used as packet equipment and TDM equipment based on MPL S/MPLS-TP technology. With other Huawei equipment, OSN 7500 supports different networking applications: PURE PAKET MODE aplikacije, Aplikacije za hibridne mreže (packet mode and TDM mode overlay networking) i čisti TDM modni aplikacije za postizanje najbolje obrade podataka i tradicionalnih SDH usluga. U TDM modu, OSN 7500 has a large service crossover capacity, Sa maksimalno 360Gbit / s crossover visokim redoslijedom i 40Gbit / s niskim redoslijedom niskim redoslijedom. U paketnom režimu, Njegov kapacitet prebacivanja paketa može doseći do 160Gbit / s.

Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2, LC) Board Product Pictures

Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Odbor Ycict Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2, LC) Board PRICE AND SPECS FOR OSN3500 OSN7500 SDHHuawei SSN1SLD16(I-16,LC) Odbor Ycict Huawei SSN1SLD16(I-16,LC) Cijena odbora i specifikacije Huawei SSI-16,LC(I-16,LC) Board NEW AND ORIGINAL

Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Odbor Ycict Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Cijena odbora i specifikacije Huawei SSL-16.2, LC-16.2,LC) Odbor novi i originalni YCICTHuawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Odbor Ycict Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Cijena odbora i specifikacije Huawei SSL-16.2, LC-16.2,LC) Board FOR OSN3500 OSN7500

Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2, LC) Board Product Specifications

Brand Huawei
Part NO 3053085
Model SSN1SLD16(L-16.2, LC)
Opis Huawei OSN3500 7500 2-port STM-16 2.5G optical interface board SSN1SLD1604 equipped with 2 L-16.2 80km SFP module
Nominalna brzina prijenosa 2488320 kbit/s
Uzorak linijskog koda NRZ
Kod aplikacije L-16.2
Udaljenost prijenosa (km) 40 to 80
Vrsta vlakana Jednomodni LC
Radni opseg talasnih dužina (nm) 1500 to 1580
Lansiran opseg optičke snage (dBm) -2 to +3
Osetljivost prijemnika (dBm) -28
Minimalno preopterećenje (dBm) -9
Maksimum -20 dB spektralna širina (nm) 1
Minimalni omjer izumiranja (dB) 8.2
Minimalni omjer potiskivanja bočnog moda (dB) 30
Dimenzije (mm) 25.4 (W) x 235.2 (D) x 261.4 (H)
Težina (kg) 0.9

Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2, LC) Board Product Features

  • Optical interface specifications
    It supports optical interfaces of I-16, S-16.1, L-16.1, and L-16.2. The characteristics of the optical interface comply with ITU-T G.957 and ITU-T G.692 recommendations.
    Supports standard wavelength output in compliance with ITU-T G.692 recommendations.
  • Optical module specifications
    Podržava detekciju informacija i upite optičkog modula.
    The optical interface provides the laser opening and closing settings and the laser automatic shutdown function.
  • Support the use and monitoring of SFP pluggable optical modules, which is convenient for the maintenance and upgrade of optical modules.
    Service processing
    Support VC-12/VC-3/VC-4 services and VC-4-4c, VC-4-8c, VC-4-16c cascade services.
  • Overhead processing
    Podrška sekcija nadzemne obrade STM-16 signala.
    Support the processing of channel overhead (transparentan prenos i završetak).
    Podržava postavljanje i upit J0/J1/C2 bajtova.
    Podrška 1-2 ECC komunikacija.
    Support clock synchronization feature, support section overhead transmission time information.
  • Alarms and performance
    Provide a wealth of alarms and performance events to facilitate equipment management and maintenance.

Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2, LC) Board and More Related Models

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Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2, LC) Board Product Applications

Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Odbor Ycict Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Cijena odbora i specifikacije Huawei SSL-16.2, LC-16.2,LC) Board FOR OSN3500 OSN7500

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